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"Percy!" Jack's voice rang through the air.

I sprang out of bed and rushed into the hallway, where I ran into Jack.
"Lukewasinmyroomandsaidthatherememberedsomethingandthathe'sbeingcontrolledandthatwhoeveritiswantsyoudeadandPitchisgoingtotryandusherinanotherDarkAgeinordertoweakenyourparents." He spit out in a rush.

He panted for breath.

"What did you say?" I thought I heard it but I'm hoping I misheard.

"I said that Luke was in my room and said that he remembered something and that he's being controlled and that whoever it is wants you dead and Pitch is going to try and usher in another Dark Age in order to weaken your parents."

Great. I heard him right the first time.

"This is bad. So very very bad." I muttered and leaned against the wall.

Dragging my hand down over my face I said a few words that my mother would kill me for saying.

"Why is it so bad? Besides the person wanting you dead."

"Because it means I have to go back to my family and warn them. Even if they killed me about half of them said I was innocent."


"Yeah. Oh. Now let's go get the others."

We walked out into the living room. Some Disney show was playing on TV.

"Guys. I have bad news." I said causing the Guardians to look at me.

"What is it?" North asked.

I sighed. "We are going to have to pay a visit to my family."

"Why is that so bad again?" Bunny asked. Seriously how forgetful is he?

"They were the reason I died."

"Oh yeah."

"Why do we have to pay a visit to them?" Tooth asked.

"Because Pitch is trying to weaken them. And if they are weakened there is a high chance they could be overthrown. And if they're overthrown Western civilization will fall."

Everyone stared at me. What?

Do I have something on my face?

"Why would Western Civilization fall if your family is overthrown?"


"Listen. My family is extremely powerful. If they fall, the whole of Western civilization will fall with them."

"Actually explain it please." Bunny asked.

What wasn't that good enough for them?

Sighing I looked up at them, staring at me.

"Let's look at it this way. If you take the head of a nation. Not just the leader, but everyone in the administration. Let's say you overthrow them. What happens?"

"The country falls into turmoil. What does this have to do with your family?'' North asked.

I walked over to the wall and hit my head against it.

Then I walked back over to the group.

"My family is exactly like that."

"Hold up. Your family controls not just a country but the fate of Western Civilization." Tooth was staring at me.

Oh my freaking gods. Are they really this dense? Or is it just me?

"Yes." I said as if I was talking to a three year old little girl who is considered a monkey-child by her older sister.

Percy The GuardianWhere stories live. Discover now