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Chapter twelve

'Science Lab 6' I looked at Shimmer. This had to be a place where we could work on the lacrima. "Okay. If a teacher asked who we are, we're Frost and Shimmer Dreyer. And we're exchange students."
"Why are we using mine!" Shimmer whined. I sighed.
"Cause my last name has the name of a beast that never existed here." She nodded her head.
"Also, your last name is technically Vermillion." She huffed at me.
"Fine." I opened the door, walking in. The room was HUGE. There were about 25 tables, each set up full with equipment.
"Hello!" I spun to the front of the room. I was met a young lady. "I'm Ms.Grunder. I don't think I've see you before." So this was the teacher.
"Oh, yeah. We're new, and we're just looking for a quiet lab station to work on a personal project." I explained. She smiled.
"Is this personal project going to blow up or harm anyone in any way, shape, or form?" Shimmer shook her head.
"No Mam. We think." She mumbled the last part.
"Well then, feel free to use what ever you want or need. If you need an lighter, let me know and I'll give you one. We have to keep them in our possession. After a fire was started a long time ago, that rule was put into place. Oh! What's your name?"
"Frost and Shimmer Dreyer." "Ok, well let me know if you need any help."

We immediately got the work, pulling out a few chemicals. Shimmer seemed to know what they were, but didn't care to tell me what they were.
"Ladies! You're not working with chemicals with goggles are you?" Grunder yelled from her desk. What she didn't know, was the chemicals we were creating, would melt through plastic. After looking at one of the shards through one of the many microscope, the blonde immediately shouted that she understood it. Shimmer had to create the chemical we needed, by mixing other substances together. I grabbed the goggles from the table next us and tossed Shimmer one. She motioned for me to grab a lighter. So I ran over to Grunder.
"Lighter?" She handed me one with a smile, and I ran back to Shimmer.

"Ethernano." I smirked, taking the test tube. We had managed to create pure Ethernano, we need to chip a piece off, and put it in the lighter.  That would make the fire ten times hotter, letting us melt not only the remains of our lacrima, but the ethernano crystal itself. Molding our lacrima back together and giving it power again. "Go find a mold while I mess with the lighter." I told Shimmer. She growled something about being told what to do, but went off to find one.
I looked at the teacher, who was paying no attention to me. I created a screwdriver of ice, and stabbed it into the Ethernano repeatedly. Creating a bunch of small shards of the stuff. Then I used it to pry the lighter apart. Once apart, I slid a few shards off the table and into the lighter fluid. Shimmer came back, and rectangular mold in hand. "This work?"
"Perfect. Want to use the lighter?" She took it from my hands.
"Yes, I don't trust you. Your younger brother is a freaking pyro, and I'm not sure you're not one yourself." I laughed, every so often I'd sit on the table and play with a lighter for an hour or two just out of boredom.
While she was messing with that, I grabbed the lacrima remains and the rest of the ethernano and put them in the mold. Shimmer has just finished melting the mixture when a bell rang. We both jumped.
"Alright girls, finish up and get out of here. It's time to go home."
"Umm, Okay." I looked at Shimmer. "This needs to set and let it even out in magic." I whispered.
"You can leave your project here over night. Just come first thing in the morning." I looked at Shimmer. We couldn't risk it getting stolen. Without it, we'd be stuck here. "Because you used chemicals. It can't leave the school ground until it's finished." I looked at Shimmer, her eyes lit up.
"Um, can we leave in our club room? We don't want it to get broke."
"Yes, that should be fine."

We walked back to the music room where the Host Club was. We listened at the door, after only hearing seven voices, we opened the door. "Welcome back." Haruhi greeted. Hunni ran up to us, looking at me. He had cake crumbs all over his face, and was holding a pink stuffed bunny.
"Did you mean it? Did you really mean it when you called us perverts?" There were tears in his eyes. Shimmer was trying to contain a giggle. I sighed.
"Look, I meant every word I said, and I'm not sorry. Maybe the stuff about you guys wasn't completely true, but I meant every word I said to the girls." He looked down, seeming to be thinking.
"You told me you could be beat me easily. I want to fight you. No holding back." I heard Tamaki gasp.
"Umm, I'm not sure that's a good idea Hunni-Senpi." Haruhi said. I smirked.
"Deal. But like you said, no holding back. Not till one of us is unconscious."
"Ok! I'll let you both work together to be fair. That wa-"
"No." I interrupted.
"What Frost means is, that she can handle it herself." Shimmer said. Tamaki walked towards us.
"Are you sure?" I nodded. The room was relatively empty. I walked to the center of the room, tightening my pony tail. "Whenever your ready Frost-Chan." He had handed the stuffed animal to Haruhi.
"Good luck Frosty!" Shimmer yelled.
"Don't need it Shim Shim!" I said, calling her by her dreaded nickname. I ran at Hunni, attempting to kick him in the face, he caught it and tried to flip me. I landed on my hands and did a backflip to get upright, just to get a kick to the face. As I was about to get a punch to the face, I crossed my arms blocking it, throwing one of my own. He dodged, going for a roundhouse. I grabbed his foot, and flipped like he did to me. He landed on his hands and tried to hit me with his feet in the air, I dodged them swiped his arms out from under him. He slide under me, coming up behind me. He kicked me square in the back, causing me to fall forward. He was immediately on me, punching me.
"Hunni-Senpi! That's enough!" I heard Haruhi yell. Hunni turned his head and I took the opportunity to switch our positions, pinning him. Putting my forearm to his neck.
"I win. Never get distracted." I hopped off of Hunni and held out my hand. He took it, a huge smile on his face.
"That was awesome! I can't believe it! It's been so long since I had a opponent who was a challenge, or even one I lost to!" What he didn't know, was with out that distraction, I would've had to use magic to win. I started heading over to Shimmer. "Hi-" I spun.
"ICE DRAGON WING SHIELD!" A shield of ice formed just in time for Hunni to slam into it. Everyone stared at me. "Shimmer tell me the Lacrima is set." She moved the mold away from Tamaki, who was trying to see what it was, and opened it.
"Nope. Not even close Frosty." Hunni got up from the ground, touching the ice.
"It's real. It's really ice." I looked at Kyoya. The glasses on the bridge of his nose.
"What are you?" Tamaki asked, stepping away from Shimmer. I smirked, maybe now the nerd would believe us.

"So you two aren't from this dimension, and until that cryst-. Sorry, lacrima, sets, you have nowhere to go?" Tamaki said. Shimmer glared.
"That's pretty much what we said Perv." Obviously still mad at Tamaki for treating her like he did every girl. He went to the corner and started moping.
"Hey Boss! Why don't we let them sleep at your house, we could all go over there and have a sleepover." The Twins suggested. Tamaki stood up.
"I got it! We'll all come over to my house and have a sleepover. Since it's the weekend it'll be perfect."
"You kno-." Haruhi started to say. "Or actually never mind. There's no point." I looked at Shimmer, the nodded.
"Sounds like a plan."

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