Where The Fuck Are We?!

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Chapter eleven

I groaned, opening my eyes. The walls were colored so brightly, I immediately shut them. I used my hands to shield my eyes and sat up. I sat up. "Shimmer? Where are we?" I heard her get up.
"Beats me." I uncovered my eyes and got up, squinting at the light. Before us, stood a set of double doors. White, rimmed with pink.
"Music room 3?" I shrugged. The smell of roses and flowers coming from behind the doors was overwhelming. I looked down at myself, glad to find I was in my regular clothes. I took off my tank top, using it as a cloth to help mask the scent. Shimmer looked at me, eyes begging. I sighed, giving it to her. I covered my face with my arm. I looked at Shimmer, who nodded. We slowly opened the doors, only to be be hit with flower petals and all sorts and perfume. I started coughing.
"Well hello, Lady's!" I heard someone say. I continued to cough. Trying to get a beats of air that I could actually breath. A very feminine looking dude ran forward and grabbed our hands and dragged us to the back of the room. I fell to the ground gasping, trying to catch my breath. Once my breathing was normal, I stood up looking at him.
"Thanks." The guy smiled.
"It's not a problem. I know it can be overwhelming." I coughed again, and the other guys started walking over. The tall blond was running. They were all wearing some sort of uniform.
"Yeah, not a good idea or dragon slayers. The sensitive nose is both a blessing and a curse." I explained, I covered my mouth as a coughed up a flower petal. A little kid with blond hair ran up.
"Dragon slayer! That must mean your strong! I've never met anyone stronger than me though." He said with a smile. Me and Shimmer laughed.
"I seriously doubt that kid. I could freeze your ass off in a heartbeat." Shimmer was trying so hard not to laugh, then checked her watched.
"We're late!" She screamed.
"What the hell are we late for?! Cause' I don't know about you, but I would be more worried about where the freezing fuck we are!!" I screamed the last part at her.
"Dragons do not exist. Therefor, it's impossible to be a slayer of one." I stiffened, slowly turning to face the dude who said it.
"What. Did. You. Say? It's common knowledge that they once existed! Acnologia is living proof!" I growled.
"Dragons don't exist. You can't be the slayer of something that doesn't exist. I don't know who this 'Acnologia' you speak of is, but I can assure you there is no such thing as a dragon in this world." I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Frost. Calm down." Shimmer said. I shook my head. "We don't know where we are, Frosty. We could be in a world where dragons don't even exist." I sighed, the ice and cold wind surrounding me disappeared.
"That was awesome!" Two spiky red head twins said. One on each side of me. "How did you do it? Sound effects? Holograms? Oh! And where did u get those weird ass contacts from?" I looked at Shimmer, who now had a tall blond guy with purple eyes practically on her.
"Princess, you just shine with beauty. The cutest thing I've ever seen." My eyes widened. I knew what was about the happen, and it was gonna be funny especially if they were confused about my ice. The air around her crackled.
"Cute? Cute!? Cute!! I'm not cute! I'm freaking adorable!" I leaned over laughing. Calling Shimmer 'cute', could ruin any type of relationship you'd have. Unless your Sting. Who is her 'Senpai', as she calls him. The man ran to one of the corners and started mopping. Mushrooms growing around him. That only made me laugh harder.  The twins fell next to me, laughing.

Once calmed down. I looked at them. "Frost." They smiled.
"We're the Hitachi Brothers!" They said together.
"I'm Hikaru."
"And I'm Kaoru." The feminine looking male walked up and shook her head.
"It's the other way around. That's Kaoru, and that's Hikaru. I'm Haruhi." I smiled, giving a fake curtsy. She was obviously too kind to be a guy like the rest of the people around me.
"Thank you, Miss Haruhi." They all gasped. The twins looking at me threateningly.
"How did you find out!" I gave them a weird look.
"Is she not supposed to act or look like one?" I asked. The one who pissed me off spoke up.
"We know she is a girl, though she acts like a dude. No one knows about her being a girl but us and her family. What they're asking is how you know? Because she doesn't look like a girl to most eyes." I growled at him speaking. He said nothing to that.
"The way she looks, walks, and talks. Her hips sway slightly when she walks, men don't do that naturally. So she was either doing on purpose, trying to come off as 'gay' or she was a girl. Not to mention her scent." I explained.
"While everyone has a different scent, you can usually tell a male from female with it. Think of it like perfume or cologne. Both are ways of changing or enhancing your scent. You can usually easily tell perfume from cologne. Men have more natural scents. While females have more fruity and citrus ones." Shimmer explained.
"Ok. So why don't we all introduce ourselves. Then we can talk some more." Haruhi suggested, looking a little confused. I nodded.
"I'm Shimmer." My friend said cheerfull.
"Those are some weird names. Either way. I'm Hunni. I'm one of the oldest here." The kid from earlier said. It was hard to think someone so small and cute would be one of the older people here. Everyone looked like they would be in high school in my manga. With the way he looked, I knew Shimmer wanted to just hug him and pinch his cheeks, and that she did.
"So cute!!" I cover my mouth trying not to laugh.
"Shimmer let the poor dude go." I said.

When she finally let go, Hunni's cheeks were starting to turn blue.
"I'm Mori." A tall man said behind Hunni. He had black hair and a blank face. He reminded me a little bit of Rogue.
"I'm Kyoya." The jerk from earlier said. I was now getting a good look at him. He had black hair, It was straight unlike Mori's, and had glasses. I scoffed.
"I'm just gonna call you Jack, short for Jackass." I said. He rolled his eyes and sat back down at one of the tables. Pulling out a laptop. The tall blonde that had tried to hit on Shimmer stood up. "I'm Tamaki. The president of this club." Shimmer crosses her arms and turned. Refusing to look at him. I didn't blame her. "Ok, 'President'," I air quoted, "so then you can tell us where we are."
"You two are at Ouran Academy. The Ouran Host Club, where you are now, is where the most handsome boys with too much time on their hands, entertain young lady's, who also have way too much time on their hands. Just think of it as Ouran Academy's elegant playground for the super rich and beautiful."
"So it's basically a weird strip club for girls?" Shimmer asked. I snorted as the 'president' went back to his corner.
"It's against school rules to be wearing something that revealing Frost, and suck language will get you kicked out of this school." 'Jack' said, from his laptop.
"I never asked for your insight 'Jack'."
"Speaking of which, you don't look poor, but your aren't wearing a uniform. Why?" Tamaki said, suddenly out of his corner. I looked at Shimmer, and whispered.
"Are we even in Fiore?"
"I don't know. You were the one that got the crystal."
"What are we whispering about?" Shimmer kicked Tamaki between the legs. He fell to the ground, and Shimmer continued to kick him, lighting crackling around her.
"This is what you get pervert!!" I looked at the twins, who looked at each other.
"And he calls us shady." The twins said.
"Guys, it's time to open." 'Jack' said, closing his laptop. I pulled Shimmer off of Tamaki just as the doors opened. A bunch of teenage girl stared at us. By us, I mean Shimmer and me. A blond hair, blue eye'd girl wearing white shorts and a black t-shirt in yellow Converse. And a natural blue hair, blue eye'd girl in white denim capris and a dark blue shorts bra, in combat boots, grey laced wrist braces. One of which, now has a dragon charm. I could see the anger in their eyes. One was about to say something, when the twins grabbed us, dragging us through a door.

Shimmer handed me my tank top. "Thanks for letting me use it." I shook my head.
"No problem, but I don't think we're in Fiore anymore. I don't think we're even in the same dimension. That crystal, it was from Zeref." Her eyes widened.
"The tiny electric shocks that are always coming off of me must have started it up. This could be a dimension hopping lacrima! I've heard of those in stories! They aren't supposed to exist."
"Either way, we need that crystal. Do you have it?"
"I think I left it on the floor." I mentally cursed. The girls out their hate us, cause we were in here before it opened. And it didn't help that I didn't have a shirt. So now we're just stuck. I sighed. Shimmer sat down on the floor, thinking.
"I got it! I can lightning body to go get it." I shook my head.
"Did you see the way the guys look at us when we use magic. Is obvious people don't use it here." I sighed, plopping down next to her. I threw on the tank top. "You know what. We're gonna go out there and get that crystal. Who cares what they think." I sighed, the wrong time to be taking after me.
"Shimmer this isn't our dimension. We can't bring too much attention to ourselves."
"That's too bad. Come on." She opened the door and walked out. I ran out after her. The talking stopped, and everyone stared. I mentally face palmed. I glared, and continued walking. Keeping my head held high. They started whispering.
"Those are the girls that we're here early."
"That's the one that wasn't wearing a shirt."
"Look at them. Walking around like they own the place."
"Who are they? I've never seen them around."
"Blue hair? Talk about a fashion don't." I barely contained a growl at the last one. I continued walking, till I reached the door. I pivoted, having heard enough of what happened here from inside the room. This was a place girls came, where the guys entertained them. Made them feel 'special'. In other words, meaninglessly flirt.  I looked at all the girls around the room.
"Do you dumb rich girls really need to come here? Just so you can feel special about yourselves. Cause' this is just stupid. Look at yourselves, your sitting here, with random guys, meaninglessly flirting with you. Heck, half of the stuff they tell you probably isn't even true. Not to mention, they're not that cute. And you guys." I looked at the guys. "You're just perverts. Nothing more. Nothing less." I watched as Tamaki went back to the corner and started mopping. Before anyone could do anything, I immediately went out the door. Shimmer on my heels. She laughed, I couldn't  help but giggle with her.
"I can't believe you actually did that!" She laughed.
"I know!"
"And you tell me not to attract attention!"
"Ok, ok. We need to calm down and find that lacrima."
"Yep. So, this is a school. Like the ones you see in books. Meaning, we stand out. And this is cracked." She said the last part picking up the lacrima. I growled.
"I said 'Fuck'!" She shook her head, and rolled her eyes.
"Well we have a lot to do before we get home. So we need to get to it."

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