First mission back

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Chapter nineteen

"THIS IS PRICELESS!" I yelled, falling off the couch, dying of laughter. We were currently watching the video Razor took at the ice rink on the TV. Natsu riding on the seal, then arguing with a kid over a race that he lost. Shimmer was editing it as we watched the original version. We couldn't stop laughing. Me and Cobalt racing. Sting and Shimmer skating. Rogue jump scaring me from the shadows. Not mention lunch. We nearly had a food fight. We watched as we all went shopping. Rufus and Cobalt arguing what book was the best in the bookstore. The camera started shaking as Razor and I began to laugh at Shimmer who was running around like a maniac with all different kinds of Manga. Or at the game store, where me, Natsu and Shimmer argued about who would win in Blur. A car racing game. "OH MY GOD THATS SO SWEET!" Karma yelled. I looked at the screen. It was at the candy shop. Sting handed Shimmer a chocolate rose, while Rogue handed me a heart of gummy bears. Karma looked at me, and then over at Shimmer. "How did I not see that!?" I laughed. "You were to busy trying chocolate." I said with a small smile, still laughing at her outburst. Winter ran over and jumped up on my lap, a note in her mouth. 'Hello Demon-Human,' it read. I smiled. "Hello to you too, Winter. Dare I ask what Hera is doing?" She pawed another note towards me. "Where does she even get the paper?" Razor inquired, her brows furrowing in confusion. I shrugged. 'Hera is with the Human Circuit.' I laughed, and handed the note to Razor. She chuckled as Karma snatched it from her hand. Shimmer looked up from the computer. "What?" "Winter called you a human circuit." Luna said, giggling a little bit. Shimmer looked furious as she yelled "WHAT!?"

I picked up the flier just as The door opened. "Hey." I looked over and saw Azreal. "What's up?" I shrugged. "Just looking for a job request." He nodded, and after a few seconds he handed me one. "This one looks good. Not hard enough where you'll need EVERYONE, but not so easy where you'll get bored." I gave him a questioning look. "I've been helping out Blossom. Just with some projects shes been planning to do, but hasn't gotten the chance to do yet." I gave a sad smile. "Yeah. I heard how busy she was while we were gone." He nodded. "We've been calling the clients and having them send the easier quest to places like Blue Pegasus, you know, the weaker guilds." I nodded. I could understand that. We always took the harder jobs. "Thanks, I'll get a small team and we'll go." He nodded, and I walked over to my laptop, doing research.

"Hey Razor! Luna!" I yelled. Razor head popped out from her forge, and Luna looked up from her game. "You guys want to go on a quest?" "Sure!" Razor came out and walked over taking the paper from my hand. Luna can over and read over her shoulder. "Sounds fun. Let me go pack." Luna said running off. Razor handed it back. "We meet in the rink in 20?" I nodded. "Fine with me!" Luna yelled from the stairs, and we raced after her heading towards our rooms.

I walked out of my room and bumped in to Cobalt. She had a bag on her shoulder. "I'm coming. Every time you guys need me, I don't come. So I'm coming." I laughed. "It's always turns out that way doesn't it?" I said waking down the stairs. We were greeted by a few little kids in skates. "Where are you guys going?" A little asked.  Cobalt smiled. "We're going on a mission. We'll be here when we get back. Don't worry." The kids smiled and skated off. We met up with Razor and Luna. "So I take it your coming Cobalt?" Luna asked. Cobalt nodded. "Well we should head to the train station." Razor said.

"We are now coming into the train station in Clover Town. Please wait for the train to come to a full stop, then exit the train." The monotonous robotic voice blared over the speaker system. We didn't wait. We stood up and grabbed our stuff. Walking over to stand at the door. The train was late. Meaning we were late for the meeting with the client. We'd been fighting with this client ever since he started sending us stuff. If we didn't take his mission fast enough, he'd come yell at us. If we were late coming to meet him, he'd yell at us. If we took took to long to finish the job, he'd yell at us. If one of us took some serious damage, he'd still yell at us. No matter what we did. He got mad and yelled at us. The train stopped and we ran out running to the clients house. He stood on the front porch. Arms crossed, waiting for us. As we ran up he glared. "You're late." "We're sorry, the train was late. There was nothing we could do." I said. He walked closer towards us. "That's not my problem. Now, a demonic being has been coming out of the forest. And killing people. Every time we go after it in the forest, our guards never come back. I want you to find and kill it. Bring back the body as proof." We nodded. "Now go. Your late as it is." We ran off. "Ok, so first let go check into a inn. Blossom called ahead and made reservations." Luna said. "Sweet. After that, we can ask the locals. Luna and I did some research while you two were sleep." Cobalt said. We nodded. "How about we go over everything we found. Do a little bit more research, and order some room service." Razor suggested. "Sounds like a plan."

I threw my stuff in the doorway and dived into the closest bed. "MINE!!!!" I watched as one by one they pushed and shoved themselves in. Luna, being the last on in, cause she didn't care what bed she got, picked up my duffle bag and tosses it to me. I caught it and pulled out my laptop. "So what do we know?" Luna asked. "From the few witnesses there are, we know that it's a metal being. Or at least it looks like one. That it's had some kind of curved blades coming from its back. It doesn't seem to be able to communicate. It only seems to make noises, things like hisses, gurgles, screams. It comes from the forest around dusk, and wanders around the city all night. But once the sun rises, they have no clue." Cobalt explain. I thought for a minute. "Razor? Can I steal that map?" I asked. "Sure." She tossed it over. "Ok so how about this." I took out the light pen from my boot and starts writing in the air above the map. "At Dusk, we'll head out to the forest and start walking around. If we haven't found anything by midnight, we'll set up a small camp and hang out there. If we STILL haven't found anything by dawn, we head back here. Rest up, and come up with a new plan. Does that work?" I asked.

"OH! Frost! I forgot! Guess what?!" Cobalt said shooting up from her laptop. "What?" She ran over to her duffle bags and pulled out two vials. "YOU FINALLY GOT IT TO WORK!?" Cobalt had been trying to figure out how take water and put it in a vial, and that when the vial was opened, the water would pour out and turn into some sort of weapon. She nodded. "I wanna see!" She bit the top off of the vial, and the rest of it shattered. The water spilling out around her hand, forming into a dagger. "That's awesome!" I yelled. Luna clapped. There was a knock on our door. Razor gave a small cat call, teasing her, then  shot up. "I got it!" She ran over to the door, and took the tray of food from the man. "After we eat, let's head out."

We walked around the forest. "Is almost dark." Cobalt said. "I know. It's weird. I've never heard a forest this quiet." Luna said. "I know how you feel. Something's off." Razor pipped in. I held my hand up. "Wait." I tilted my head in the air. Blood. Something rotting. "Do you guys smell that?" I looked at Razor and Cobalt. They nodded. Luna, being the only non-dragon Slayer here, just summoned her flaming Trident. She spent years mastering that spell so she could summon it at will. Not even having to cast the spell itself. There was a rustle from above. We dove out of the way, just as some kind of creature jumped down. It hisses at us. It looked almost like a human, covered in metal, it had scythe blades sticking out from its back. Instead of fingers, it had knives. Blood was splattered all over it. "Fresh." Cobalt mumbled. "Damnit, its killed someone. Recently." I growled. We're gonna get yelled at for that too. We slowly circled it. "Razor, its metal. Any ideas?" I asked. It watched us. Analyzing our movement. Waiting for us to strike. It wanted us to take the first strike. "Ice is gonna be the worst attack against it. It'll make the metal harder to melt and easier to break. We don't want to kill what's underneath. Luna, do you think you could melt the metal protecting its body?" Luna nodded. "Yea. I could do that." "Cobalt, stay in the back with Frost and help support." "Got it!" I jumped up, using wings of ice to get up on a branch. Cobalt climbed up the tree next to me. She looked at me. I nodded. It was waiting for us to strike first. It wanted us to come to it so it could rip us to shreds. "Ice dragon secret art: Tiles." I watched as tiles of ice formed in front of me. I moved them and placed them so the covered Razor. Keeping the joint open so she could still move. The second I placed the last tile, Razor shot forward. "IRON DRAGON IRON FIST!" She screamed punching it. It took the chance to rake its 'Finger-Knives' at her chest. I watched as almost cleanly cut through the thin tiles of ice. Luna took that moment to run at it. "FIRE DEVIL RAGE!" She roared fire at the demonic figure and it screamed. A inhuman screech. Razor jumped back waiting for another chance to strike at it, also allowing me to replace the tiles of ice. Luna shot through the blaze of fire and stabbed at it with her Trident. It turned and booked it. Running under my branch. I immediately jumped down taking after it. Razor and Cobalt close behind me. I watched as we past body after body. The stench of death and rot was making it difficult to breathe. I watched as it ran towards a light. It entered it, and I watched as everything happened in slow motion. The portal started to close and I dove in, turning so my back would hit the ground. I watched Razor just barley make it in after me. Then as Cobalt screamed, and the portal closed.

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