chapter 20

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Camilas pov (haven't had that in a while)

Today is Saturday and I have a date with Lauren tonight but she won't tell me where we are going, or how to dress. I'm nervous about this date because it's Lauren (I mean who wouldn't be nervous going on a date w Lauren) and I really like her. I'll just call her to see what I am supposed to wear for this date.
Calling Lolo💚💚

Hey Lolo

Hey camz what's up r u excited for our date later?

Yeah I am but that's exactly y I called u so i know what to wear.

Wear something cozy almost pajama like but where if we went to a restaurant u could fit in.

Okay thanks for that I really needed to know so I don't stress as much. Bye Lolo I'll see u later.

Okay bye camz I'll pick you up at 8.
Call ended

Okay so she said cozy but casual so I'll just go with my grey sweatpants and my white tee-shirt that says too tired don't talk to me

Okay so she said cozy but casual so I'll just go with my grey sweatpants and my white tee-shirt that says too tired don't talk to me

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That looks presentable enough for a casual restaurant and they are really cozy also.
Lauren's pov
Okay so i have everything thing set up it's now 7 so I'm gonna go get ready then pick up Camila for our date. I put on the black lingerie that I bought yesterday and over it I put on my softball sweatshirt w my last name on it some grey joggers and a Beenie with my last name on cuz I'm that extra.

 I put on the black lingerie that I bought yesterday and over it I put on my softball sweatshirt w my last name on it some grey joggers and a Beenie with my last name on cuz I'm that extra

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 After I pick out my outfit for the date I hop in the shower

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After I pick out my outfit for the date I hop in the shower. After my shower I get dressed and put on minimal makeup on and I look over to the clock and see it 7:45 time to go pick up the girl I love. 'Wait love Lauren you love her' I thought to myself. I push my thoughts to the side and decide it's time to go pick up my baby camzi, 'woah Lauren you haven't even asked her yet she is not your baby yet.' I thought to myself... wow I'm so hopelessly addicted to Camila that shes all I think about, every second of the day. I just hope that one day if she doesn't get tired of me we can go public to the world but right now I'm happy doing whatever we are doing.

Yeah okay so full disclosure Ik this chapter isn't really done and Ik I promised to put this up 3 weeks ago but I was busy getting ready for school and school started last Tuesday the. 5th and my birthday is next Tuesday the 19th btw anyway funny story time. Okay so I'm sick right and I had plans to hang out with the girl I like after school and so we had plans to meet up but I got picked up early and for me when I'm sick I get really drowsy and loopy and forgetful. So I get home and I knock out for about 3 hrs then my phone starts going off every second for like 5 min straight and it's her asking where i am and I completely forgot to tell her I went home early. So RIP TO MY LOVE LIFE I'm JUST GONNA GO SIT IN A CORNER NOW 😂😂😩😩😭😭😭

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