chapter 7

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Lauren's pov

I'm on my way to pick up Camila and Sofi. I'm nervous for some reason that i don't know why, I've hung out with Camila and Sofi all the time. So why am I so nervous to spend time with them especially Camila. I pull into the driveway that I'm so familiar with and I text Camila telling her I'm here.

To Camzi🎤🎧: Hey im outside

From Camzi🎤🎧: Okay ill get sofi

With that I went up the walkway and knocked on the door. Mrs Cabello opened the door. "Lauren honey how have you been ."

"Ive been good how about you hows Mr Cabello."

"We are good and after all these years that we've known each other how many times do i have to tell you not to call us Mr&Mrs Cabello." She said with a wide grin on her face.
"Hey Lauren, mami me and Sofi are going out with Lauren for the day." Camila came out of nowhere looking beautiful with out even trying, god she looks so pretty.
"Speaking of Sofi where is my little nugget." As I finished saying that sentence I saw a little girl sprinting at me.
"Lolo I've missed so much." She said as I picked her up for a hug and was spinning her around.
"Ive missed you too  little nugget." I said as I put her down. "So are you guys ready to go to the park and have fun." I started laughing at how much the two sisters acted alike jumping up and down saying YAY  over and over again.
A/n: so anyway after my rants I decided to do a chapter and i don't really proof read these chapters and i write them in about 5-10 min and idk im so used to typing abbreviations of words so its really annoying when i have to write out the whole word. And i normally dont use punctuations

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