Chapter 12

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Camila's pov

After Our little moment, Lauren drove us to her house for a family dinner. I mean it would be nice seeing everyone again. The car ride there was quite filled with some awkward tension between us like we didn't know what to say to each other so I just stared out the window, listening to the radio in the background.

"Laur I love this song turn it up."

"Riding down riding down

my hand on your seat the whole way round
I carry band-aids on me now
for when your soft hands meet the jagged ground."

I sang along to the song that was playing on the radio while Lauren was tapping her thumbs on the wheel.

"Wheels aren't even touching the ground.
scared to take them off but they're so worn down .
Promise I won't push you straight to the dirt.
If you promise you'll take them off first."

At that point me and Lauren were singing at the top of our lungs and I was thinking about how ironic this song was to our growing relationship. By the way I was scared to tell her how I feel about her,but this song is telling how I feel.

" I love everything you do.
when you call me fucking dumb for the stupid shit I do.
Wanna ride my bike with you.
Fully undressed, no training wheels left for you. Ill pull them off for you."

"You know Camila I think this should be our song." She said looking at me "I love Melanie Martinez the way her songs can connect with anyone at anytime in their's just so empowering."she added

"I don't know,I think our song should be one of those songs that we both know from the the moment it comes on. That has a deep meaning to us as a couple in the future." I said while smiling about having a possible future with Lauren.

"Perhaps your right." Lauren sighed and pulled into her driveway. "We're here." She said getting out of the car and running over to my side before I can open the door she opens it for me.

"Thank you Lauren." I say giving her a kiss on the cheek and I can see her blush.
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After dinner Lauren's family, the girls , Lauren and I all sat in the living room just talking. Lauren and I on one couch her dad in his recliner her mom and sister on the other couch, and Chris and the girls on the floor. It felt nice talking all together like that it makes me feel like I never left.
A/n: so I realized I haven't updated a chapter since February and since its the 2nd week in march I decided idc how tired or how crappy or how many ppl r gonna read this I'm gonna make a chapter. To be honest with y'all I had no inspiration to write this chapter. Also shoutout to sherringtons for threatening to come over to where I live and drag me to school everyday so I get an education.

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