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I woke up to a frantic knock on the door at the same time Tae's head flinched forward. "What the..." He said whilst getting up off the couch and I sat there on it, still in yesterday's clothes. He swung the door open and the man from yesterday was there. He looked over at me and smirked at Tae before pushing him again the wall and making his way over.
"What are you doing!?" I said whilst standing up quickly after watching him being aggressive towards Tae.
"Teulebeo!" Tae shouted a he regained his balance and stood back up from leaning against the wall.
"Is this the thing you were protective over yesterday?" Teulebeo hissed.
"You know I'm quite obviously feminine so she would be nicer that this and thing." I said coming daringly closer to him.
"Skyla don't. Just please come over her or get out." Tae said at the edge of the room.
"No why would I leave you with hi- this." I said with a smirk. The man came even closer and squeezed my jaw and next thing I knew a gun was at the side of my head.
"Shit." Tae said whilst he ran his hands through his hair coming closer slowly. "Drop the gun, Teulebeo."
"SHUT UP!" He shouted. "You know you have a pretty face so it would be a waste to blow a hole right through it?" He said raising an eyebrow, examining my face. "People would pay good money for a girl like you."
"You wouldn't dare!" Tae shouted coming even closer.
"come any closer and I will shoot her." He said as Tae raised his hand and backed away. Teulebeo looked at every inch of my face nodding his head, whilst the gun was still at the side of my head. And then it happened. It was so fast and-and genius. I know exactly what to do.
"You know you wouldn't have to pay for me." I said tracing a circle on his chest whilst I saw Tae get tense in the corner of my eye.
"Flirting isn't going to save you." Teulebeo said sternly.
"That's a shame." I said whilst I quickly swiped the gun out of his hand as it felt relaxed whilst I flirted. "But I'm pretty sure it just did, actually." I said kicking the gun over to Tae as he picked it up. Suddenly Teulebeo tackled me to the ground as Tae held the gun in his hand. He was on top of me with my hands above my head, before he slapped me. I kicked in between his legs in an attempt to get away. Tae stood there trying to aim but he couldn't he started coming closer. "TAE NO! Stay there if he gets the gun it's over." I said desperately whilst Teulebeo stood up as I did. He grabbed me by the neck and put me in front of him.
"Go on Tae. Shoot me, all your problems will disappear if you shoot me. Just be careful not to miss and shoot your girl ok?" He said stroking my cheek whilst the other held me tight enough to not escape. I tried to kick to escape his grasp but I couldn't. "Hand over the gun Tae. That way you won't kill her." Tae relaxed at that sentence,looked at me , and then started to lower the gun.
"Don't! TAE PLEASE don't." I screamed he highened the gun again."you know I said I would happily die for our love? I meant it I really did. This man, this man will take that love away from us please don't let him. If you miss Tae-" I took a shaky breath "if you miss it's ok. I won't mind I promise! Just try Tae." . And with that Tae pulled the trigger... It hit Teulebeo in the foot. He fell to the floor in agony. He quickly got up. "YOU ARE GOING TO MARRY MY DAUGHTER OK? IF YOU DONT SHE WILL DIE! IF YOU DO AND CHEAT-GUESS WHAT? SHE WILL DIE! I HAVE MEN WHO WILL KILL HER!" He shouted whilst getting up and limping towards the door. I stood there shaking with adrenaline? With fear? With relief. Tae smiled and ran over and hugged me tight.
"I love you so much!" He said whilst pulling me impossibly tighter to his chest.
"I love you to!" I said nuzzling his chest.
"just don't be stupidly sassy again." He said chuckling.
"Okayyy." I said dragging it out like a child. "I'm going to go back to my room now to get a shower and change I'll see you tommorow?" I said pulling away.
"Yeah. Tomorrow's our last day together here because we both leave her the day after tomorrow in the morning." He said looking kind of sad.
"It's fine Tae. We will have a long distance secret relationship." I said putting my hands on my hips before walking out the room. He's right though. After tomorrow we might not see each other again for months.
Tae POV:
I watched as she left. Alive. I've never felt as much relief , my princess is ok. After tomorrow I've decided I must end what I we have. I don't ever want her to get hurt and being with her could mean she will die. Not only that a long distance relation ship? Will that work for us? I have to do this, because I love her.

 Not only that a long distance relation ship? Will that work for us? I have to do this, because I love her

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