At long last

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"Heugdan!?" Tae said in surprise as he stood up and walked over to her.
"What were you doing?" She asked as she looked over to me with her eye brows furrowed and then she smiled. "Do you want to be with her?"
"You do don't you? You have this whole time..."
"I'm sor-"
"No I'm sorry I have been holding you back from this. The truth is I had been seeing Chen this whole time. I'm sorry Skyla."
"Wha-what?! He was cheating on me?"
"Not exactly we just admitted we felt something but he said he loved you also. So..."
"Heugdan! Why didn't you tell Tae?! Do you know what your father did to him? He is covered in bruises!"
"I know I'm so sorry... but I'm going to tell him to leave you two alone and also to stay out of my life unless he promises to sort him self out."
"Really?! So me and Skyla can be together?!" Tae said as a huge smile was on his lips.
"Yes! Again I'm sorry about everything."
"Yeah I'm sorry for almost killing your dad..."
"It's fine, hopefully it knocked sense him no one has ever stood up to him before... you must really love Tae."
"Yeah I always have." I said as Tae turned to look at me.
"I'll leave you guys alone..." and with that Heugdan left.
"Could this have gone any more smoothly?!" I asked with pure excitement.
"Well yeah you could of not been in hospital." He said chuckling as he brought his face closer to mine. He kissed me and I kissed back. I missed the shoots of electricity. "Seem so we can now be together... what do you say?"
"Dude have you not been here this whole time? So I say hell yeah boy!" I said as he went back to kissing me.
I laid on the bed as Tae laid next to me with our hands intertwined. I looked into his eyes as he looked into mine. I had never realised how much of me was missing until I met Tae. When I found Tae, I found myself. I thought I was happy but I was barely content. That's the thing with love it can be mistaken so easily that you can feel like your drowning in confusion but when you find it, you'll know. And when you realise it it's the best thing you will ever feel and I want to feel this way for the rest of my life with Tae by my side.
"Your so beautiful." Tae said as he swept a loose hair off of my forehead. "I love you."
"I love you to."
Me and Tae decided to take a year off of work so we can focus on us for a while. We decided to spend it in Korea where Tae was from. We had officially been together for six months so far and we have seven more months of being off work because we started dating a month before that. We've spent it laughing and playing around with water guns and toys he had got. This is what I love about us, there's never a dull moment. Lord knows how many times we have kissed and each time I still feel that shot of electricity and I love it. Every time I see him I fall in love all over again. I don't want him to ever leave me again.
Chen and Heugdan are now engaged already, and I'm honestly happy for them and we plan to attend their wedding that should hopefully go better than mine and Chen's. Sometimes I wonder that if I did things different then maybe me and Tae could of been together this whole time. Whenever I bring it up to him he always says the same thing and I kind of live by it now. "Why think about what you could of done when you can think about what you could do right now?" And he's right. I used to think about Jay , Adeulian and my dad all the time but now I finally feel free. People usually feel free when they let go of someone but for me , I am truly free when I'm with Tae. That way I'm not trapped in myself. Tae is my wings and he keeps my feeling like I'm on cloud nine. I wouldn't know what I would of done if he was actually dead, I think- I think I would of joined him. But he's here now, and I love that. Tae sat there at the table looking at me weirdly.
"What are you so deep in thought about?"
"Nothing." I said with a wide smile on my face.
"Do you want to get married?"
"What?" I said as I put the chicken I was about to stuff in my mouth back on my plate.
"Well I was thinking that we have nothing to lose and we can catch a flight to vegas..."
"Are you serious?!"
"Yeah so do you want to marry me Skyla Beuleseu?"
"Yepidoodles! Can we go book a flight?"
"I kind of already have , it leaves in two hours..."
"Oh my god! I love you !"
"Back at ya, princess."
We ran to the nearest bridal shop the next day at night time in Las Vegas and I quickly bought a dress whilst Tae got changed into a suit and got me a rose. We ran down the street in our bridal wear to a chapel we were holding hands and running like no tomorrow looking like idiots in bridal wear. I didn't need to have a huge wedding, all I wanted was Tae. I always knew what my answer would be to him if he asked so I don't even have to think. We ran into the chapel and asked the priest to wed us.
"Do you take Kim Tae as your husband?"
"Yep. Oh sorry, I do." I giggled whilst Tae laughed.
"Do you take Beulluseu Skyla as your wife?"
"I have always wanted to since I saw her so yeah I do." He said looking down at me.
"You can no-" before the priest had even finished his sentence Tae's lips were already on mine we kissed passionately before Tae scooped me up and we ran back to the hotel me still laughing in his arms. He threw me on the bed before crawling up to me and kissing me. We did our second time together that night. I woke up to see him just staring at me with his chocolate brown eyes.
"When I first saw you I knew I wanted you Because if I didn't have you I wouldn't know what to do with myself. You are so beautiful and I want to hold you and keep you for as long as I live. No matter what happens just know I will always love you and only you ok?"
"Ok. When you left me, I felt such a gaping hole inside me that I thought everyone could see it. I wished you could see it and you could see me bleeding in agony because that's how it felt. Then I thought yo- you had died... and that's when I realised that hole was still half there and no one could fill it but you that was the day I knew true pain and true sorrow. I felt like I was slowly drowning in my own tears but then... but now your here with me and I'm not drowning anymore, I'm flying. So don't leave me again Tae, I don't want to drown anymore."
"If you ever feel like you are drowning just know I would jump straight into that water no matter what's in it and save you. I was scared to hurt you but now I know that me leaving is what hurt you the most... it's what hurt me the most. The reason I was so skinny was because I couldn't eat with Heugdan with out wishing it was you. I love you and now your my wife. So no I would never leave you again. We are going to live life and no one is going to get in our way anymore because we are this perfect plan and we are a perfect team."
"I'm in love with you."
"I'm in love with you to."
And with that we got up and booked our flights back to Korea.
Five months passed since our unplanned yet perfect wedding. We bought a house in Korea and I'm expecting a baby... I'm four months pregnant and Tae is already excited to buy all the cute toys and in a month we can find out the gender! Tae is already excited for a child and can't wait to be a dad and I can't wait to be a mum. This baby is going to have the life the other one should of had. I would already risk my life for the baby and Tae would also.
I'm now six months pregnant and we are expecting a bouncing baby...

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