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I was learning to use a dagger when it happened.

What happened you may be wondering.

Well. In all honesty. I don't know.

All I know is water started to flood around our ankles.

I felt my pale complexion pale further.

I hopped up on a large crate and sat, looking at Annabeth.

"What's going on?" I asked.

Athena, who had been reading a book, looked up. "Old Fish Face is mad. Or his idiot daughter."

"Mom! Can you please not insult Percy?"

"Maybe...or maybe not... because it's true."

Annabeth sighed. "We better go see what's wrong."

I nodded and asked the Wind to allow me to hover just above the water.

"Want a lift?" I asked after a minute of Annabeth trudging through, now knee high, water.

She nodded and I pulled her up.

As we flew over the camp I could hear Annabeth's laughter.

"This is so cool!"

"I know right!" I yelled back.

"Over there! The canoe lake!" She pointed at an area, where I remember a lake being.

"How do you know?!"

"See that glow?! Percy's aura is manifesting itself!"

We hovered over the glow.

"Why is it manifesting?" I asked looking at Annabeth.

Her blonde curls blew in the wind and her gray eyes were calculating.

Well. They looked like she was trying to solve a really complex math equation.

So more like half calculating half confused.

"I don't know. But... it's not her causing this."

I shot her a puzzled look.

"Percy won't hurt anything she cares about. And Camp is a second home to her."


Well. That does make sense.

"So what do we do?" I doubt she's in danger. But she did die in water so I don't know if she might have a flashback.

"We just have to wait it out. Percy and Lord Poseidon aren't really all that different. Like you are dating a female version of Poseidon."

I shuddered imagining...that.

Not dating Percy. I'm completely happy with her.

But imagine me dating Poseidon.


"I think we should go sit at the dining pavilion. It's the highest point in camp."

I nodded. "Yeah. We don't want to drown."

Well. I don't want to drown again.


I froze upon her saying those words.

Then my fatherly instincts kicked into overdrive.

"Baby girl..." I laced my fingers through hers.

She must have grabbed my hands to suppress my reaction.

Even though there are twelve earthquakes, seven hurricanes, and three tsunamis occurring that were not there a minute ago.

Oh and the camp is being flooded too.

Percy The GuardianWhere stories live. Discover now