We won, yet again

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Chapter seven

"No! You can't!" She whisper yelled at me. I shook my head.
"I have to see what he wants. For all we know, he could be the Dimension Hopper. We need to know. I have to go." Tears started falling down her face.
"You can't. You don't know what he'll do to you. You don't know what he wants. For all we know he could just want to kill you himself." I shook my head.
"I know my brother. He wouldn't just kill his own sister out of the blue. Hell, he brought me and Natsu back to life." Shimmer was one of the few people who knew about my past. The only ones that did were her, Cobalt, Razor, Karma, Blossom, Luna, and Crimson, before she died.
"That was over 400 years ago! People change in 400 years. They change a lot!" She put her hands on my shoulders and was shaking me. "You can't go."
"I have to. I have to see what's going on. The repercussions could be life threatening. To not just me, but the whole kingdom." I said. At this point, Shimmer wasn't crying. She was bawling. Tears streaming down her face. I pulled her into a hug. Her face went to my shoulder.
"You can't."

"Wake up!" I opened my eyes. Shimmer was beside me whispering. "I heard something outside. I want to check it out." I rubbed the sleep from my eyes.
"Now?" I asked, yawning. She nodded. Before I had fallen asleep, I changed into my PJ's. Which happened to be me and Shimmers matching onesies. I had a white dragon, with a little hood. While hers was the same, but yellow. I sighed, following her out the tent. Looking around, there were still a few people hanging out around the fire. While all of the pass out drunks had been laid on a blanket in a pile. Lyon had pulled out a guitar and was playing. Sting, Rogue, Grey, Natsu, Luna, Lucy, Summer, and a few others I was to tired to remember the names of where hanging out around the fire listening to him. I looked at my watch. '1:32 am'. Shimmer grabbed my hand and pulled me over. The wind blowing our dragon hoods up.
"Hi. I didn't know you guys were awake." Luna said. Summer gave me a smile, before going back to talk to Lucy about some guys that were famous. I wanted to say their names were, 'Dan' and 'Phill'? I sat down on Rogues lap, looking at my brother.
"Hoi. I'm Timmie." I said, sleep in my voice, I rested my head on Rouges chest. Natsu gave me a weird look. "Temmie want Temmie Flakes." I said. They laughed. I heard Razor yell something about Sans, having immediately gotten the reference to the game called Undertale. Lyon stroking his guitar strings.
"Would a s'more work?" Rogue asked me, his breath tickling my ear. I nodded.
"No cocoa. Me no like chocolate." I mumbled. I hear people gasp. Not wanting to deal with that mess, I flipped them off. Resulting in a few laughs. He nodded, handing me his s'more.
"I don't like the chocolate either." I smiled, taking a bite. I heard Natsu growl, but was cut off. I'm assuming by Luna, whacking him in the head. I looked up as I finished it. I looked at Shimmer, who was on Stings lap. I noticed her face was still red and puffy, I could also tell that Sting was doing his best not to ask. I looked at my brother, who was now arguing with Luna. Rogue looked at me.
"Want another?" I shook my head.
"Temmie full. Full of Temmie Flakes." I looked at Razor.
"I guess you could say, you have Temmie ache!" I laughed. Shaking my head. Knowing the animation she was talking about. After Fiore discovered technology, memes, games, animations, and all kinds of videos came up and into the world. I looked up at Rogue and smiled.
"Hoi." He smirked.
"Hi." I curled up into him, closing my eyes. Lyon started to play a song, and I fell asleep.

I woke up to yelling. Opening my eyes, I realized where I was. In my tent. I sat up. Still in my PJ's I walked out. I shook my head, to make sure I was seeing things correctly. Rufus was carrying Cobalt. I smiled. "Hey." I looked at Rin. His sword was sheathed.
"Look, I'm sorry about my brother." I held up my hand.
"If this is about him, go away. I'm not in the mood."
"Our dad. Not Satan, the one that took care of us, was killed by Satan. A very powerful demon."
"And most of my family was killed by a dragon. Your point?" He opened his mouth, and then closed it. "Look, I have a lot on my plate that I need to think about. So just leave me alone." I turned walking away. It was the last day, tomorrow we left.

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