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I walked into my hotel room to see Skyla sat there still in my shirt looking out the huge window over the city. It reminded me of when I took her to the cafe. When I said the view was beautiful whilst looking at her that's because I was talking about her. She's so damn beautiful to me, both in and out. I will never understand why all the men in her life treat her so badly. How could you treat a girl like her badly? She turned around to look at me and smiled.
"Who was that?"
"Just some paparazzi." I had to lie. I can't let her go I don't want to!
"Oh ok. Did they see what happened?"
"No luckily they just arrived and wanted some snaps of us but didn't get any." I smiled. I can't believe I have to marry a woman that isn't her. I walked over to her and threw her over my shoulder.
"OH MY DEAR JESUS LORD! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" She screamed banging my back whilst laughing.
"Just felt like swinging you around because your cute." Im going to make the most of right now. I'll tell her later and we can work something out but for right now I just want to love her.
"I AIN'T SOME STUFFED TOY, TAE!" She said laughing.
"Nope just a really hot princess." I dropped her on the couch. She lay there hands over her face laughing. Her shoulder was coming out of the top of the T shirt because it was that big. She's so gorgeous.
"I'm so going to get you back for that!" I said finally calming down after my laughing fit.
"Really? So your gonna pick me up?"
"Nope you'll have to wait and see." I said giggling and sitting up on the couch. Tae sat down next to me.
"Want to watch a movie?"
"Which one, princess?"
"You choose."
"Erm... I don't know ?"
"The note book!"
"Yess!" He said like a child
"Really?"You said giggling.
"Ha, no." He said laughing
"What about the lion king?"
"OMG yes! This is why I love you." I said laughing.
He got up and turned the lights off before putting the film on, on the TV. He sat back down grabbing a blanket on top of the couch. He sat closer to me and put the blanket over us both before he put a hand round me and I rested my head on his shoulder.
"Skyla?" I fluttered my eyes open to find Tae gently shaking me.
"Did I fall asleep?"
"Yep, you kind of snore." He said laughing. I felt myself go slightly red with embarrassment, before I laughed myself.
"Sorry not sorry." I said still laughing. We fell into a comfortable silence until he broke it.
"Skyla, I have to tell you something." Tae's expression went completely serious and it worried me.
"Wh-what is it." I stuttered, nervous about what he is about to say.
"I- I have to marry someone." He said looking away tears growing in his eyes. I can tell he doesn't want to do that so there's no point shouting. I have to make him feel better.
"Hey... it's ok." I said my hands going on either side of his face and making him face me, he looked at me with dis-belief in his eyes. " it's ok Tae. I know you don't want to." I said re assuring him. The tears came out his eyes. I've never seen him cry before but it just shows how much this is effecting him. I hugged him into my chest.
"I'm so sorry. I'm so so so sorry." He said crying into my chest.
"Why are you apologising? You are going to be fine."
"How can I be fine with marrying a girl I don't love when all I want to do is marry this girl right here?" He sat up on the sofa and took a deep breath through his nose and sat there looking at me. I smiled gently at him whilst he came closer and kissed me. I kissed back gently but with each kiss it got more passionate.
"Wait." I said pushing him away slightly.
"What's up, princess?"
"Wh- why don't you just not marry her?"
"I can't."
"Because her dad will kill me and now he will kill you to because he knows I love you."
"Fair enough." I said laughing slightly. He looked at me as if to say its not funny.
"Just trying to make it more happy." I said before going back to being serious.
"Do you know what the worst part is?" He asked looking at me whilst I stared back into his eyes. "I have completely fallen for you. And now I have to be with someone else." My eyes started to sting whilst a lump formed in my throat. I had to stay strong, for him.
"I'm most afraid of forgetting." He continued.
"No. Tae , no! You won't forget."
"I like to think that but once that ring goes on my finger you will just be another memory and sometimes people forget and I really don't want to forget you." He said his eyes becoming damp again.
"You won't forget. We can carry on seeing each other behind her back. We can and will do that because I'm not giving up on us! And you know what? I would happily die to be with you." I said pushing the tears back whilst more fell out of Tae's .
"Ok." He said looking at me with a hint of a smile. "We can do this." He said bringing you into a hug. "I love you so much." He said rubbing your back.
"Back at ya Tae-Tae." I said hugging him back.
He laid down and I laid next to him on the couch. I spent yet another night completely in his arms and I hope there will be plenty more before he gets took away from me.

 I spent yet another night completely in his arms and I hope there will be plenty more before he gets took away from me

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