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I paced the length of my cabin. How could I have let that happen?

They took her, while I was watching her.

What kind of father am I?

Who knows what they could be doing to her.

I laughed and balanced a spoon on my nose.

Kronos chuckled and shook his head. "Eat. I know you need to. You need to build up your strength.

And this happened after I told her I wouldn't let anything happen to her.

I said that I would keep her safe.

I mean, it's the least I could do, especially considering the fact that her flaw forces her to risk her 'life' and safety for us.

I kinda like this. This feeling of freedom.

I don't think I've ever felt like this before.

I've never been free of my flaw like this. I don't have that overwhelming urge to protect them anymore.

And why should I?

They've only used me. Luke betrayed me. Jack...well...

He's just as much of a pawn. And I mean pawns can be dangerous in chess.

If you get one to the other side of the board you can exchange it for a more powerful piece.

That's the one thing that was useful from Annabeth.

I don't like this. It...it scares me.

Not just for the fact Percy could easily destroy us... hopefully my brothers' children could stop her.

But it scares me the way I was scared by knowing she tried to kill herself.

I don't want to lose her.


If it comes down to it...

I dodged the spear before slicing my sword through the air.

The empousai leaned back dodging the strike.

She dropped the spear before slashing at me.

I ducked under it, before swinging my sword towards her neck.

Then I turned my sword so the flat of the blade hit her neck instead.

She growled, her hair flaring up.

"I'll get you one of these days demigod!" Kelly hissed.

"Enough. You will not harm her as long as she fights as one of us." Kronos ordered standing up and walking down to me.

He placed his hands on my shoulders before looking me over for any injuries.

"Good. Do you feel okay? Did you pull anything?"

I can't decide if he's pretending or not. But he makes an effort.

So either way, he's better than the gods.

"I'm fine my Lord."

"I told you, I am your grandfather. You can address me as such."


It sounds weird. But I think I could get used to it.

"Now how about you go relax for a little bit? You couldn't have gotten much sleep last night. I know you didn't."

I nodded before turning and walking down to my room.

"I can't believe he is still trusting you. It's not like we have full control of you." Pitch was leaning against my door. "You are obviously playing us."

I raised an eyebrow. "You really think that don't you?" I smiled before shaking my head. "You just don't get it."

"Get what?"

"The only thing that was keeping me with them the only thing keeping me from betraying them. That was my flaw. Now that that's gone...I have no reason to stay tied to them."

"That seems like a very convenient argument."

"The similarities between Luke and I... they're there. I mean we both got to camp around twelve, and Luke's resentment finally allowed him to  betray them when he was around seventeen right? Well, look at me? I've never been the happiest camper. I mean my father only claimed me so I could do something for him. He called me a mistake. Not to mention the fact I had to deal with all kinds of schist just because I was his child. A child that shouldn't exist. So tell me, why would I stay loyal now that my flaw is gone?"

Pitch smirked, standing up. "Right answer. And if you need me, you know where to find me."

"I don't I'll want to find you. And keep your nightmare magic to yourself."

"No can do. We're in my dimension now. My house my rules."

"Except if my grandpa overturns it."

"If he wouldn't kill me. I would so not hesitate to kill you Lady of the Sea."

"Like you could." I waved my hand and some water shoved him out of the way before entering my room.

There was a bookshelf filled with all kinds of different reading materials.

Most of them had to do with strategy or the physics of the nightmare dimension and time manipulation.

There's also a few on techniques for water powers.

They said they're copies from some ancient library.

It doesn't matter though.

The information is accurate.

But that's not what I was going to do.

I curled up in the chair next to the bookshelf.

I'm not going to sleep or anything. I just like curling up in the chair.

What? It's not that weird.

I mean it's not like I'm upside down curled up eating ice cream and tuna.

You know...cause I don't eat fish?

Cause I would sooooooo do the rest of it.

Probably actually have.

The door opened.

"This isn't what I meant Percy."

I shrugged. "I'm not going to sleep. So I think I'll just sit her and stare at the wall."

"That gets boring real fast you know."

"Why do I feel like you're going to slow down time?"

"Because I already am."

I will not hesitate to kill her.


Again don't question it.

But I decided to try that out.

And I have to do some training stuff today and then I have testing on Thursday.

Just a little FYI brainwashing unless it's like what happens Bucky can't make you do something you don't want to do.

Anyway please check out my new book

(Fem) Percy meets Fablehaven

Anyway I need to sleep (typed this last night) but I'll probably eat something. Probably tuna. Cause that sounds good.


See yah

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