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"That's the problem!" I said before continuing with: " With the last person I dated, we had something truly special and the truth is I don't know if I'm over him." . I blurted that whole thing out completely not considering Chen's feelings. He sat there and smiled before saying...
"I could help you make sure you are over him. I can help you by simply loving you Skyla, and I will! I will love you! "
"Skyla please, will you be my girlfriend."
I have to say he did sound convincing and yes when I see him my stomach does flips, but I can't do this? Or can I?
"I don't know, Chen." I replied, he sat there and did some kind of puppy dog eyes.
"Fine." I said giggling.
"Yeah! Can I finish my chips now?" I asked as he chuckled.
"Sure thing , queen."
"What? I want to do that cute nickname thing." He said laughing as I did also.
"Ok, boo." I said smirking.
"Ok let's not do the nickname thing." He said once again laughing whilst I did. We stayed at the restaurant for around another hour, talking, joking and obviously laughing. I was actually pretty pleased with my choice to date him, he knows I still mis my ex- well I miss Tae but he's still going to stay with me.
We decided to go back to my hotel and for me to check out of my room so I could stay with Chen during the last two months in America together before he goes to China and I go back to South Korea to do more concerts with the new album. After he leaves for China I won't see him for four months until the award ceremonies come back around. When we got to his hotel it turns out Banesa and Bigtolia had the same idea with their now boyfriends. Me and Chen spent the night sleeping in each other's arms. It was... good.
The next two months flew by with all the concerts and dates with Chen. We squeezed in as much as we could in them two months , and I wouldn't of wanted to spend it any other way.

The limo pulled up outside the hotel as me and Chen stood there with his suitcases. I told him I would go with him to the Airport to say goodbye and then I would go back to the hotel. We got into the limo and he sat next to me as we cuddled on the seats.
"I'll miss you." He said looking down at me leaning on his torso whilst he held me.
"I'll miss you to." I replied in an instant.
"We will FaceTime all the time ok? And just know I love you ok?"
He leaned down and kissed me and I kissed back and then we went back to snuggling together.
Half an hour later we had arrived at the airport. We said our love you's, goodbyes and gave each other a final kiss before I watched him walked through the gates. I felt sad he was leaving I'm not going to lie. My eyes watered slightly and his did to but I know we will see each other soon. I headed out of the airport and someone else did at the same time.
"Skyla!" I turned around.
"Oh Tae?"
"Hey. How are you."
"I'm fi-fine." The truth is seeing him made me not fine but then I thought about Chen and it helped.
"That's great. So er... Chen seems to be really into you."
"I should hope so. We are dating now."
"Oh." He looked to floor and sighed. "I'm still sorry for what I did."
"That doesn't matter anymore." I said smiling. He looked up and smiled.
"I better get going, Heugdan is waiting for me."
"Oh... ok, bye." I said before walking away. What he just said about Heugdan stung slightly, I almost forgot but that just proved that I still cared. But I have Chen and I'm happy with that.
At the hotel I stayed in Chen's room, still. The girls came round because their boyfriends had also just left. We had glasses of wine and then they left at around 11:30pm. Just after they left there was a knock at the door.
"Tae?" I said quizzically.
"Hey, can I come in?"
"Fine..." I said opening the door more so he could get in. "Get to it then. What do you want?"
"I- I don't know what to do." He said suddenly bursting out into tears. I had never seen anyone so distraught.
"Hey... what happened?" I said walking up to him now sat on the couch.
"I- I hate being married to someone I don't love." He said crying even more.
"Well isn't there something you could do?"
"Yeah but I can't say."
"You don't have to. But just remember you should think about yourself and look at you right now and think... do I want to spend the rest of my life like this?" I said sitting next to him. He raised his head and wiped the remaining tears on his cheeks.
"Thanks, Skyla."
"No problem." I replied returning a smile. It killed me to see him like that. There were always be a place for Tae to be whether we are together or not.
"Are you happy?"
"Are you happy with Chen?" He asked looking me dead in the eye.
"I would be happier with you."
That's what I wanted to say but I can't. That might make things worst. Also I do love Chen, I really do and I want to be with him. I have to buff it right now...
"Yeah. Im happy." I replied a smile on my face.
"That's really good to hear. You know thats all I ever wanted right?" He said smiling slightly.
"I know." I said as he stood up and headed to the door. "Tae, wait." I said as he turned back to me in reply. "I'm always here for you. I know what I said a few months back about you never coming back but I just needed time to heal. I'm fine now and I want to make sure you are to."
"Thanks, Skyla." He said whilst he turned the handle on the door. "I love you." And with that he left. Those words sent my heart fluttering and I wanted to say it back. But I couldn't. I'm with Chen and I'm really happy, and that's no word of a lie. Then my phone rang.
"Huh? What does he want at this time?" I said smiling stupidly at myself.

"Huh? What does he want at this time?" I said smiling stupidly at myself

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