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Percy pressed her lips to mine lightly.

She then went to her room.

I'm confused. Who's Leo? Is it someone from her past?

And would he still be alive? I mean her mom is still alive so why couldn't Leo be alive, whoever he is?

  Tooth flew by and opened Percy's door. "Who are you?!"

    I ran to the door to see a man hugging Percy. He looks really familiar.

   Wait. "You're Percy's dad." I said.

    Tooth looked like she just realized that fact herself.

   "Yes. Now remember. If you hurt my daughter in anyway I will make you regret it. Got it?" He stared me down.

   His sea green eyes were filled with so much protectiveness that I didn't doubt his words.

"I got it." I said. Percy tapped his shoulder.

    "What?" He looked down at her.

     "Don't tell anyone this."

     "Okay. Why?" He was confused.

     "Another reason I know Luke's-"

      "Sorry Percy. My brother wants me. If I don't show up..."

     "It's okay. I can tell you later. Love you."

   Her dad disappeared in a spray of mist.

    "How is he your dad?" Tooth asked.

     "Tooth I'm pretty sure you know how that happened." Percy smirked.

    "No I met isn't he a spirit?"

    "Oh. Yeah he is. He was lost at sea before I was born. But he's the King of the Seas."

     That explains how he could control water.

"He knows Heros?" Tooth asked.

Percy groaned. "Call him Luke. And yes my dad does know him. Pretty much everyone in my family either knows him or has heard about him."

"Who was he to you?" Tooth asked. I kinda wanted to know too. Because if she liked him things would get real awkward real fast.

   "He was an older brother to a lot of kids. He was a cabin counselor. His cabin always got the kids who they don't know where to put them. It was crowded."

    Okay that makes things a lot less awkward.

"Why wouldn't they know where to put them?" I asked as that question came to mind.

    Percy looked like she said something that she wasn't supposed to say.

   "Oh. Um... We kinda had to take a test thing so they could figure out what cabin to place us in. The kids who didn't fit into the eleven available cabins would stay there. Plus the kids who did belong there."

     "That sounds very crowded."

     Percy nodded. "I honestly thought that they should split them up into the different cabins. My cabin that first year... I was the only one in it. Then later there was another kid. But he wasn't always there."

     "Why didn't they?" Tooth questioned.

   Percy shook her head. "Has to do with our religion. That cabin's patron is very accepting."

      "Wait. You're saying stuff like that's what used to happen." I noticed.

     Percy nodded. "As the kids take the test and get the results new cabins are built for ones who need it."

Percy The GuardianWhere stories live. Discover now