Inside the wall

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Chapter fifteen

I watched at the gate inside the wall opened. I followed the the others through the streets. People stared at them. Adults mumbling about how how their wasting their money. About how these people I'm with aren't doing anything. How their useless. Then they saw me and Hanji on the Titan. I had changed it to a platform. So Shimmer didn't have to hang there. Don't think it wasn't taking a toll on me. I was exhausted. I wanted nothing more that to sleep. My ability to make things out of ice was often taken advantage of, considering the that I was a Dragon Slayer. When really I could only take so much.  People's eyes filled with fear when they saw the beat I was on. That's when they started shouting. "A Titan! They bring a fucking Titan!" "They've gone crazy now!" "They should just disband the Survey Corps now!" I stopped the giant. It tried to take a bit out of Shimmer. Who immediately shot a small electric charge at it. I stood up. "SHUT UP!" I yelled. Their anger turned at me. "WHO ARE YOU?!" "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TELL US THAT!" "SIT BACK DOWN YOU IDIOT!" I growled. That seemed to only make it worse. "SHE GROWLING! SHES INSANE!" I snapped. "I SAID SHUT UP!" I screamed. A cold wind snapped around me. They all shut up. "These people, from what I know, risk their god damn lives for you! Have some respect!" I yelled. Hanji stared at me. Tears at the edge of her eyes. "This girl next to me, risks her life studying these things." I felt a rock hit my head. I spun, jumping off the Titan. Reaching back, I created a scythe of ice. "If you want a fight, I'll give you one. But I can guarantee that I will come out on top." I said. No one spoke. I Shimmer offered her hand, to help me up, and I jumped from the platform to the giants head. It tried to move, so it could snap me into its jaws, but found it couldn't move its head. This was gonna be hard Dimension to deal with.

I slept hard. Not, 'Oh, it took them 20 minutes to get me up.' No. Shimmer shot me with a 50 watt charge and I still didn't stir. They had to push me off the bed and onto a brick floor to get me to wake up. And Shimmer threatening to kill Zeref. That was my job. Mine and only mine. But to say the least, I didn't want to get up. Between the huge amount of magic I used yesterday and the horrible bed, I was still pretty tired. My magic seemed to be replenished, but I was still really tired. Oh, and let's not forget the headache I have.

"Kneel." I was in what seemed to be a court. Before a judge. My hands in handcuffs. Shimmer complied. Her only problem was she only got 10 hours of sleep, not 12. I looked at the man. "And if I don't want to?" I said. He pushed me to my knees. Putting a pole between my cuffs. Taking A step back, he proceeded to aim a gun at me. Another man was pointing one at Shimmer. That made me even more mad.

"Your names are Frost and Shimmer. May I get a last name." I looked at Shimmer. Last night while we were in the cell, I asked her to let me do most of the talking. She had gladly agreed. "Does it matter?" I asked. "Yes. It does. I would also like to know which is which." I scoffed. "I'm Frost Winter. That's Shimmer Dreyer. Happy?" I watched as the judge tried to keep his cool. "You two have been seen to have powers beyond our knowledge. To create things from thin air. Is this true?" I nodded. "Want a demonstration?" The air around me was getting colder. Sensing the cue, Shimmer causes the air around her to crackle in electricity. I heard guns cock. Ready to shoot. "Stop!" The judge yelled. "Why should we listen to you cowards! I may not know much about this world, but I refuse to let people risk their lives while others sit there hiding behind a wall! You think that your all that? Well, I got news for you! Your fat pigs! Your all cowardly bastards! I'd rather die than listen to you! You don't know what fear is!" There were footsteps walking towards me. I couldn't care less. "You'd rather sit behind a giant wall and let millions of others die for you. Doing nothing but complaining about how they died so easy!" My face snapped sideways. Levi kneed me in the face. Then did it again. I growled "FROST!" Shimmer yelled. He punched me. I pulled against the cuffs and they snapped. Just to get kneed again. I shot up, punching him back. "FROST! DONT!" Shimmer yelled. I ducked as he went for my face. I heard a gun go off. I spun. "ICE DRAGON WING SHEILD!" I screamed, just in time for the bullet to hit it. Doing a roundhouse kick to Levi, caught it and tried to flip me. I landed on my hands, flipping back up. "YOUR NOT HELPING FROST!" "ICE DRAGON ROAR!" I screamed. A whirlwind of ice and snow shot at Levi. Reaching back I summoned a scythe of ice and ran at him. He landed on his feet, using a icicle to block my blow at him. "I'm not, and never will be defenseless. I refuse to be beat up." "Tch." He made a swipe at my head. I ducked, reforming the scythe into a sword, slashing down on him. He blocked again. "FROST STOP!" I heard the crackle of lightning and someone pulled me back. Spinning I saw Shimmer. She must have used her lightning body. She leaned down to my ear. "Take it. Take the hits. They have a plan. They wanted to show you skills. Just follow their lead." She whispered. I nodded, allowing the ice in the room to melt.

I sighed, creating a platform on top of the pole, I sat up high. Liking how I could see every person in the room. Everyone in the room starred at me. Speechless. "What!" I growled. The judge cleared his throat. "Now we will here from both the Military police and the Scouting Legion, to see who will get custody. Erwin please stat your proposal." Erwin stood up from his seat. I closed my eyes, trying to calm down. "With both of them, we could go further out than we ever have before. Disabling the titans instead of killing them. Eliminating one of the major risks. We could also use them to keep the titans out while we claim more area." "And not for the Military Police." "I suggest we take them in for experiments. Once we figure out what gives them these abilities, we could figure out how to give them to other pe-" I cut the man off. "If you think keeping us contained will work, it won't. Not to mention I refuse to let you poke and prod me." I said. I knew Shimmer was glaring at me. At the moment. I didn't care. I heard he judge sigh. "They will go with the scouts. It's seems they favor them more."

"BAKA!" Shimmer screamed smacking me. "OW!" Hanji sat in front of me. Studying my arm that was now covered in whitish blue scales. "Amazing." She mumbled. "You could of told me that was your plan." "Then the reaction wouldn't have been the same." Levi said. "Your playing with Fire." "No! They're playing with ice!" Shimmer corrected. I was fuming. "So Shimmer. You know all the chemicals you need to fix the lacrima right?" She nodded. "Hangi already left to see what she had." I nodded. "Ok, cause we need to get out of here as soon as possible."


It's been a week. A week of them reaching us how to use 3D maneuver gear, searching for the chemicals Shimmer needed, and cleaning. If we did a single thing wrong, we had to clean. To Levi's standard. That meant, not a spec of dust or dirt, or we had to redo the entire thing. "Nope. Do it again." I slammed the broom on the floor and dumped the trash can, that was filled with dust and dirt, on Levi's head. "IM DONE! I refuse to clean." I stormed out. People looked at me in shock. I've learned that nobody talks back to Levi. For that matter, nobody's t calls him Levi. It's always Captain. I walked out, heading towards Hanji's area. "Hey Frost!"  I turned. Other thing, Jean was a little bit of a flirt. I turned. "What Jean?" "So I was wondering if you wanted to hang out later." I sighed. "Jean. I'm taken. So is Shimmer. We have boyfriends back in our world." His eyes showed defeat. I turned and continued heading where I was going.

"We're only missing one thing. And it's the hardest thing to get in this world. Cause they don't know they exist. It's a chemical thats in octopus ink. So Hanji is trying to set up a exploring expedition." As we found out, an expedition was a trip outside the walls. "Ok, why don't we just go ourselves?" "Cause they won't open up he gate for just us." "We could go over the wall." "Nope. Not gonna work. Not for me. Plus we need someone who knows the land somewhat." I groaned. I just wanted to go home. "FROST! FROST!" I heard Hanji screamed. I turned. "I'm over here." She grabbed my arm and ran me over to a small covered area. "Sit." She pushed me to sit in a chair. Next to me, was Eren. It turns out, we can somehow turn into a Titan. Hanji got on her knees in front of me. "Frost. Will you PLEASE be apart of a few experiments?" I sighed, face palming. "I've got nothing better to do." Her eyes lit up, and I was suddenly regret in my decision. He picked up a syringe, filled with what seemed to be blood, and plunged it into my arm. I shot up as heat filled into my veins. It was hot. Hotter than a regular human temperature, which still would have been to hot in my flowed down my arm, and up my shoulder. I whimpered, crumbling to the floor. "FROST!" I heard both Eren and Hanji yell. I was struggling to stay conscious, it was unbearable."SHIMMER!" I heard Hanji yelled. I heard running footsteps, I shut my eyes tightly trying to ignore the pain. It wasn't working. A hand touched my forehead. "Ice, Cold water, anything that's cold!" Shimmer yelled. More running footsteps. "It's ok Frosty. Your gonna be ok. You have to be."

Little short. I know. Sry. I wanted to get a chapter out.

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