chapter 19

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Laurens POV

"Hey Ally I have a question."

"Yeah go ahead tell me your question"

"Well I was wondering the best way to ask someone to be their girlfriend. Like if someone were to ask you what would you expect so to speak."

"Well I would want flowers, a romantic date, and then said person would look at me in the eyes lovingly and ask me. Why do you ask are you planning on asking Camila to be your girlfriend, because it would be about time." I think about what Ally said and I wonder if I should do something like that with Camila and make it a little more highkey or just take her to where we went on our date and then giver her flowers. But I wanna get her a necklace or bracelet I don't know though.

"Yeah I am but I just want it to be perfect because is Camila we are talking about, and she's so perfect." I thought about what I'm gonna do so I sent a quick text to camz.

To camzi: hey I was wondering if u would like to go on a date with me this Saturday.

From camzi: yeah sure where are we going tho.

To camzi: its a surprise but I hope ull love it.

From camzi: k bby I'll see you then 💋💚💚💚💚

To camzi: I love it when u call me bby but I'll see u then baby girl.

"Alright Ally call up Normani and Dinah to help us plan this perfect date for Camila, so I can ask her to be my girlfriend finally."

Two days later

"Okay so how are we going to pull this off tomorrow is Saturday. We still need to go to the mall and buy some things for camila ."

"Dinah chill I have everything I need already I just need to go to the mall and pick out something for her." We all load up into in my car and jam out to music on our way to the mall. When bodak yellow by Cardi B came on we started singing at the top of our lungs and people lookin at us like we crazy. We eventually ended up at the mall and we went straight to the jewelry store.

" hi welcome to our store my name is Sunny how may I help you today." A woman in her mid to late twenties greeted us.

"Yeah hi I was wondering if I can see a few necklaces and matching bracelets I'm trying to pick something out to ask this girl Im dating to be my girlfriend."

"Awwwwww that's cute I remember when my girlfriend asked me to be hers. She didn't do anything romantic like buy me jewelry or take me out on a date. No nothing like that at all it was in the middle of a quicky in the back of her car. But hey I love her even though romance isn't her strong suit. Anyway back on topic sure I'll go get some I'll be right back just make yourselves comfortable." We sat on some chairs laughing at her little story.

"Hey girls after this I wanna go to Victoria secret okay?"

"Yeah sure laur I bet you want to get some sexy lingerie to wear for Camila." My face started heating up at the idea of me and camz being intimate with each other.

"Oooouuuuu laur you think your gonna get some tomorrow?"

"No Normani, god Dinah you see what you started I just want to g because I ran out of my perfumes and they are having a sale so I want to go."

"Okay I'm back so I have a few I think you might like but before i show them to you what's your price range."

" $100-$500. Because she's worth it."

"Okay so I have these.

Okay so these are your options the ones with no words on them are $144.20 total, and the ones with word on them are $99.98 total. So which one are you going to choose today

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