Threats and tickling

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"Dad, I think I found her."
"What? Found who?"
"The girl I want to be with so ple-"
"Tae, no."
"But Dad I don't want to marry Heugdan. I want to be with Skyla."
"You know that Heugdan's father would kill you and that Skyla if you didn't marry her."
"But dad I don't love Heugdan-"
"TAE! Enough. If you want to keep Skyla safe you have to go through with this marriage. I'm sorry."
"Dad come on! I really don't wa-"
"End of conversation."
My dad hung the phone up after that. This means this year I'm going to marry a girl I don't have the slightest of feelings for. The only girl in my mind I want to marry... is Skyla but I have to keep her safe so I have to do this- for her. For now I will enjoy being with her but soon I'm going have to let go. I don't want to do this. At all.
I woke up in my hotel room to three missed calls from Chull. The phone rang again.
"Hey Chull."
"Yeah hey Skyla. I'm sorry for going crazy yesterday. I have new rules for you though. I'm sorry but these were enforced by the record company."
"Wh-what is it?"
"You can't date anyone anymore."
"You can't date anyone anymore because it would keep your male fans happy and something like the other night can't happen again."
"But Chu-"
"I'm sorry Skyla. I tried to convince them but I couldn't"
He hung up. I straight away ran out my room to Tae's room and frantically banged on the door my eyes already becoming blurry with tears. The door swung open.
"Skyla? What's wrong?!" He said a concerned look on his face. I just ran into him and swung my arms around him and rested my head on his chest, crying. He didn't say anything just closed the door and put his arms around me.
"Chull sa-said I can't da-date anyone." I said still in his arms and my voice muffled from his chest with an oversized T shirt on it. "How can we ever be together now?" I said getting more upset at the thought of not having Tae in my life at all.
"It's ok." He said stroking my hair. "We will stay a secret like we were planning to temporarily but it will be permanent." He said his chin now resting on top of my head.
"Where's the future in that Tae?" I said pulling away from him. He grabbed my chin with his forefinger and his thumb and looked deeply into my eyes.
"We will make a future out of it. Yes it will be hard but we can do this. We just have to work hard."  He said smiling. I returned the smile. "Do you want to go to the arcade?"
"People might see us."
"Well they can see us. We will just be... friends." He said winking. I giggled and  accepted.
"Can I borrow a T-shirt?" I asked realising I was still in my pyjamas. He handed over a large T-shirt before turning around allowing me to swap the smelly shirt for that one. I was now wearing a ridiculously oversized tee with leggings and above the knee boots that I slipped on when rushing out the door.
"Ready, princess?"
"Yep." I said now cheery.
"You look cute." He said turning around to look at me.
"Oh shit I have no makeup on." He just chuckled.
"By the looks of it you don't need makeup." He said pecking my lips.
"Omg I'm gonna die of cringeyness."
"Take a compliment Skyla." He said chuckling with that damn adorable rectangular smile.
"Let's go!!!" I said excitedly whilst heading to the door. I walked out and after me, came Tae and he locked the door.
At the arcade me and Tae laughed and played and had a good time and I was surrounded by so many cute things that I could hardly control yourself.
"Aw shit." I said sadly.
"What is it?" Tae replied.
"I ran out of money." I said realising the money in your PJ pants had all gone. " I really wanted us to win a bear from the clamp machine to."
"You really think I would let you pay anyway?" He said smiling at me whilst I walked to a clamp machine. "On me."
"No no no no no no. I'll feel bad for about one hundred years if you pay."
"Do you know how much money I'm on? Also I want to."
"Nnnnoooooo! I'll feel bad!"
"I'll cry if you don't let me pay." He said making a sad face.
"Fine but only because I don't want to see your ugly ass crying face." I replied giggling as we reached the clamp machine.
"What did you say?" He said tickling my sides.
"I sai- said you have a-a ugl-y crying fa-face!" I said laughing.
"Say it again." He said tickling me more.
"Ok- ok stop!" I said laughing my head off.
"Say you love me."
"Ok ok I love you." I said catching my breathe as he let go of my sides. He put the money in the clamp machine. He looked cute when he tried to concentrate.
"YASSSSSSS!" He said jumping around as the stuffed cute bear fell into the collection box. " here you go." He said a rectangular smile flashing across his face as he handed menthe bear.
"We will share it." I watched as his face dropped as he looked to the side.
"What is it?" I questioned as I followed his gaze to look at the side. There stood a older man staring our way. "You think he heard us say I love you?"I asked worryingly.
"No. I know he heard." He replied as the man started making his way over. "Skyla can you leave now please." He said not ever looking away from the man.
"What why?"
"Go back to my hotel room. I'll meet you there." He said whilst the man was coming even closer. I didn't say a word just took the keys out his hand and left towards the hotel.

Heugdan's father was coming closer. I watched as Skyla left safely.
"What were you doing with that girl Tae?" Teulebeo asked.
"Having some fun, sir." I replied trying to be respectful. This man deserved no respect. He had so much money he could get away with murder... and he did get away with murder. He murderer his daughter's last husband because he was having an affair, I witnessed him stabbing him. For a debt of watching the crime I must now marry his daughter and stay faithful forever. To a girl I don't love.
"Having some fun huh? What's the fun with saying I love you?" I stood silent trying to think of what to say.
"I'm sorry sir."
"I like you Tae but I will kill you."
"I know, sir."
"You are marrying my daughter and you know what will happen to you and that girl if you let me down."
"You wouldn't touch her." I said anger boiling inside me at the thought of someone hurting Skyla. I would kill him if he laid a hand on her.
"Your getting too attached to her Tae. Your getting married in a month so whatever that is you better end it because I will also tell the media about it." He started walking away. "Oh and don't use a threatening tone like that with me again." He said showing a gun in the pocket of his suit before he continued walking away. I have to end it. To keep Skyla safe I have to do this...

 To keep Skyla safe I have to do this

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