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Percy quickly fell asleep and I sighed.

Guess I'm gonna be here for a while.

Not that I mind it or anything.

I was just in the middle of pranking somebody.

Bright side though. I won't get caught in the fallout.

Luke chuckled and shook his head. "Same old Perce."

Then he stared straight at Poseidon. "Even I could realize something was off before this. I'm just gonna go out on a limb here and guess you had no idea whatsoever."

The god, instead of protesting like I thought he would, just simply nodded.

"I never knew until she told me."

Percy's mom sighed and sat next to me, gently stroking Percy's hair.

"Sweetheart..." She mumbled.

"Luke?" I looked up at him.

"What Frosty?"

I swear if Bunny ever hears the nickname I will soooo cause Florida to freeze over.

Right before Easter.

"What's the time table for the attack?"

This made him frown. "Don't really know. They might move it up. Or they might move it back. Either way we need to be prepared."

Well that tells us a whole lot doesn't it?

"Do you think Percy should go back to Camp, Uncle P? I mean...just look at her." Hermes ran a hand through his hair. "She was practically my daughter for a time. I don't want her to get hurt either."

Speaking of her... She turned in my arms, head resting on my shoulder.

"No..." Percy cried out softly. "Please no..."

"Shh... it's okay. I'm here. Your dad is here. So is your mom and Luke. We're here Percy. You're safe." I whispered in her ear.

"Wait. What the Hades are you wearing?" Chuckling, Luke covered his mouth.

Well somebody just know noticed my outfit.

"Colonial. And here's a much more important question. Why was Percy crying?"

Three of the people in the room looked at each other, silently telling each other to speak.

Eventually Sally spoke. "It has to do with her past Jack. A big portion of it that I have to admit I could have prevented."

"And I could have as well. If I had checked in on her-"

There was a knock on the door interrupting Poseidon.

"I got it." Hermes practically teleported to the door.

"Hey Annabeth. Frank." He greeted and let them in.

"Lord Hermes/Mercury?" Those two asked in unison.

Hermes form flickered for a second but ended up staying the same. "Hermes. I'm Hermes Frank."

"Of course. Sorry my lord."

"Seaweed Brain!" Annabeth yelled noticing her best friend, before rushing over and kneeling next to me.

"She's just asleep Annie. Don't kill Jack." Luke spoke.

And I swear Annabeth became an actual owl, her eyes went so wide and she craned her neck to look at the blond.

"Luke!" The blonde lunged at him. And he quickly caught her.

"Sup Blondie?"

"I told you not to call me that!"

"Uh. Not to interrupt this truly heartfelt reunion or anything...but isn't this kinda of dangerous? Four demigods, albeit two dead ones, in the same room?" I raised an eyebrow. "Couldn't that cause some issues?"

"Forgot about that...but...do those two still have a scent?" Frank asked Poseidon.

Focusing for a second, he shrugged. "Can't tell. Percy's been around me so much that I can't pick up her aura. And Luke has been around so many monsters that it looks like he's temporarily masked from them."

"Doesn't matter either way though. You two are still pretty powerful yourself. Monsters would be more than happy to take even one of you as a prize." Luke sat Annabeth down.

"So we should probably head back to camp then."

"Only issue with that is...Percy doesn't want to. Don't really know why. But she doesn't."

"And I'd probably be killed the second I step foot in camp. Not to mention the fact that I could actually fall back under their control and you know...kill everybody?"

I'll give you one guess as to who that was.

"You're still my son Luke. And you were among the first people to be forgiven. Only like...six people probably want to kill you."

"That's so reassuring."

"Well it's better than three hundred isn't it?"

"At least then I'd know not to trust anybody."

"Again you're my kid. Since when have you trusted anyone outside your cabin?"

"True but there's Chris. He kinda went insane because of me."

"He won't hurt you. You're still the cabin's role model. Besides just watch out for Clarisse and Pollux mainly and you'll be fine."

"He's right Luke. You'd be overall safer at camp. There are barriers there. They can keep the monsters who would take you back out." Annabeth rationed.

Frank laughed before quickly stopping.

"What?" The daughter of Athena looked at him.

"It just sounds like a kidnapping thing doesn't it? Monsters who would take you back?"

"Would you guys shut up? I'm trying to sleep and you are so helpful."

"Sleeping Beauty's awake guys." Luke chuckled.

"Shut up. And I wouldn't be if you guys would stop arguing!"

"Do you want to go to camp?" I asked her.

"Not really. But if it means I can get to sleep and not have to deal with a bunch of arguing between gods and their kids or the kids of gods I'll go back."

I looked up at them.

"Do you guys promise to bot argue around Percy while she tries to sleep if we go back to camp?"

"Yes we-"

An image appeared in front of us.

"Uh. Guys! There's kinda a giant shadowy monster here and-" Jason flew out of the way of a flailing tentacle. "Well. Just come help would yah?"

"We'll be there in a sec Sparky." Percy slid out of my arms and cut through the message.

"So much for a nice nap."


So glad I had a two hour delay today.

Cause I had nothing for this chapter

So probably crap cause guess who never really fell asleep last night?

And also

How the heck are you supposed to have time for electives if you want to graduate with honors!


See yah.

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