Chapter 1

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A/n this is my first story and Ik I'm writing this after Camila left 5h but I'm writing what Helps me get through this hard time. So anyways let's get to the story.

"Why, why did she do this to us? Why did she leave?" Lauren cried to herself

"Laur we are all in pain she left us behind too." Dinah said while going over to hug Lauren on the couch of Lauren's childhood house. "I know, I know it hurts but it's gonna get better. But trust me she had a reason to leave she might have not told us the real reason but I believe that the truth will come out." Dinah said to one of her best friends. Ally came in asking why Lauren was crying. Normani followed behind Ally knowing why Lauren was more upset then Camilla's best friend Dinah.

"Lauren can I talk to you for a minute." Normani asked her best friend

"Yeah sure." Lauren said while taking Normani's hand in hers and walking to a different room in the house.

"Lauren how are you feeling?" She asked

"I'm fine." Lauren said with a fake smile.

"Lauren cut the shit remember I know about how you really feel about Camila and I know your sad about her leaving." Normani giving her best attempt to give her best friend tough love. Lauren just sat there quite contemplating on what to say next. " tell me about the way you feel about Camila." Normani begged Lauren.

"She's a ball of sunshine when she's smiling and happy I'm happy. When she's doing something goofy or silly my heart melts every time. When she's sad I'm sad. When she said someone hurt her feelings I want to go hunt them and beat them up." Lauren stated trying to hold back some tears trying to escape from her emerald eyes . After a couple minutes she continued " or the way you can tell her every emotion just by looking into her brown eyes."

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