Eye contact and ex's

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The much awaited show has finally arrived. A jumbled morass of shifting lights focused on the immense stage as the rest of the room was casted in moving shadows. Various celebrities strutted up the twisting red carpet and promptly sat in their seats as the extremely anticipated K-pop award ceremony begun.
I sat on my table with the rest of my girl group. The rest of the members conversed excitedly whilst various artists raised to receive their well earned rewards.The girls in my group, Banesa and Bigtolia , and I had already obtained our award for best girl group and I couldn't be more proud of them and my self. After all I have worked hard for years to get this far in this kind of business.
"This is the confidence you should of had when you were younger." I told myself , remembering when I could hardly say hi to my own friends. I was cut off mid thought by the realisation a pair of eyes have been locked on me during the past ten minuets. I noticed it earlier, but decided it was probably just a coincidence but ten minuets? Definitely does not seem to be a coincidence now. I looked to the table on my left and saw BTS sat there all exchanging laughter except one, Tae.
I had met them briefly before the show had begun and wished them all luck, thats when I noticed how reserved Tae was acting compared to the impression I had got before that, when he was more cheeky and chatty. Probably the nerves of the show.
Tae sat there his mysterious eyes fixed on me studying all the aspects of my face, his scruffy dyed orange hair covered his forehead and his black stud earrings contrasted with his hair but matched well with his eye liner that gave him that hint of mystery and made him look slightly bad ass. I look at him, locked eyes for a few seconds then looked to the floor whilst a smirk escaped my lips. I continued to watch the rest of the acts receive their rewards meanwhilst  ,using my peripheral vision, I saw Tae prop himself up in his seat and rest his chin in his hands, still staring at me.
All of a sudden, I was on the huge stage in-front of millions of pairs of eyes all watching me and my act perform, many of which fans. I performed in a black V cut, long sleeved leotard accompanied with black shorts and thigh high boots. I danced to the rhythm to my full potential and sang with my group. I could see him clearly, Tae , his arms folded across his patterned shirt , leaning back into the chair eyes fixed on me. His eyes followed the movement of my hips and then he brought his eyes back up to meet mine. He seemed to be completely blanking the other girls and just fixated his brown eyes on me. I gave the performance everything and after locking eyes again I began to look everywhere but where Tae was.

Soon after, the performance was over and I could still see his face lit up by the dim table light, and his piercing brown eyes that glimmered from the fluorescent lights looking at me. I went backstage ,still in my costume, and in front of my door wa- was h-him. My ex J-Jay. His dark hair up in it's usual pompadour his light brown eyes piercing mine like daggers. All that was in my mind was hatred, betrayal, cheat and...abuse. These words leapt through out my head as I remembered him telling me he would only ever love me and that he thought I was amazing and the other bull shit lies that he told. Bet he tells that to Vanessa now (that basic, boyfriend stealing bitch). Jay was the only one who could ever make me love again after my dad left. And he took my heart, then shattered it. I only just managed to pull my self together a month or two ago and I'm not who I was anymore. Nor will I ever go back to being the girl I was, he changed me from a girl who would blush at every word that came out a guy's mouth and would get embarrassed if someone said something that "wasn't nice" or if they said something " too nice" . She wasn't coming back. He made the mistake, now he's got to know what he's done.
" Hey Skyla, been a while..." Jay walks up to me getting closer by the second , I swore everyone could see the steam coming out of your ears making the hallway like a sauna.
" If you want to keep your balls, you won't come any closer." I said calmly yet sternly.
" Woah only wanna chat, doll. I miss you."
Doll. Ha, doll. I always hated being called that. I always thought he liked it cause it was a cute nickname, but in reality he just thought I was a piece of cheap plastic for him to play with, like a barbie. And to top it off he missed missed me?
" Let me guess that bitch finally found a better man. Surprised it took her this long to find a one, I mean men everywhere are better than you." I stepped closer, my face close to his.
" You just never got over me did you?" A smirk wiped clean across his face.
" Aw then again you never knew much. So I'll be called doll and you will be called prince? You get it because a prince is the exact opposite of what you really are and a doll is the exact opposite of what I am!" I started moving away from his face, I almost couldn't control my laughter at the straight face he now held compared to his flirty smirk, but I wasn't done yet...
"I can't believe you thought I would take you back after what you did. Look your a great guy, oh wait never mind. Just go fuck that troll or something. See ya." I turned to walk to a different changing room but he already had a grip of my wrist.
"Look doll, I don't know why your being a bitch but I came to kiss those lips of yours and I'm going to do that with or without your permission so what's it gonna be huh?" He was already close to my face, I moved back till my back hit the white wall behind me. He pinned my arms together above my head with one hand and grabbed my jaw with his other hand.
Jay just gave me a look that could send lions running, before he began to squeeze my cheeks and jaw tighter making my cheeks hurt and my lips pout. I struggled, trying to loosen his grip but it wasn't happening. His face was inching closer to mine. My head stayed strong and I didn't give up trying. Suddenly a deep voice echoed down the hallway: "Get.Off. Her."
Jays grip loosened on my face and his head looked towards the figure that accompanied the voice. He got off me completely and glared at the figure. I turned my head hesitantly and locked eyes with Tae. He gave a soft smile that made me feel better in an instant.
" And now you speak. Typical." I thought to myself due to the irony. Jay looked back at me before slowly walking away and picking up the pace as he went further. Tae stood there watching Jay walked away, before making his way over.
"So, you ok?" He asked .
" I was fine anyway. But thanks. However he should thank you, after all I was about to drop kick his ass."
Tae chuckled looking at the floor before his eyes locked with mine again.
"Sure thing." A sarcastic tone riddled his voice. " Your performance was amazing by the way."
" Well I should hope so, only been practicing for three months." I said as a smirk tugged on my lips. He just stared at me without looking anywhere else. I couldn't think of what to say so I just stared back. Suddenly the states were interrupted by Jimin ( Tae's fellow member) asking for Tae to return to the table after laughing saying how he was looking everywhere and ended up seeing this dude "doing his business" on the toilet because he didn't lock the door. Tae laughed , before he put a cute smirk on his face before leaving, laughing away with Jimin but only after saying:
"Better see ya soon."
After that peculiar experience I just went into my changing room ,after seeing him off, and got back into your gown and had my makeup touched up. Bring on the rest of the night an after party , and probably a twix bar...

 Bring on the rest of the night an after party , and probably a twix bar

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