Poseidon (24)

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My baby girl's eyes closed and she drifted off to sleep.

I smiled gently and kissed her forehead.

When she's asleep...she looks like nothing matters. Like she has nothing to worry about.

I grimaced thinking of all the times she's probably held stuff from us.

She said she was fine after the first war. Was she lying?

And what she said my father said to her.

Did he actually? Or was she just voicing her own thoughts?

I gently got off of her bed. I don't want to wake her.

Looking down at her I felt a surge of protectiveness.

Percy is my first demigod daughter. I want to keep her safe.

We tend to have male children, me and my brothers, for some reason or the other.

And even if they were going to be girls they die before birth in some way. Thalia, Bianca, and Hazel were lucky exceptions to that.

But I've only heard about the girls dying before they were even born from my brothers.

Percy is the only girl I've ever sired. Well mortal. There's Kym and then Charbydis, still mad at Zeus by the way.

Anyway I looked around the cabin.

Several pictures of her and her friends were stuck up. And there were a few others.

One had her and her mother in front of an aquarium. That was taken when Percy was about four.

Sally had a wide smile and was holding Percy who had an even larger smile on her face.

There was another one, just of Percy though.

She was sitting on the beach staring out at the ocean.

She looked just a little bit younger than she is now.

Maybe fifteen?

I smiled. What belongs to the sea will always return to the sea.

Noticing a sheet of paper stuck to the wall I walked over to it.

Story of the Huntress

-Written by Percy Jackson (*cough* the author *cough*)

The stars have never looked more beautiful
It's like a friend is looking down
Each has a story

Some untold
Others are famous
And some withheld

A girl and her sisters
Father imprisoned
Guard the apples

A man's penance
Twelve tasks to complete
Retrieve a golden apple

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