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I banged on what used to be Tae's hotel door after sneaking out my room whilst Chen was sleeping. I clutched the knife in my pocket when Teulebeo opened the door.
"What do you want? Heugdan is in China because I'm hoping your not here to see Tae because-"
"I already know and actually I'm here to see you." I said opening the door and letting myself in.
"Well that was ru-"
"Shut the fuck up." I shouted as he came over towards me.
"What did you just say, girl."
"I said... SHUT THE FUCK UP." And with that he slapped me. I grabbed the knife out of my pocket and put it against his neck.
"WOAH WOAH woah... don't do anything stupid, now."
"I'm not going to kill you... yet. First you have to feel-" I said as I lowered the knife and slashed a deep wound into his shoulder "you have to feel pain." I said as I kicked him and he fell back from the pain of the wound. I saw a large hunting gun on the side so I walked over and grabbed it and when I turned around he was charging at me. He tackled me to the floor and I banged the handle of the gun on his head before getting on top of him and grabbing the knife back out of my pocket. I slid it into the cut I had just made and twisted it around.
"HOW DO YOU FEEL HUH? HOW DO YOU LIKE PAIN?!" I yelled as tears of anger and sadness rolled out of my eyes.  I repeatedly banged the gun against his head before I stabbed his side.
"Your going to jail! AGH STOP!"
"Yeah but you will be suffering  and dead before I do!" As I started punching him across the face. He grabbed the knife I had just put on the floor so I could hit him and jabbed it in my side.
"SHIT!" I yelled as the pain shot through my body. I grabbed the gun and aimed it at his head.
"No." he said with a smirk. "You won't kill me."
"Your right. BUT I WILL MAKE YOU HURT SO MUCH YOU WISH I WOULD KILL YOU!" I grabbed the end of the gun and whacked it on his nose so it broke. I then grabbed the knife and made multiple wounds on his arms. " YOU TOOK HIM AWAY FROM ME!" I screamed as I continued to kick and punch and then twist the knife in the wound of his shoulder. My side was bleeding and hurting but I didn't care. He punched up at me and caught me off guard. He then managed to get on top of me and continued to hit me in the face and stomach. I kicked up between his legs and then kicked his face but he grabbed my leg and stabbed it with the knife. He stood up whilst I gripped my leg in pain. He grabbed me by the hair and started hitting me in the face.
"Hey I'm just getting the last of my stu-"
Teulebeo stopped and looked up at whoever just entered.
"Tae? Aren't you meant to be in China with my daughter?"
I grabbed the knife he had now just dropped as I stabbed him in the leg and he fell to the floor. I got ontop of him and held the knife at his throat .
"DONT PRETEND TAE IS HERE! YOU CAUSED HIM TO DIE YOU DUMB ASS BITCH!" I yelled as I punched him and then raised the knife and was about to stab him in the chest before someone grabbed my wrist. I looked up and Tae stood there.
"Wha-what? Your not dead?" I said as I stood up and dropped the knife. I limped closer to him and wrapped my arms around him and began to cry. "I thought you died!" I cried into him.
"I know, I'm sorry princess."
"Wha-what? YOU LIED !"
"I HAD NO CHOICE!" He yelled back at me whilst I stood back slightly. "Chen said that you didn't want to see me ever again because I killed your baby."
"Tae you know I don't think that! Chen lied to you!"
"Yeah seems like he lied to both of us. I thought he was just going to tell you I was moving to China and not that I'm dead."
"Oh m-" before I could finish the sentence I felt the cold blade of a knife slice across my stomach. I looked down and saw Teulebeo looking up at me with a smirk on his face before he stood up and left. Tae looked at him and then back at me his mouth open.
"Don't worry. Your ok." He said his eyes becoming glossy. "Don't think about it ok? Your going to be fine." He said as he lifted up my top. "Oh princess. " he said as he closed his eyes tight and a tears came out of them. I could taste blood in my mouth and then it coming out the corners. "I'm going to call an ambulance just sit down ok?" He said as he got out his phone. "SHIT! That prick cancelled my phone." He said as he threw his phone at the wall. I slowly fell forward. "Ok... ok." He said as he picked me up bridal style. "I'll get you help just stay awake and try talking to me."
"I love you..." I said as I coughed more blood. He looked down at me whilst he ran down the stairs into the lobby.
"SOMEONE HELP ME! " and that's where it went black.

I woke up in a hospital room. Machines were beeping all around me. Tae sat next to me holding my hand. His eyes were swollen and red. "Hey princess, how are you feeling?" He asked gently.
"My leg and stomach hurts." I replied back with as much power as I could. "I'm so happy your not dead. I was going to kill  Teulebeo..."
"Your such an idiot! Look how hurt you are Skyla."
"Tae it's nothing to how I felt." I replied back. Chen stormed in the room and grabbed Tae by the collar.
"If I wasn't she would probably be dead, thanks to your lie." Tae replied back as he stood and squared up to Chen.
"If you guys fight I will kill you both so please just sit down." I took a break before saying "Chen... do you know how much it hurt me thinking that Tae was dead?"
"I know I'm sorry."
"Save it. I just want to know why."
"Because I love you and I don't want Tae taking you away from me."
"Well you know what?"
"He just did."
"What does that mean?!"
" I don't want to marry someone who would do what you did."
"I did it because I love you, Skyla."
"Trust is so key in a relationship and you obviously didn't trust me at all as to say that Tae was dead. Do you know how that felt? I just lost a baby and then you tell me he is dead. I felt so bad that I wished I was the one that has died and not him." I said as a few tears rolled down my cheeks. " Chen thank you for being a good husband, but all this just made me realise that hole I had when I first met you... was only half filled. I love you Chen but I can't be married to you, I'm so sorry."
Chen began to cry... "It's fine, Skyla. It's my own fault and I understand."
"Thanks so much Chen." I said as he stood up and left the room.
"Why did you do that?"
"Because the only person that can fill that hole completely is you. When I thought you died I realised I was the one not fighting. But now I will, I will fight for you Tae."
"You don't have to, you already have me..." Tae bent down and kissed my lips.
"Tae..." I looked up and saw Heugdan standing there shocked after just seeing Tae kiss me.

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