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We reappeared outside the Empire State Building and the Guardians stared at it.

   Meanwhile I was doubled over from the amount of energy that took.

   I've never tried to travel that many people at a time before. And all without touching them too.

    "Percy you okay?" Jack asked.

  I nodded and straightened.

   "Remember. Don't reveal my identity. I'll also cloak you once we're on the way up."

    They nodded.

   Several people walked through us. I will never get used to that feeling.

    "What should we call you?" North asked.

    I thought about it for a moment. "Call me Tide." My dad and Artemis and Hermes...and Hades should realize that it's me.

   The Guardians nodded.

   "Let's go." I turned and walked up to the front doors.

  Taking a deep breath I pulled them open and stepped through.

  The lobby had nobody in it.

I wonder if the demigods going to Olympus actually enter a different lobby than the tourists.

  That would make a lot of sense because then you wouldn't have to worry about anyone ending up finding out the existence of the gods.

  Although I pity anyone who has actually discovered them.

I highly doubt that they are still breathing.

Or sane.

Or don't have permanent amnesia.

I walked up to the guy at the front desk.

  "Key for the 600th floor please." I asked nicely.

   "No such thing kid. Run along." He didn't look up from his magazine.

   "I said please. I thought that was the magic word. But maybe give me the key or I will run you through with my sword works."

   He looked up at me and stared.

   "Please remove your hood and mask." He read a sign, pointing to it as if I could read it.

  Sighing I pulled down my hood and removed my mask.

  The guy stuttered. "Y-You're supposed to be dead."

   "And you are supposed to be helpful." I shot back.

    The guy reached under the desk.

    Not happening. I don't like doing this but I don't want them to know that I'm coming.

    I controlled the water in his body and held it in its position.

    "Give me the key and don't even think about pressing the button." I gave him control of his body back.

   He threw the key at me and sat still.

   "Thank you. And sorry about this." I cooled the blood in his body until he passed out.

   I turned back to the Guardians. "Let's go."

They were staring at me mouths open.

Well then. Did no one ever tell them that staring was rude?

  "Close your mouth you'll catch flies." I said and walked over to the elevator.

   They snapped their mouths shut.

Percy The GuardianWhere stories live. Discover now