Percy (7)

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Thank the gods, at least Artemis and the others who believed me, that Jack believed that.

Okay yes I'm visiting the secret memorial. But I do remember my life. So it was a partial lie.

I reappeared in the secret grove in Central Park.

"Hey Luke. How's it going? Sorry I didn't visit. I was sorta kidnap by the Royal Pain and then I died. So yeah. I can't stay long. Otherwise they'll notice I'm gone."

I formed a rose out of water and froze it.

"There you go. Now if you're still in Elysium remember steal some toiletries from a shop down there. Bye Luke."

There was a sharp intake of breath and I whipped around. Hermes was standing there staring at me. Schist.

Let's um. Turn myself partially into vapor yeah!

"Perce?" He asked shakily.

"Hey couz. George and Martha on mute?"

He nodded.

"How are you-?"

"Alive? I'm not. Side effect of getting hit by the bolt. But my spirit can never make it to the Underworld to be judged." Never.

But what if I die again? Then can my soul make it there?

Hermes reached out to touch me but his hand passed through me.

"That feels so weird." I shuddered. It felt like a sword cut through me.

He pulled his hand back.

"So how are you? And do you know who built this? I found it two months ago. Ever since then I occasionally stop by and talk."

"Good except for being dead. And I built this with some help from Tyson. But he promised he wouldn't tell."

"Why did Annabeth say that?"

"Your guess is as good as mine. Could be her hubris. But what's happening up there?"

"My dad is having full out arguments with your dad. Artemis argues with Athena. She stills says you are the one decent female who didn't and would never join the hunt. Athena says that you're a traitor and Apollo sides with his sister."

Okay so Artemis once said I'm the one female who could hunt with her and not swear the oath. Its nice of her to defend me.

Even if she made me immortal against my will.

"Your dad when not arguing is either depressed or trying to figure out who else is controlling the water besides him."

"Um. That's kinda me. I still have my powers." I rubbed the back of my head.


Hey Percy. Got any rats?

Shut up George. Hello Percy. Nice to see you.

"How'd you get off mute?" Hermes hissed at them.

We will never tell. Well I might for some rats.

Martha swatted him with her head.

Always with the rats.

Hermes put them back on mute.

"I don't really know. But I help out some stranded vessels. Usually sail boats."

"Well. I've got to get back on my route. Take care Perce."

"Hermes swear not to tell. If anyone else finds out it might get back to your dad. Then who knows what he will do."

"I swear on the Styx I will not reveal what I have just discovered." Not that he will die from breaking it but whatever.

"Thanks Hermes. I better get back. They'll be looking for me eventually."

I dissolved completely before he could question me.

I followed Jack's energy town to a town up somewhere in New England.

Don't ask me where. I can only read sea coordinates, not every coordinate on Earth.

I materialized in a bedroom where Jack was talking to a boy around eleven, but he might have been twelve.

Who knows?

"There's a new Guardian?" The kid asked.

"Yep." Jack blew up a puff of cold air.

"Its not nice to talk about people Jack." I said startling the winter sprite.

"Hey Percy. This is Jamie." He pointed to the kid.

I turned to the lamp, "Hi Jamie."

"No the kid is Jamie."

I laughed. "I know. I'm messing with you."

"She's here?" Jamie asked.

No Jack's gone crazy.

"Yep. Percy the Lady of the Sea. She- What exactly do you do anyway?"

"I kidnap young princes and drag them to an abandoned island and leave them."

"Haha, very funny. But seriously."

"I am being serious. But no, I help out stranded sea vessels. And in my spare time write legends about myself and slip them into tribal communities. I'm surprised you didn't think to do that Jack."

"She helps out stranded vessels." He told Jamie.

I noticed a glass of water on the table and I manipulated the water.

"Cool." He said noticing the water.

"I know right?" He turned around and stared at me.

"Hi Percy. But Jack can you help me with my homework?"

"You know that's not my thing." Jack made animals out of snow.

How is it not melting?

Never mind.

"What is it?" I asked. Yes I can care. Jeez, I'm not Nico.

"I have to write a story about the Greek gods." No way. This is just perfect.

"Okay I can help."

"Really? Cause that would be great. It needs to be a fictional story. About the Olympians"

"Okay so I'm thinking Poseidon would be laid back but awesome and caring. Apollo would do a lot of haiku's and annoy his twin. Artemis would hate guys and argue with Apollo over who's older." I paused to let him take notes.

"Ares would be hitting on Aphrodite and arguing with Athena, who would otherwise be reading or arguing with Poseidon. Hera would argue with Zeus over his affairs. And he would be dramatic over everything. Aphrodite would be doing makeup or crying over ships. Hephaestus would be building some small prototype model."

I took a breath. I don't have to worry about the gods hearing me. Except Artemis. She blocked me from the other gods hearing and indirect sight.

Meaning I can say their name and they can't see me without physically being there.

"Demeter would be doing something with cereal. Hermes would be stealing stuff from the others or delivering stuff. Dionysus would be reading wine magazines or sleeping. And that's what I think they would be doing."

"Thanks! I better get started." Jamie pulled out some paper.

"We better get back Jack." I said.

"Yeah." He nodded.

I grabbed his arm and traveled us back to the North Pole.


Kinda published the wrong part. Sorry. But hey. You can read the right one now.

Percy The GuardianWhere stories live. Discover now