Car duets

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I got changed in the changing rooms of the shop before going back outside where I saw Chen talking wi-with Tae...
"Skyla, your back." Chen said coming towards me. "Tae this is Skyla."
"Oh we've met before." Tae said smiling at me.
"Yeah, briefly." I said returning the smile.
"So this is the amazing and beautiful girl you were talking about ?" Tae said smirking cheekily whilst Chen threw him a glare.
"Dude..." he said in an embarrassed tone and I just giggled. "We better get going, see you later Tae." He said as he walked around the other side of the car, I followed and got in the car after saying:
"Bye, again."
Whilst we were driving along I was worried about why Chen might know.
"So are you and Tae close?" I asked curiously whilst he focused on the road.
"Reasonably close, yeah."
"Ah that's cool, seems like a nice guy." I said looking out the window trying not to think too hard about Tae.
"We will be there in around ten minuets so do you want to listen to some music?" He asked before I nodded in reply smiling. He reached out and turned on the radio. Next thing I knew, we were both singing away to War of hormones by BTS.
"We are here!" He said chuckling slightly after our big car performance.
"Hallelujah!" I replied whilst we both got out the car. He walked over to me and put his hand over my shoulders.
"What are you doing?" I asked him.
"Oh...I'm so sorry I just did it without thinking." He said taking his arm off of my shoulder.
"Ah ok. Thanks for the ride." I said giggling as we walked up the cream marble stairs into the filming studio. When we walked through the doors together everyone just seemed to look our way and Banesa gave me thumbs up whilst the Baekhyun ( who she was making out with the night previous) did the same to Chen.
"I'm going to see my girls." I told Chen as he nodded his head and walked over to exo.
"I feel like it's a good time to tell you this, Skyla." Chull said as I stood in front of him with Banesa and Bigtolia.
"What is it?" I asked , being both curious and worried.
"The record label said you can date again."
"Oh, it wouldn't of affected me anyway."
"Wha- why?" He asked before continuing " You just looked like Chen could be an interest."
"He is an interest, I will admit. By-but everyone always leaves, and he will probably do the same."
"Can we go get ready now for the shoot?" Interrupted Bigtolia, noticing me getting uncomfortable with the conversation.
"Yep go ahead and your all still in your characters ! Skyla can you stay behind please." Chull answered to the question, the girls rushed off after giving me a smile and I stood there waiting for what he had to say.
"Your with Chen, just warning you."
"That's not a problem." I replied winking and walking away.
I walked out of the changing room, seeing Banesa still flirting with Baekhyun and Bigtolia was kissing another member. I'm guessing they both found someone last night. I didn't even notice Chen walking up to me until he reached me. He was biting his lip, looking from my feet that had nude high heels , up my bare legs to the black  shorts I was wearing, then to my off the shoulder black top with a long silver necklace and then he looked into my eyes. I stared back knowing how attracted I was to him in the dark suit with the top buttons undone.

"Hey." He said smirking down at me.
"Hi." I replied smirking back up at him.
He pulled me closer by the waist then I was in an intense embrace with him.
"Ok love birds, time to actually work." Chull said interrupting us. We both giggled letting go of each other.

A months gone by pretty fast, I spent it filming the music video with Chen and that was- that was great. Amazing even. Actually we kissed not long ago. I was on my way to my hotel, just out side the filming studio when a pair of hands covered my eyes. A long story short it was Chen and one thing led to another and then we kissed. It wasn't like the kiss where I slept with him, it was different. It was actually kind of magical. Anyway with the music video, I basically had to stand there whilst he put his hands on me. Then we danced reasonably sexually before I walked away with him following. That was my bit of the video. On the last night of filming I got changed and left the studio after saying bye to everyone, before Chen then offered to walk me out in which I accepted.
"You hungry?" He asked looking down at me whilst I walked along side him.
"No, I'm starving." I said laughing as he did so to.
"Come with me." He said grabbing my hand as he pulled me along to this quaint restaurant down the road. Everyone inside greeted him and then said "Oh my goodness, you brought a girl!" All before they sat us down at a table and lit the candle in the middle o us.
"So do you usually bring boys here?" I said giggling. He laughed in return to my rather funny joke, if I say so myself.
"No I usually eat alone here with the staff. I come here every time I'm in town."
"Aw that's cute." I replied.
Later on we had ordered our drinks and a big bowl of fries to share between us both.
"So Skyla... How would you feel about being my girlfriend?" He asked whilst grabbing another chip.
"Isn't it a bit soon?" I asked, acknowledging the fact we only met around a month ago.
"I don't know if you feel it, but there's something about you that draws me in Skyla and I want you. I want you to be mine already." He said grabbing yet another chip.
"Chen, I have been told so many lies by people I care about that I can't even count them on my hands." I said whilst he looked at me, his eye brows furrowed. "However the one I remember clearly is I love you. So many times people have said that to me and obviously not meant it and then you know what they did Chen? They left. They left for another girl or because it was apparently for me. And Chen, you will probably do the exact same thing."
"I would never lie to you."
"Chen I'm a problem. Everyone leaves because I'm just some problem and you will to, despite all the promises you might make you will leave because I'm just a problem."
"Skyla, you are not a problem. The only problem in what you just said is the guys brains. There brains must have a problem to leave you. Look we will take it slow, I promise but we can try. I'm prepared to try."
"I don't know..."
"Please Skyla when we kissed a few nights ago didn't you feel that spark?" He asked.
"Then let's do it Skyla! Not everyone's the same and therefore I am not like those guys."
"That's the problem!" I said before continuing with: " With the last person I dated, we had something truly special and the truth is I don't know if I'm over him." . I blurted that whole thing out completely not considering Chen's feelings. He sat there and smiled before saying...

 He sat there and smiled before saying

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