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Percy paled at the mermaid's words.

   "Who's his helper?" She asked, fear in her voice. Or was it something else?

    "We know not his name. But he has blonde hair and a scar down his face."

   "Godsdamn it." Percy kicked some sand up into the air.

    "Percy? You-"

   North was cut off by a dark chilling laugh.


     "She realizes that you cannot beat the best swordsman from ancient times." Pitch stepped out from a shadow, another man trailing behind.

   Percy growled low in her throat and pulled a pen out of her pockets.

   "What did I upset you?" He asked mockingly.

    Percy narrowed her eyes at the Boogyman.

    "Not talking huh? Guess we have another little Sandman running around. Heros take care of her."

Percy snorted as Heros approached here.

    "You choose to recruit the guy named Hero? And I thought I was dumb."

    The man unsheathed his sword. North moved between him and Percy, swords drawn.

   The man lunged forward. North tried to block but Heros simply disarmed him.

  Pitch laughed. "You guys think you could defeat him? He has thousands of years of experience."

   I was impressed. He's managed to stick around that long. Percy didn't seem impressed at all.

    "Pitch you apparently need to check the calendar. He's more like twenty-two."

   She seemed so sure in herself that Pitch thought it was funny.

    "Little girl you know nothing. His fighting style, his weapon, those are Ancient Greek."

   Rolling her eyes Percy took the cap off of her pen. It immediately grew into a three foot long sword.

    "Anaklusmos. Ancient Greek weapon wielded by Heracles. It was given to him by Zoë of the Hesperides." She looked Pitch square in the eye. "I have fought a lot worse things than you with this sword."

     Heros approached her sword ready. Percy made the first move feinting at his left side before reversing course for a slice at his ribs.

      She grazed his shirt, causing it to rip.

    He retaliated with a quick jab. Percy blocked it and with one maneuver she disarmed him.

    "Really? You taught me that. How did you fall for it?"

     They know each other?

   "I do not know you. All I know is the Dark Age must be restored."

    She shook her head. "What about our parents? Your dad cares about you. You were the very first person we forgave and your father showed that."

   Heros brow furrowed. "You know my father?"

  Percy nodded before falling over. Pitch stood behind her fallen body.

    "Well that takes care of that. Heros come."

     The blonde looked down at Percy like he was trying to remember something. But he shook his head and walked into the shadows with Pitch.

     "Percy!" I ran towards her limp body. She wasn't moving, except the rise and fall of her chest.

Percy The GuardianWhere stories live. Discover now