Secret tangled hearts

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I spent that night in Tae's hotel room. I didn't do anything just laid there in his arms all night. It was perfect. Never before had I ever felt so much warmth and so much protection from just one person. I really fell hard for this guy and for months I was completely oblivious to it...

My eyes fluttered open as the harsh light from the sun edged its way through the cracks in the blinds. There was a dip in the white mattress of the bed where Tae had been during the night. I got up out of the bed and made my way to the living room where I could hear the muffled noise of the TV. I saw Tae sat there his hands running through his hair and looking distressed.
"Shit..." he said rewinding the news . My eyes slowly turned away from him and looked at the TV whilst I stood silently in the door way. Nothing could prepare me for what I saw next.
"Last night in between the hours of ten and eleven in the evening, Skyla Beulluseu was videoed acting in a terrible manner after hearing not to good news from her lover..." After the newsreporter said that a video from the previous night was shown on the TV. It showed... everything until Tae took me out the room. I looked like a hot mess whilst I screamed at Adeulian and he screamed back. I was disgraced on national television.
"Tae...?" I said looking at him trying to ignore the TV.
"Hey... did you see that?" He asked with a concerned look, whilst standing and coming over to me. I just nodded my head before saying:
"It's fine Tae, I knew this was going to happen. Let's just not talk about last night... any of it." He looked at me whilst disappointment flickered through his eyes.
"So you want to forget what happened with us...again?" I stood silently looking at my hands whilst I played with my thumbs and thought all the whilst he was looking at me waiting for an answer. "Okay, I get it. Just get out Skyla."
"No Tae. I don't want to forget and I'm not getting out. I was just thinking..."
"Then what are we going to do about us huh? Skyla the media is going wild about you and that dick head.We can't just be suddenly dating."
"I know that much dumb ass." I said whilst slapping the side of his arm playfully. I stepped closer and put my arms around his neck. "That's why we are going to be a secret for now." I pecked his lips after finishing my sentence. I pulled away and wandered into the kitchen.
"Leaving me hanging again?!" I heard Tae yell from the living room. I couldn't help but laugh whilst I made two cups of tea. "This is the happiest I've been in months." I thought to myself "and that's with all that shit on the TV to." . I snapped out of my thoughts when a muscular pair of arms wrap around my waist and their head is bending down slightly so it's in the nape of my neck.
"I like mine with one sugar, please."
"Oh my... Tae get off of me!" I said whilst putting one sugar in his tea.
"Really princess? I've been waiting months to hold you and your going to make me get off?" He said chuckling and kissing my jaw line.
"Your tea's done Tae." I said giggling. I turned around so I was facing him and his arms went on the white counter tops ever side of me as he towered over me.
"I love you." He said looking at me, sincerity in his eyes.
"I love you to." I automatically said back and I never meant it more.I thought I loved Jay but this... this is real love and god it feels good. Tae leaned down and our lips were almost touching
"You know I very nicely made you a cup of tea and your not even drinking it." Tae chuckled after I pointed that out. He took his arms of the counter and I moved out the way with my cup of tea. Tae grabbed his and I made my way to the living room where we both sat down on the couch. I was about to take a sip when your phone rang.
"Hello?" You said questionably down the phone
"Skyla it's Chull. You were meant to be at a meeting an hour ago, look I know your usually late but this is slightly ridiculous."
"Oh my holy balls! I'm so sorry I'll be right there!"
"Good we have things to discuss like what happened yesterday for example."
"You know what would be good?"
"If I just didn't turn up."
"Skyla get your famous ass down here. Now!"
"Ok ok ok see ya." I put the phone down and looked apologetically at Tae.
"You have to go?" He asked a hint of sadness in his eye.
"Yeah I'm sorry. "
"It's fine don't worry princess." He got up and made his way other to where I was now standing after moving around on the phone. He planted his lips on my  forehead. I looked up at him, smiled and then left. I got changed in my hotel room and swiftly made my way to the meeting. All the whilst being prepared for a lecture.
"So Skyla, enlighten me. How did you end up looking like that?" Chull said showing me a picture of the tearey mess I was last night.
"Enlighten you?" I said raising an eyebrow.
"YES SKYLA! LOOK AT WHAT YOU HAVE DONE! YOU DIDNT ONLY LET YOURSELF DOWN PUT THE GROUP AND ME!" He said slamming the pictures of the night before in front of me on his desk. He was pacing up and down the office his hand rubbing his forehead. "So yes enlighten me Skyla." He said taking a seat in front of me.
"Ok so imagine a boy you had a crush on came up to you asked you out-"
"What's wrong with that?"
"Let me finish." I said giving him a stern look. "And then you have been dating for a month or so and you spend Christmas and new year together and then they come up to you... in a middle of a after party with another girl- and ... and say that she is his girlfriend in front of everyone. To make it worst she's a bitch, on top of that a crowd is around you and then you get wine on you nice ass gown. So you enlighten me on how you would react." Chull sat there silently. I sat there looking him dead in the eye.
"Why aren't you upset Skyla ?"
"I'm over it."
"Why did you leave with Tae Skyla."
"I don't know."
"I'm going to ask you this and this is the final question. Why did you leave with Tae and suddenly your ok?"
"BECAUSE WHAT!?" He bellowed wiping the pictures of the desk into his hands and throwing them on me.
"Get out my office skyla."
"Just get out. I have other things to do. I just need to calm down." He said looking out the window. I got up and left.
"Trouble with the boss huh?"
"Why are you here Jay?" I said as the wind blew on me whilst I stood outside the building where Chulls office is.
"I saw you go in and judging by your face you look like you just got shouted at pretty bad."
"It's none of your business Jay." I said walking past him as I tried to walk away.
"You can't just run away from your problems all the time Skyla." He said as I went past him.
"Your obviously aware your a problem so why can't you stay away?"
"Because I still love you."
"Oh that's just-
"Bull shit." Someone said interrupting me. "That is bullshit. I know ,as someone who got told someone loved them just this morning, what a sincere I love you looks like. And trust me that ain't it." Tae stood next to me whilst he slowly got closer to Jay.
"Tae Hyung huh? Sod this." Jay said turning away and walking down the street to a new car.
"He's got a new car. So when are you gonna smash it up?"
"Very funny Tae." I said as he put his hands on your forearms and came closer. "Tae we are in public." I whispered pushing him away.
"Oh shit yeah. Must of forgot because when I'm around you the world disapears."
"Ok shut up you mature cheddar cheese. I'll probably see you soon." I said winking and walking away without another word. Just because thats how much of a legend I am. I went back to the hotel and just chilled in my room for a bit.

"Dad I've found her."


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