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I'm now six months pregnant and we are expecting a bouncing baby boy. We haven't decided a name just yet but we hope the rest of the pregnancy goes smoothly.
"Skyla, do you want to go to that arcade again?"
"Yeah! This time I'm going to win you a teddy bear."
"No that's my job as the man."
"Yeah but your not much of a man..." I said giggling as were about to walk out of the house.
"If you weren't pregnant I would totally of RKO'd you."
"Your not strong enough, mate."
"Just get in the car." He said as he opened the door for me.
When we arrived I looked around the arcade remembering the first time we came here. I smiled to my self remembering how he tickled me until I told him I loved him. I almost teared up at the thought of how much had happened.
"Damn my pregnancy hormones." I said as I tried to hold back the tears. These hormones are going to annoy me so much.
"Do you remember when we first came here?"
"Yeah... I remember it really clearly. That man was Teulebeo."
"OH MY GOD! Look at that big fluffy teddy bear!" I buzzed wit excitement as I ran over to the hook a duck stall.
"Do you want it?"
"Yes!" I said excitedly.
Tae bought three goes with the rod and sure enough he won me it. Good job because I would probably of had a temper tantrum if not. Fucking hormones.
I hugged the teddy bear tightly all the way home as Tae kept talking about how good he is at hook a duck and I kept saying it was luck just because I can...
"I told you I already put it in the car."
"Oh right yeah..." I said as Tae kissed me on the forehead. He walked over to Haneul and picked him up.
"Are you enjoying your fifth birthday?"
"Yeah! Daddy, can we play football now?" Haneul said as Tae started throwing him up and down whilst he giggled.
"See you later , princess." Tae said as he kissed me and grabbed Haneuls hand as they headed to the door.
"Bye, bye mummy."
"Bye, I love you sweetie."
"Wove you to." I giggled at his mispronounced word before hearing Tae tell him again that " it's love not wove " whilst Haneul continued to say "it's wove, daddy." .
I love watching them together because Haneul is just like Tae and they are like a comedic duo. Every Wednesday at two they leave to go play football whilst I clean up the house. Tae can't even play football that well but he does try. He would try to do anything for his son and I know that for a fact. I love them both so much and I'm so happy about everything that happened, now. You see the old me would feel sorry for myself about what happened in the past but now I don't understand why I would. If all that shit didn't happen I wouldn't have my two princes that I love so damn much, so in a way I'm thankful about what happened. Sometimes I sit and just think about everything that happened and even smile to myself even when it was hard I'm happy I'm still here and still fighting. I'm 23 and have a husband and a child but I wouldn't want to spend my time any other way. I take the photos I could of took with the baby that didn't make it and I love it when he shouts my name in the night when he's scared because that shows he is dependent on me. Sometimes I want to freeze time, like when Tae first kissed me after the photo shoot or when he set up that little date in his room with the McDonald's,I wish I could of freezes time when Tae first saw Haneul and when Haneul said his first word "Daddy." . Or when Haneul first kicked a football with Tae. I remember taking Haneul for his first swim and he loves the arcade that me and Tae went to when we first started secretly dating. He loved the park where him and Tae play football. I wish I could freeze time and replay it all the time . I want to replay when I married Tae and when I found out I was pregnant for the second time. I love my life how it is, and yes there were bumps infant there were mountains but I'm still standing and I'm glad I didn't give up because if I did , I could of been missing out on what me and Tae have right now. If I didn't leave Jay when he told me to I could of been stuck with him and maybe if I left sooner it wouldn't of been so bad but to me they are my battle scars. I walked through burning hell and came out standing, and I am so happy I did. Whatever happens , just keep going.

Haneul kicked the ball at the goal and it missed and rolled down the hill.
"Daddy, it's gone in the woods!"
"Oh no , go get it." I said as I sat down on the banking watching his little legs running into the woods behind some trees. I sat there waiting for him to come back.
"DADDY!" I jumped up at that scream and ran into the woods and I saw a man running away and as I looked to the side I saw Haneul lying on the floor.
"Daddy it hurts." He said as he was crying.
"What hurts, buddy?"
"My tummy." He said as he began to cough. I looked down at his tummy where there was blood in his shirt. I slowly lifted it up and saw a deep stab wound.
"Your going to be ok, buddy just keep talking to daddy ok?"
"I-I'll t-try."
I quickly pulled out my phone and called the ambulance. I held his hand tightly whilst he squeezed it. Then the grip went. He let go of my hand.
"Haneul?! HANEUL!" I yelled as I lifted him up and ran out onto the field we were just playing football on and laid him on the grass. I stroked his hair whilst yelling his name.
"ANSWER ME, PLEASE!" I yelled as his eyes slowly closed he managed to smile slightly before his eyes closed.
"Stay awake for daddy, come on bud." I cried whilst tears streamed down my face. The ambulance arrived and the paramedics swiftly picked him up and put him in the back of the van. They hooked him up to a heart monitor whilst I held his hand that was no longer holding mine.
"WHY IS IT SILENT?!" I yelled as the heart monitor wasn't even making the stopped heart beat noise.
"Sir, your son is dead."
"His wound was really deep and effected his organs, Im so sorry."
They stopped the ambulance out side the hospital where Skyla was already waiting as soon as they swung open the doors she ran over as I got out the ambulance.
"What happened ? Is he ok?!" She said as she tried to look into the ambulance.
"Skyla, he didn't make it on the way here." I said as tears streamed down my face. She looked at me with disbelief before trying to make her way into the ambulance where they were trying to sort out his wounds so his body wouldn't be in pain when he is gone. I grabbed hold of her from behind her. "DON'T SKYLA! You'll hurt even more if you see him."
"MY SON! THAT'S MY SON! HE'S MY BA-BABY!" She yelled whilst trying to get out my hold and uncontrollably crying. She slowly fell to the floor still crying. "That's my baby." She said hysterically crying. I fell to the floor with her and held her tight.  "I WANT MY BABY!" She cried banging on my chest as she cried more and more.
I unlocked the door to the house and Tae walked in behind me. I turned around to see him on the floor clutching Haneul's football whilst his tears fell onto it.
"He was like my best friend." He said whilst crying even more. I bent down and pulled him into my chest whilst the ball rolled across the floor.
"I know." I said, my tears falling on his head as I watched the ball on the floor.
"Someone killed my son. SOMEONE KILLED OUR SON!" He said as he squeezed my shirt and tensed up. " I'm going to kill them." He said as he stood up.
"What?" I said whilst also standing up.
"They took him away from us!"
"I know , Tae but that's not going to help."
"DON'T YOU WANT TO AVENGE YOUR SONS DEATH?!" He screamed as he cried more.
"Yes, Tae." I admitted .
"Then lets do it."


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