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Percy suddenly disappeared.

   Well that was odd.

    "Where the bloody hell did she go?!" Bunny yelled.

And in response Tooth covered my ears.

    Thanks Tooth.

    "I don't know but I bet her mom does. North we need some snow globes." I told the Russian.

   He nodded before pulling one out of nowhere whispering and smashing it.

      "Mrs. Jackson?" I asked the woman scrubbing the counters.

    "Oh. Hello." She said without turning around.

     After finishing she turned to look at us, "You're Percy's friends aren't you?"

     "Yeah. Have you seen her? She just disappeared and we wondered if you knew where she was at." I explained our reasons for coming.

    "No. I haven't. But if she was in a bad mood or needed a break she'd go to Montauk. There's a blue cabin with a pier. We always went there." She said.

     "Sally, I'm home!" A masculine voice yelled from the living room.

    "I'm in the kitchen! Go." She made a shooing motion with her hands.

    North pulled out another snow globe and told it where to take us.

     We arrived on the edge of a road. A blue cabin was right in front of us. Wow. Lucky day.

Of course it may not be the right cabin but whatever.

   We walked out around the back until we could see the pier, two people were sitting at the end of it.

One was obviously Percy, her hair was down and reached to the middle of her back.

The second one had black hair as well, but it was obviously a man.

     I asked the wind to carry the conversation over.

   "Dad." Percy's voice was carried over. "I love you." She wrapped her arms around him.

     "How are you alive? I saw you die. Your screams-" The man, I'm presuming her dad, asked. He pulled away from the embrace and I'm guessing he kissed her head.

     I wish we could get closer but we're lucky Percy hasn't seen us yet.

    "Please don't remind me." We could see Percy move her head. She buried it in her dad's shoulder.

     "Okay." He shifted a little bit, lifting a hand towards Percy's head.

   "Artemis is how. She grabbed my soul and turned me immortal. Oh and she restored my powers."  She answered his question. Wait. Restored?

And wasn't Artemis a goddess? And Manny brings us back to life. Maybe that was Manny's name.

    "I have half a mind to put a leash on you so you can't disappear again." Her dad said moving Percy onto his lap.

I moved to the side so I could see them better.

"Don't worry Dad. I'm good." She turned and looked out over the sea. The sea looks like it changed colors.

It was a grayish color before, although that could just be the fact its almost sunset.

But now it looks pristinely blue. More perfect than I've ever seen it.

Even though I stay away from water. Aquaphobia remember?

     "Percy. No one would be fine after everything you've been through." Her dad started messing with her hair.

      "Dad you're remind me of Aphrodite." Again isn't Aphrodite a goddess? Artemis, Aphrodite. These are all the names of goddesses.

    He stopped messing with her hair. "Have you touched water? More specifically, sea water?" He asked turning her.

     She looked at her hands. "No."

That's not safe. Sea spirits can become incredibly weak without water.

Well I don't know how weak but that's not the point.

     He said nothing but hugged her. I could hear Percy softly crying.

       "Percy." He rubbed her back gently.

   "I'm sorry." She apologized.

      "For what?" Her dad pulled away staring at her.

  "I don't know." She ducked her head.

   "Percy. You need water." He put a hand on her forehead. "You have a fever."

     I knew she felt warm earlier. I just passed it off though.

     "It could be a side effect from the Bolt." He said like he was explaining something.

    "I can't really touch water." She said and my eyebrows rose.

Didn't she say something earlier? Flashbacks or something?

      "Flashback." She explained. Apparently her dad was just as mystified as I felt.

       "I'm here Percy. If you have a flashback I'll be with you the entire time." He said pulling up a sphere of water that hovered between them.

Hold the phone! He can control water!

      "Okay..." She put her hand in the water.

     Her form visibly relaxed.

     Her dad lifted a hand to her forehead again and nodded.

    "Better." He pulled reached into his pocket, "I was meaning to give this to you. As a birthday gift. But you can have it now."

      He gave it to Percy.

      "Thanks Dad." She hugged him before looking the present.

   I couldn't tell what it was but I guess she liked it.

      "I love it." She gave him a kiss before slipping it onto her finger, a ring.

      "I'm glad. Now tell me what you've been up to." Her dad smiled gently.

      "Um. I help out vessels that get stranded. I basically go around helping people. Oh and if Annabeth happens to be near water I occasionally throw some at her."

     He nodded approvingly. Annabeth is who got her killed right?

      "Who's there?" Her dad demanded not looking back.

I hopped back over to the other Guardians.

Percy looked over his shoulder at us.

      "Those are my friends. I better go. Love you." She kissed his check before crawling onto the pier and walking over to us.

       "So... Who is this?" North asked.

       "No one of your concern. See you back at the Pole." Percy disappeared into water vapor .

"Well. That's strange." Bunny said.

     The man walked over to us.

    "Let me give you one warning. If you hurt my daughter in anyway I will hunt you down." With that he stepped back and dissolved into mist.

    "Anyone else creeped out by that?" Bunny asked, his ears tucked to his head.

    "Just scared." I answered. "I really think he was serious."

   "Who cares? We need to get going." North pulled out another snow globe and soon we were back at the Pole.

  "Hi guys."

Percy The GuardianWhere stories live. Discover now