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Chapter fourteen

The ground rumbled beneath me. I groaned, slowly opening my eyes. I was in a field. I stood up as the ground rumbled again. I spun, a naked giant stood before me. In its hand was Shimmer. Fast asleep. It was bringing her to its mouth. "Oh hell no." I created wings of ice on my back. Flying up. "ICE DRAGON: WING ATTACK!" I screamed, slicing its hand clean off. Shimmer slammed on the ground as the hand let go of her. She woke up. "WHATS GOING ON!" She screamed, then saw the giant in front of her. The giant looked at me. Reaching for me with its other arm. "LIGHTNING DRAGON HEAVENWARD HALBERD!" Shimmer screamed, sending a massive bolt of lightning, slowly turning into a spear, at the giants heart.

"High five!" I sighed, giving Shimmer a high five. Suddenly the giant came from out of the dust, both hands grabbed me. I screamed, fear suddenly turned to rage as I was headed towards its mouth. "ICE DRAGON:-" Blood splattered, some of it hitting me. Pain shot through my arm, as I fell to the ground, the giant next to me. Shimmer ran over. "Frost!" My face was twisted in pain. "Get the blood off of me." I said, through clenched teeth. I couldn't take the immense heat. "What are you doing outside the wall!?" I opened my eyes, trying to ignore the burning on my arm as Shimmer tried to get it off of me. "What do you mean?" I said through clenched teeth. Since when was there a wall in Fiore. Or even giants. "Just what I said. Eren! Get over here and help these lady's!" A boy our age ran up to us, a girl the same age followed. She was wearing a red scarf. Not to mention all of them had these weird machines attached to their waist. "I'm Eren and this is Mikasa. Let me help you get the blood off. I know how that heat must feel." I nodded, clenching my eyes shut. Shimmer handed my arm to Eren, who immediately took a wet cloth to it. "Oh my Titan. I've never seen burns these bad from alone raw Titan blood." I winced, as he continued to rub. Mikasa left and came back with ointment and an ace. "None of that. It's better to let it air for a while." I said. Their eyes widened. "But we can't let it get infected." I shook my head. "It won't. Just let it be. Soon it will scale over and then I'll be fine."

A woman with glasses and brown hair tied up ran over. "What do you mean?" Shimmer hissed at her. I gave her a weird look. "Mavis help us now, what are you doing Shimmer?!" The blond shrugged. "Who's Mavis?" I looked at Shimmer. We still weren't in Fiore. "Shimmer. You still have the crystal?" She nodded. "It's cracked though." "Frozen fudge! Where are we now then!" "Your outside the wall. Now who are you." The short man that saved me came over. "The proper question is, who are you?" I said, Shimmer snorted behind me. I stood up, careful not to let anything touch my arm. Shimmer reached into her Bag O Wonderland and pulled out a clock. "WE'RE LATE! WE'RE LATE!" She screamed, running around the dead giant. "WHAT ARE WE LATE FOR SHIMMER! WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!" I yelled at the crazy blond. "EVERYTHING!" I looked at her and shook my head. "I don't know why I even ask anymore." A felt a blade pressed to the back of my neck. "Who are you." "Names Frost. That's Shimmer. Happy?" "What are you." I snorted. "If I told you, you'd only be more confused." "Don't make me ask again, brat." I smirked. "I'm not a brat. I'm a cold hearted girl, who will kick your ass. Now take that blade away from my neck before I freeze your mouth shut. And Shimmer. WOULD YOU BE SANE PLEASE!" The blond stopped and walked over. The blade stayed put. Looking around, there were about a dozen people starring at us. All wearing what seemed to be some sort of uniform. Blades in each hand. At the ready. I smirked. "We're Dragon Slayers. Happy? Now. GET. THAT. BLADE. OFF. MY. NECK. BEFORE. I. HURT. SOMEONE." I growled that last part. Another blade placed itself at the front of my neck. Shimmer got the same treatment. "Frosty. Do it." The blades got closer. "ICE DRAGON! ANGRY SNOWMEN!" I screamed.

Cold air blaste, snow swirling around me. Suddenly, the blades were removed. When it cleared. Shimmer was free. The guy holding her, was held back by a weird snow monster. Black eyes, sharp icicles for teeth, and muscles of snow buldged from its arms. Covering its body of snow was a thick layer of ice. I turned, the short dude was also being held back. "Don't kill. Just hold them." I ordered. There were only two. There were supposed to be three. But that's what you get when you haven't perfected the spell. "Look. I don't want to hurt anyone. Neither does my friend. But I will kill if I have too. I'm not afraid of you." I said. Shimmer was digging in her back. Suddenly she pulled out a giant sign. 'WE COME IN PEACE!' I face palmed. "Shimmer. WHEN DID YOU MAKE A SIGN!" She shrugged, putting the sign back. "Can we just talk? Nicely." Shimmer said.

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