Chapter 5

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Lauren's pov

Omfg I'm freaking out what am going to wear? I don't know why I'm so nervous it's just Camila. Oh who am I kidding it's not just Camila it's the girl I really really like. I need help, so I call up my savior Mani "hey Mani I need your help I'm meeting up with Camila today, and I'm freaking out I don't know what to wear."

"Relax just wear something comfortable. Remember she's already seen you makeup free in sweats and even sometimes with red puffy eyes and tear stains on your face. She's one of your "best" friends she's seen you at some of your worst moments so dress comfortable."

"Your right Mani I don't know why I'm freaking out she's one of my closest friends. Thanks for calming me down that's why you're one of my best friends."

"So text me when it's over tell me how it went."

"Yeah I will you're the best bye."

Camila's pov

Okay so I'm kind of freaking out I mean it's Lauren and she's just so hot. I don't know what I should wear. So I text my best friend who is currently mad at me, but she's the only that knows about the fact that I like a girl so I'm hoping she'll help me out.

To Cheechee💋💁:look I know your mad at me but I really need your help.

To Cheechee💋💁: look I really really really really really need your help.


From Cheecheee💋💁: look I'm sorry for ignoring you I'm not that mad anymore I mean it was coming to an end but I thought we had at least 3 more years together but anyways, ooooh u gonna get it walz?

To Cheechee💋💁: no I'm sorry but anyway what should I wear I mean she's one of my good friends I've seen her at some of her worst moments and she's seen me at some of mine.

From Cheechee💋💁: if she's still around after seeing u at your worst she's a keeper jkjk. But anyway just wear something casual like crop top (when I wrote crop top bad and Boujee popped in my head) and maybe some jeans casual u know.

To Cheechee💋💁: thanks girl ur a life savor.

So I showered and to Dinah's clothing advice and wear my tfios crop top so blue skinny jeans that made my ass look good, and my favorite pair of converse. I look at my phone and it's 11:45 I should probably get going so i send a text to
Lauren telling her I'm leaving now.

TO Lolo☺️: I'm leaving my house now I'll see u in 15.

FROM Lolo☺️: okay I'll see u then just in case I get there b4 u what do u want.

TO Lolo☺️: I want a trenta iced coffee no classic syrup but instead Carmel syrup and splash of half&half. Thanks Lolo.

From Lolo☺️: k will do see where u get there.


Lauren's pov

After I finished texting Camila I looked over my outfit it was my favorite blue and red oversized flannel and some jeans. I got in my car and started driving to Starbucks I knew I would get there before Camila because I lived closer to it .
Lauren and Camila's outfits.

----------------------------------Lauren and Camila's outfits

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----------------------------------When I got to Starbucks I ordered myself a cold brew and Camila's drink and sat at a table

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When I got to Starbucks I ordered myself a cold brew and Camila's drink and sat at a table. While I was waiting for her I decided to post a pic on Instagram with my Starbucks.
Laurenjauregui: I love me some Starbucks.☕️
A couple of minutes later I see Camila walk in and damn she was looking good. Control your self Lauren she doesn't see you in that way she's just your friend. I kept thinking to myself as she sat down. "How are you?" I finally say.
"I'm good." She smiled "and how have u been."
"Ive been good you know spending time at home hanging out with Taylor while Chris is in college it's been fun." So after about 2 hours of conversation I say "look Camila the real reason I asked to hang out with you is because I missed you but I also wanted to tell you something."
A/n: so it's like 2:06 am where I live and like I couldn't sleep but I have no basketball practice tomorrow so after school I'm coming home and taking a nap. But anyways my friends know I'm obsessed w 5h and so to push my buttons bc I have anger issues and they like it when I get sort of pissed. They kept using song lyrics and titles and it's annoyed me so much then my other friend called Camila camilla and I cringed so I told her how to say it and she was like cameltoe and she called Lauren Laura so now that's there new nicknames between my friends and I.

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