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Chapter eight

I walked out from the trees into the field. I sat down on my knees, feeling the dirt and what little grass there was in my hands. I couldn't think about anything but the past.

"Mommy! Natsu keeps stealing my book!"
"But I want to read it with you!" The door opened wider and a woman black tide in a pretty bun walked in. I ran at her.
"Mommy! He won't quit stealing my book!" Zeref walked in, sitting down on my bed.
"Come here you two. I'll read it to you both." Natsu's eyes lit up, I knew mine were the same.
"I love story time with you Zeref!" Natsu said. I nodded eagerly.
"Why don't you come do it in the living room, and it can be a little family time?" Mom suggested. Zeref nodded.
"That's a great idea. Come on." He took my hand, and Natsu's. We walked done the hallway to the living room. The fireplace was lit, and dad was sitting in a chair, reading. We sat down in front of the fire place. A huge roar tore through the house. All of a sudden, I couldn't feel anything but heat. I watched at the wall engulfed themselves in flames, and a piece of wood from the roof fall beside me. I screamed, coughing form the smoke. Dad picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder, running me out of the house. Zeref right behind us. He set me down, and looked at the house.
"Natsu? Mom?" I asked, worried. I looked over head as a dragon flew past. I hugged onto Zeref.
"Keep her here. Don't come in for any reason." Dad said to Zeref. He nodded, as Dad ran back in the house. Tears streaming down my face. I watched as five seconds later the house collapsed completely.
"MOMMY! DADDY! NATSU!!" I screamed, trying to run towards the house. Zeref kept his arms firm around me. I looked at his face, tears were silently streaming down his face.

Tears streamed down my face. I knew my body was shaking from the sobs. Rogue didn't say anything. He just let me cry. Knowing that it was something I needed to do. "Mom. Dad. I miss you.... I miss you so much." I said. Rogue came over, giving me a hand up. I looked at the field. Now truly seeing what was left. A graveyard. We were the only survivors, this was all that was left of those in the village. I walked over to it. Immediately spotting my mom and dad.
"I leave you be." Rogue said, leaving the yard. I closed my eyes, imagining my mom siting there, holding me in her arms.
"Hi. S-So me and Natsu have gotten a lot stronger. He joined a guild called Fairy Tail. While me and a bunch of friends made one called Elemental Dragon. I-I have lots of friends, and a boy-boyfriend." I imagined her fake gasping in shock. "I-I know. Never thought I'd see the day. His name is Rogue. Me and Natsu, we're dragon slayers. He's a fire and I'm ice. We're pretty powerful. Though, he doesn't remember you, he doesn't remember Zeref. Zeref, he brought Natsu back to life as a Demon. He accidentally killed me, and brought me back to life to. So we're both demons. Zeref, he's known as the Black Wizard of Death. He's immortal. I-I-I miss you so much." I imagined my dad sitting on the ground beside me. "I miss the way you played with us Daddy, and your soft gentle hugs Mommy." I said.
"Sometimes he wish he had saved their body's so he could've brought them back to life." I jumped to me feet, facing Cinder.
"What do you want? I'm here. Where's Zeref?" I said. Rogue came over. "Follow me, and I'll show you. But, leave him behind." She motioned towards Rogue.
"Not happening." I said immediately.
"Fine, risk him dying. I don't care. Just trying to save you the trouble and tear. Didn't want to see my superior crying over the dead. Though it seems she's already done that." She said, waking towards the surrounding forest. I knew what my brother was capable of, but I wouldn't let him hurt Rogue. Rogue nodded, he didn't have to say anything for me to know what he meant. 'Your not getting rid of me.' I followed Cinder into the forest.

I watched as we neared a small campsite. Their were two tents. She opened the first one, it was also the biggest, letting us in. Once in, she closed it and stayed outside the tent. My eyes widened. A portal. So Zeref was the Dimension Hopper. He was powerful enough to be the one pulling multiple people threw. I watched as Zeref stepped out of it, and the portal closed behind him.
"And there you are, my dear sister, and who is this?"
"I'm not your sister, you lost the right to call me that long ago. This is a friend. Now what do you want?" I snapped. He shook his head.
"You still have that temper. Same one you had as a little girl." I growled.
"What do you want Zeref." I snarled. He shook his head.
"I needed to make sure you were alive. I didn't know how well my demons would survive with me being in another place."
"Don't forget your the one that killed me, along with the entire school back then. Accident or not. You should've let the dead rest. Buried us with our parents, and I am not yours. " He laughed. "You see, I brought you back to life as my demon. You and Natsu were so close. I couldn't separate you two, that why I brought the both of you back to life. You can go whenever. I just want to see if you were alive, and tell you something."
"And what is it you want to tell me!" I spat. "The world will end at my own demise, and you can't stop that from happening. Here." He tossed me a crystal. I caught it easily. "Happy holidays." He said, I immediately tossed it back. Spinning I grabbed Rogues hand and walked out of the tent. I glared at Cinder as we headed back. She gave me a smile as we headed back to the field.

By the time we got to the field, it was dark. "Do you want to camp here?" Rogue asked me. I nodded. Immediately heading to the graveyard. I looked at Rogue.
"I know. It's weird, but I just want to be near them." He nodded. Not asking for anything. He never asked me about what what Zeref said. He seemed to know I didn't want to talk about it. I put out my sleeping bag next to moms grave. I imagined her kissing me, tucking me in. Like she did when I was little, and dad sitting there reading me a bedtime story. Rogue laid his next to mine. Pulling me against his chest. I imagined my dad glaring at him. His pink hair with small grey highlights. Tears silently fell from my eyes. I fell asleep imagining them hugging each other, smiling at me.

I opened my eyes, all I saw what black. I leaned back and saw it was Rogue's shirt. I felt him stir. He slowly opened his eyes. "Morning." I told him.
"Morning." I smiled.
"We should pack, then head back to our guilds." He sighed.
"I don't really want to head back. I'd rather stay and hang out with you." I sighed.
"I know. But Sting would kill you for making Shimmer upset. They're head over heels for each other. So we'll see each other often." He explained. Getting up, and we started to roll up our sleeping bags. Putting mine in my bag, I walked over to the graves. I made flowers made of ice, and set them on the graves. "I love you, and I miss you."

I walked into the guild, opening the doors, I was engulfed in hugs. "Frost!" Razor, Cobalt, Karma, and Shimmer shouted. I screamed in surprise, falling to the ground. I looked at the second floor, there stood Summer, Luna, and Blossom. They all smiled at me. While we were all best friends. None of us were closer than the five of us hugging. We started this guild, and we turned it into what it was today.
"I can't believe you went. What happened? What did he want?" They bombarded me with questions. I explained everything thing.

"Wow." Shimmer said. Karma was deep in her tech, Razor and Cobalt were working on painting a wall. Something about the wanted the whole wall to be a dragon? I never knew.
"I'm going on a mission! Bye guys!" Summer said walking out the door. Blossom came down the stairs.
"Ok, so we all know the holidays are coming soon. So, I invited our two closest guilds over for Christmas and a party."
"What guilds?" Shimmer asked.
"Fairy Tail and Sabertooth. We need to start decorating. Karma, I was hoping you, Luna, and me could go pick out the tree." Karma nodded. "Frost, Shimmer, Razor, and Cobalt, I was hoping you guys would get the decorations out from last year and start." I nodded, me and Shimmer racing to the closet. Once in, we immediately started planning.
"We need mistletoe, with runes. So that whenever two people walk under it, they have to kiss."
"On the cheek or lips." I asked, picking up a box. She nodded, putting a box on top over the one I was holding. She stacked two and picked them up. We walked out.
"Let's get started!" Cobalt said.
"Let's Ho Ho Hope they stay out for awhile." Razor said laughing, we all followed the suit.
"You guys start working on your mistletoe stuff and we'll work on the decorations." Cobalt said. We nodded, running to the closet. I pulled out my pen. Writing a enchant remover. The wall fell revealing our stash of holiday goodies. Real spiders and harmless snakes for Halloween. My special Cupid's Arrows for Valentine's Day, that make a fangirls dream come true. And our favorite, the insane, remote control, robot Turkey named Billy. I looked at Shimmer, grabbing the mistletoe with runes.
"Let's get started."

(This one is still a little short, but when I wrote this Christmas was coming up.)

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