Chapter 9

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Lauren's pov

"I already like someone else who just so happens to 💯x better then you. And 3 I WILL NEVER GO OUT WITH YOU IN A MILLION YEARS DOUCHESTIN!" When i heard Camila say that my whole mood The changed. It went from furious to mad. Furious because Austin had the nerve to come over here and ask her out while insulting her, and mad because she didn't tell me she liked someone, we used to tell eachother things like that all the time. "Lauren what are you thinking about." Camila snapped me out of thought.
  "Nothing important right now just how you never told me you liked someone." I see her face get in a embarrassed yet confused like state she opened her mouth to say something. "Hey kaki im hungry." Sofi told Camila as she was gonna say something.

Camila's pov

I was about to tell lauren something but then sofi came and interrupted our conversation. We took her to lunch at her favorite dinner. While we were eating i kept stealing glances at Lauren and I caught her doing the same thing at times and she had a cute little blush on her face when I caught looking at me her.
A/n: any i felt like writing yesterday so I started but then homework and chores got in the way. Like what is the point of homework its pure torture especially when u miss a week of school. Idk if ppl r reading this i feel like they r getting bored with reading this so comment if u actually r reading this. Anyway i got home from vaca on Sunday and it was not fun going to the beach w a broken finger ik ur thinking its not that bad but it hurts like hell. But luckily my friend broke my finger in the 4 weeks we have between basketball and softball season so i am cleared to play in 2 weeks which im happy about but i dont like the new coach so this should be fun but hows life w u guys i hope u guys had or have a good day.

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