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Camila's pov

Im at the park with Sofi and Lauren, having a good time laughing and i see someone i used to know. "Hey Lauren is that Austin over there."

"Camz why do you care if he's at the park and yes thats him." Lauren not really giving a fuck about looking in his direction.
"Why is he coming over here. Is it too late to hide from him." I ask Lauren trying to get away from Douchestin as I internally roll my eyes.
"Hey Mila can i talk to u for a minute." Douchestin asked.
"Yeah sure why though." I asked trying to be nice and sound sincere.
"Can we talk in private though it's really important."
"Whatever you have ti say to me you can say in front of Lauren I mean I'm just gonna tell her anyway."
"Okay here it goes. Mila I just wanted to know if you wanted to get dinner with me. You know because I'm irrelevant and you leaving 5h kind of not as big anymore." I see Lauren clench her jaw when he asked for a date. But then I clenched my jaw and balled my fist that my knuckles where turning white.
"First off how dare you say I'm not as big as I was when I was in 5h my second solo song with MGK went number one on billboard. And 2 I already like someone else who just so happens to 💯x better then you. And 3 I WILL NEVER GO OUT WITH YOU IN A MILLION YEARS DOUCHESTIN!" I finished saying. I look over and see Lauren with her mouth dropped open like she is amazed at what just came out of my mouth. But I can also see a little bit of jealousy in her eyes at the fact that I like someone and she doesn't know who. (oh but she does know who just not out in the open yet but she does.)
"Fine Mila but you will regret this saying no to me."
A/n: anyway so I'm at my beach house and it is currently 12:25 am and I'm in bed just writing this chapter and I was debating on whether or not for Camila to accept Austins offer on the date to be nice and get Lauren 100% jealous and then turn it into a fight then both of them realizing what they want but I decided not to. Idk maybe I'll rewrite this but anyway what did u guys think.

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