Ice skating

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Chapter eighteen

We all piled into a giant group hug. We were all crying. Blossom ran to the phone and started calling people, the tears still joyously streaming down her face. "We missed you!" "WHAT HAPPENED?!" "Are you ok?!" "Frost, your covered in scales. What happened to you?" Neither of us answered. We were just happy to be home. We missed this place. We all let go of each other and fell into a tangled mess of limbs on the ground. Two cats ran by and stopped to stare. Complete opposites. One white, one black. The white on had a piece of paper in its mouth. Hera jumped into Shimmers arms as Shimmer squealed in delight. Winter sat in front of me. I took the paper from her mouth.

'Welcome back Demon Human. It's been awhile. We missed you.

From the cats in front of you.'

"I KNEW IT WAS THE CAT!" Razor yelled. I was so confused. Did the girls go crazy while we were away? "Explain?" Shimmer asked, her head slightly tilted. Razor lead us to the lounge. We all sat down on some couches I had never seen before. Cobalt must have noticed my confusion and explained. "I did some redecorating. It helps calm my nerves." I grin. That's the Cobalt I know and love. Blossom came in from the other room to join us. "I've let the other guild masters know about your return." I nodded. Better to tell the guild masters then the guild. "I'll explain." Karma said. We nodded. "So first off, you have weird cats. Winter is somehow able to communicate through notes. Hera seems to be good at using technological devices. We don't know how or why, but that's just what we know. We've also gained a couple new members. They should be coming in any time now. We also hate to say it, but we found out a few days ago that Summer took on a mission that was a little over her head." Everyone's head looked down. "Summer's gone." I nodded. I wasn't the best of friends with Summer, but we were still friends. Sort of. Summer was more of a loner. She joined the group, and did what she could, but she didn't really join in our group of friends. She was just there. We tried to include her. We had our fights, but we usually got over them. "We'll go pay our respects later." I said. Shimmer nodded. Hugging Hera. Winter was on my lap. I started petting her. The door opened. I jumped up, immediately wary. Winter jumped off my lap. I turned towards the door. A guy walked in. He had a head full of messy black hair and had scars all over his muscular arms. "Who are you! The rinks closed for guild business only!" I said as I looked at him expectantly. He looked over at me, a quizzical expression splayed across his features. "I know." "Well then why are you here?" I demanded. I've never seen him before now. "I could ask the same of you." I was fuming. I walked over and pushed him. "I'm a part of this guild. I'm one of the six who originally founded this guild, and I've never seen you before." He pushed me back. "Well news flash, sweetie. I'm a part of this guild." "No one told me." Cobalt ran over and pushed us apart. I just realized her hair was a mess, and she had bags under her eyes. "Enough you two! Frost, He joined the guild while you were gone. His name is Azreal." I growled. He smirked. "So you're the girl I've been hearing so much about. Like how you ran crying the second you saw Ichiya." My vision went red and I charged at him, ready to beat his stupid face to pulp. Cobalt held me back. "LET ME AT HIM!" I screamed. He laughed. "I'm surprised. You aren't scared?" He said smirking. I growled at him, straining against Cobalt even more. "Quit being a coward and fight me. I'll show you my strength." "You wouldn't be saying that if you knew my magic." I smirked. "Try me." "Illusion Realization." "Isn't that materializing illusions? Cause that doesn't work if you do have the heart to kill." He laughed. "Oh I have the mind. I have the ideals. I know many ways I can kill you." It was my turn to laugh. "I'm at my strongest. You wouldn't stand a chance." I wasn't lying. My body was covered in scales, protecting the raw blistered skin underneath. Blossom came up. "Stop fighting. You both are a part of the same guild. So play nice." She told us. Cobalt let me go and I stormed off in a huff.

"Ice Dragon Secret Art: Angry Snowmen." I said, slowly releasing magic concentrating on making the monster out snowmen from before. One. Two. I put the more magic into the third. Imagining the third one slowly building itself up from snowflakes, to snow, to a figure. Growing, making it bigger. There was a tap on my shoulder and I jumped. Energy stopping and the third snowman not complete. The two were at my side in a instant as I spun. Azreal stood there. I glared at him. "I'm sorry. For insulting you. I should have realized what's you've been going threw this past month and a half." I shook my head. At the moment that was all gone from my head. "You could have at least waited until I was finished." I said. "What are you even doing? It just looks like your making things of ice and snow come alive." I shook my head. "It's a spell I'm trying to master. It's call Angry Snowmen. The spell creates three of these things beside me." I said, motioning to the vicious snow beings beside me. "When I manage to get all three, their power will increase. From there, they'll do whatever I ask of them." He nodded. I watched as he created a illusion of a rose, then as it slowly materialized. He handed it to me. What a flirt. "That's my magic." I took it, then put it on top of one of my Snowmens head. The snowman then promptly ate it. Oops. He gave me a confused look, and I shrugged. "Well, your friends are at the guild." I nodded. "If I may ask, where's your guildmark?" He turned his back to me. "It's on the back of my shoulder." He lifted his shirt. Sure enough, there was a black dragon inked on to his shoulder blade. "Yours?" I untied my brace on my wrist. Showing the blue dragon the inside of my wrist. "Well come on. People are waiting for you."

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