Time to go home

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Chapter seventeen

I carefully put the solution into the mold. "Now all we have to do is wait for magic to diffuse, and the lacrima to harden." I said. Hanji ran over. "Can you help me out with an experiment? Please?!" I didn't have to think about it. "No. Last time I would've died had Shimmer not been there." "No. You won't be the experiment. I just need help with one." I sighed. "Fine."

I watched as Eren turned into a Titan. He was huge. Though he had skin, you could see his teeth. Cause they served as his mouth. Rugged black hair, pointed ears, and his usually teal eyes seemed more green. If I'd known better I'd say he was some kind of mutated giant elf. "Eren! Can you understand me! Are you in control?" Hanji yelled. Eren gave a nod and his gave a sort of grunt, roar, thing. I'm assuming meant to be yes. "Ok I'm gonna see how you can fair against Frost!" I nodded. She told me the plan. I was to "Spar" with Eren. Seeing how he fared against ice attack. How his body held up. Apparently they did it with Shimmer before the expedition. The results, no effect. Except, when they pulled him out, his hair was frizzy and up in an Afro.

I jumped down so I was on the ground. Eren looming over me. "Give it your all! If I figure out your holding back! It won't be pretty!" I yelled. I could see the uncertainty. "I MEAN IT!" I looked at Hanji, and gave her a thumbs up. Letting her know I was ready. She shot a green flare up in the air. Eren went to stomp on me, I jumped back. "ICE DRAGON ROAR!" I said shooting a whirlwind of ice and snow at his face. Creating wings, I flew up on his level. He reached to grab for me but I swooped out of his reach. "I thought I told you to give it your all!" He roared, send hot air at me. It blew me back and I fell to the ground. I braced for impact but instead was caught. Eren had caught me. I closed my eyes. Trying not to get really mad. I reached back, trying my best to replicate one of the Titan killing blades. What they were called, I couldn't remember at the moment. I slashed at his wrist cutting it off, getting almost completely soaked in titan blood. I squeezed my eyes shut, the heat was murderous. I fell and Eren roared. "YOU DONT CATCH YOUR ENEMY! YOU LET THEM FALL!" I screamed landing on the ground kneeling. He let out another roar at me. "ICE DRAGON WING SHEILD!" I yelled. A shield of ice protecting me. I could still feel the blood soaking into my skin, burning me. It felt like I was on fire. I clenched my eyes shut again. I heard the shield break, I snapped my eyes open and jumped back. Barely missing his foot. "ICE DRAGON WINTERS STORM!" I yelled a tornado of ice and snow whirls around him. It takes him a minute to get out of it, and I immediately allow it to dissipate. He swung his hand at me as I flew up, I swooped down just to get smack to the ground by his other. I braced for impacted, and when it finally came, I wished Eren had caught me. Landing on my side, the force of it bounced me back up and down. Where I stayed. I coughed, spitting out blood that was in mouth. I checked myself over. "Major burns everywhere, four broken ribs" I hissed. I wasn't going out with some decent damage done. "Ice dragon-" I didn't finish cause there was a huge thud and the ground shook. I closed my eyes shut, and hissed out in pain. "Frost!" Hanji yelled. I opened my eyes. "Yea?" "Are you ok?!" "I'm fine, this fight isn't over." I said trying to sit up, Hanji supported me. "No your not. And yes the fight is." I looked up and saw Levi. 3DMG on him. His blade had blood on it. I looked next to me. Shimmer was pulling Eren out of the Titan form. "Are you ok, Frosty!?" Shimmer yelled. "Yea!" Hanji got up, just as cold water was poured over my head. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. The blood flowed of me with the water. I looked up. There stood Moblit with a now empty bucked. Moblit was Hanji's right hand man. Always helping her, and telling her to get away from her Titan experiments. I slowly stood up, winching at the pain. The burns were the worst of the injuries. I walked over to Eren. Shimmer looked at me. "We're gonna have to wrap some of those burns Frost." I sighed in defeat, sitting down I looked at Eren. He was shivering. "Cold?" He nodded. There were marks on his face from where the Titan flesh started to meld with his. "They're gonna want us to move inside. To warm you up, and wrap me burns." I told him. He stood up, and helped me back up.

I was practically a mummy. The burns had covered most of my body. So they decided to wrap most of my body. It was really irritating. I walked over table where Eren was sitting with his friends. "Hi." Eren looked at me. "I'm sorry." I lightly smack his head. "The only thing I'm mad about is that you tried to save me from falling. I told you I wanted a fight, and I didn't want you to hold back." "But-" "I don't care. To be honest, it felt good. It's been awhile since I got a good beating." Shimmer sat down in front of us. Beside Mikasa. "Yea. When we get back we need to go on a good mission. We'll get Summer to help us find a hard fast one. Maybe get Cobalt to come. This time." She slid a bowl to me. A piece of bread sticking out of a bowl of stew. I gave a short laugh. "Every time time we need Cobalt, she's busy. Or not with us. Also, thanks." "Your welcome. I also, got something for you guys. Come to our room after lights out. Bring any of your friends." Shimmer whispered. I knew what she was planning. And I wasn't found of it.

"Lights out are in about five minutes Shimmer.* I said, taking a knife to the bandages. Soft whitish blue scales covered my body. Protecting the burns. They still needed to harden, but they couldn't do that under the bandages. "I know. How's the lacrima?" I opened the mold. "Done." She smiled. Put a cake and a bunch of sweets on the dresser next to a note. Telling them, that we had left and we'll miss them. I held the blue lacrima, and stood up. Shimmer had her bag on her shoulder. She grabbed my arm, and I touched the crystal to her hand. It all went white once more.

My skin itched and I opened my eyes. We're we're in a field. I stood up. Shimmer was in a tree. Still unconscious. I looked in my hand and held the broken crystal. "SHIMMER!" She shot up, and fell out of the tree. I laughed, while she glared at me. "Do you recognized where we are?" I asked her. She looked around. "Not a clue." I helped her up. "Well then we should start walking. We need to find the nearest town."

"OH MY GOD! WE ACTUALLY FOUND A DECENT SIZED TOWN!!!!!!" Shimmer yelled. I laughed, walking up to the nearest person. "Excuse me? But what town is this?" I ask a old woman. "Magnolia sweet heart. Do I know you? You look very familiar." I looked back at Shimmer. She ran and hug me. "WE'RE HOME!" She yelled. I laughed, tears in my eyes. After a month, we were finally home. The old lady looked at us. "Ah! You two are from that Elemental Dragon guild. The one that won the GMG this year. My daughter idolizes you two. Frost and Shimmer right?" Shimmer let go and nodded. "Yep that us! Tell her she should come by our guild some time and skate." The lady nodded. "I will. Have a good day."

We ran. We ran as fast as we could. People yelled at us as we almost ran them over. We didn't care. We slammed open the guild doors. We stood there. Breathing hard. "WE'RE BACK BITCHES!"

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