Some cares and some worries

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"Hey! You ok ?!"
I was half asleep ,still in shock from the dream. No, from the memory. I dried my eyes with my now shaky hands and wiped the sweat off my fore head with a damp towel that was laid on the side. I walked to the door and edged it open slowly. There stood Tae with a soft smile, his hair a mess and still had his black earrings in accompanied by his black eyeliner.
"Hey... so erm... Are you ok? I heard a scream down the hall." He said a worried expression on his face.
"Hey, I'm fine it was just a night mare that's all." I said with a tired reassuring smile.
" You look like you could use some coffee.No offence or anything." He said smirking slightly.
"Yeah I could use a cof-"
" Great! I'll see you downstairs in 15!"
Before I could object , he was already across the hallway and then going around the corner. "He really needs to be more professional." I mumbled whilst closing the door. I got changed and tried to cover up the red puffiness of my eyes ,from the crying, with concealer.

I sat at the mirror looking at the bruise on my cheek wishing it would just disappear. I desperately tried to cover it up but some of it still showed through. I looked drained, after all I fell for a monster. I remember his loving eyes and that sexy smirk of Jay's on our first date, that's when I really fell for him. The shimmer in his brown eyes, the sparkle of his smile and his compliments. He didn't stop with compliments, for the first time I felt truly beautiful just because the words came out of his mouth. Before I knew it we were on our second date , third , fourth and on our 7 month anniversary I saw a glimpse of the real him slipping through his act gradually. When a guy flirted with me he wouldn't really care , he would simply wait for my response and if it was friendliness he wasn't angry at the guy he was angry at me. At 11 months together he slapped me. At one year and two months, he pulled me hair and banged my head on the wall. At one year 3 months I saw Vanessa leaving his apartment for the first time and then he hit me after asking who she was and why she was there. At one year 5 months , I already had my fair share of bruises and that's when he admitted to being with Vanessa , the day he made me leave the apartment I had only just moved into. That was the day I died and the day the real me was born. All because that ridiculous excuse of a man, guess I should thank him...

"DAMN IT!" I frustratedly said loudly, whilst I swiped the bag of makeup off the desk onto the floor in the rush of anger. It took months to forget and be ok after what he did. Months.
"He isn't going to get to me again, no way. This is what you changed for, to be stronger and more confident so it won't happen again. It can't." I thought whilst still in a fluster.
I picked the makeup back up from the floor and applied it on my face. I looked at the clock and thirty minutes have passed.
"SHIT! How long was I day dreaming?" I said to my self and grabbed my bag and rushed to the café.
Tae sat at a two person table, alone, and was on his phone. He looked up and immediately his eyes found mine. I smiled gently as if to say hello and walked over.
" hey sorry I'm late." I said trying to show respect.
" No worries, anyway what coffee would you like ?"
"Erm, just a plain coffee please, thanks."
" Coming right up." He said winking and then walking to get the coffee. "I can still get along with him and be professional..." I thought to myself. After five minuets of sitting on my phone, he returns two cups of coffee in his hands. He places one in front of me and one in front of him.
" Thanking you..." I said ,my pitch gradually getting higher towards the end. He chuckled and continued to sit.
"So you want to talk about that dream?" He said raising his eye brow.
"No , I've already forgotten it hahaha. Dreams never stay fresh in my head and it's a shame because sometimes they can be really good you know?" Yes ok I lied, I could still remember the hideous nightmare or should I say the memory. I said that lie looking out the window on the right of me that looked out onto a horizon of a Korean city in the late morning. I studied the way the sun was slightly risen in the sky glowing brightly and touching every building shadowing the back drop of the skyscrapers.
" You like the view ?" He asked. I could see him looking at me through the corner of my eye.
I nodded in reply before adding "It's really pretty." I said still looking out of the window.
" I think that's an understatement." He said not even looking at the view but instead looking at me. It's funny he says that when he isn't even looking at it...confusing.
" So you like the view?" I pressed on still looking out the oak framed window.
"Y-eah." he said eyes still fixed on me.
"I do like the view." He pushed.
I turned and looked at him followed by a smiled, he smiled back in return with the corners of his plump lips turning up slightly. We sat there in a comfortable silence whilst he looked in my eyes like he was searching for something.
Rrrrrriiiiiinnnggggg rrrrriiiiinnnggg
"Oh sorry! I've got to take this." I said grabbing my phone out my coat pocket.
"Hello?" I said into the phone.
"Hey Skyla? Yeah it's your agent. And hell, I have a job offer for you!"
"Oh hey Chull! What is it?"
Chull is my manager. He's a middle aged man with dark brown hair and a medium build who is of the homosexual sexuality.
"Well it's a modelling gig and you will be doing it with another k-pop star. All just a fun way to earn some publicity, I mean it is easier with the rest of the girls cause they don't mind dating k-pop sta-" he began to mumble before I interrupted...
"Chull, I told you... I like to keep it professional so if I were to date, it wouldn't be a k-pop star."
" I know, I know. Anyway get down to the studio at twelve, so you have an hour ! Come no makeup or anything ! I gotta go bye Hun bun !"
"Wai-" I said trying to ask what it was about but he had already hung up. When I looked back up across the room ,I must of absentmindedly walked across on the phone, I saw Tae sat there also on the phone. I made my way back to the table and he smiled whilst he continued on the phone.
"Mhm. I'll be there.... yep..... ok bye!"
He ended the call.
"Sorry but I have to go." We both said in unison. We both then started laughing.
" God Tae, get your own sentenced!" I laughed and he replied with more laughter and a "Back at ya!" .
We both said bye and I thanked him for the coffee and went our separate ways. "That wasn't so bad..." I thought to myself. "I Just don't have to see him again now." I smirked at how I had turned so quickly from positive to negative in my thoughts.
I arrived at the photo shoot fashionably late at 12:15.
"Your late again Skyla." Chull said addressing me with a cold glare.
"If I'm always late here's an idea. Tell me an earlier time. I know I know , I'm a logical legend." I said laughing away at my own sense of humour.
"Just go meet your partner in the makeup and hair studio." He said chuckling and shaking his head.
" Oooooo, can't wait to meet her!"
I walked away not hearing Chull's mumble saying : "her?".
I went into the room, only to find him talking to the photographer. Why him?

 Why him?

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