Chapter 4

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Camila's pov

I was asleep in my bed with Sofia next to me, when my phone buzzed and I looked at and my heart started beating fast as I read the name.

FROM Lolo☺️: look Ik that when haven't talked since u left but how r u.

I started smiling at my phone she cares she actually cares about me.I thought to myself. I replied back to her text.

TO Lolo ☺️: I'm good I'm good I miss u and the girls.

FROM Lolo ☺️: what do you miss about us.

TO Lolo ☺️: what I miss about ally is how she's always happy and bringing our spirits up when we r down.

To Lolo ☺️: What I miss about Mani is her goofy ways and how she could always make me laugh.

TO Lolo ☺️: What I miss about Dinah is that she's my best friend I told her almost everything I could just rant to her about something and she'll just listen.

TO Lolo ☺️: what I miss about u is when I'm down ur there to cheer me up. When I'm cold u r there to cuddle w me. U bring the best out of me and I miss that.

Seen 7:27 pm
Lauren's pov

Omfg I'm screaming at my phone. "What the hell? Why r u screaming so loud." Mani asked me while holding her ear in pain because I hat yelled in it.
"Camz texted back and she said that she misses the way we cuddled and that I bring the best out of her." I said while blushing thinking that I make her a better person.
"You should ask her to meet up one of these days I can see you miss her and she misses you the most." Mani said while crawling out of my bed to put in saw 4.

TO camzi🎤🎧: hey I was wondering if you would like to meet up and talk to each other.

FROM camzi🎤🎧: yeah sure I would love to. Where What time And day.

TO camzi🎤🎧: Friday Starbucks on the main drag at noon.

From camzi🎤🎧: see u then.

"Omfg I just basically asked out camila I'm freaking out."I'm yelling and jumping up and down.
Camila's pov

Omfg Lauren just basically asked me out I'm dying I'm freaking out. Omfg i don't know what I'm gonna wear. Whatever I was doing woke up Sofi. "Kaki what are u doing ."

"Nothing just go back to sleep." I said trying to convince her to sleep.

"Why do you have such a big smile on your face you haven't had that smile since you left fifth harmony."

"I made plans with Lauren for Friday." I said trying to hid my smile. Sofia's eyes widened at the mention of Lauren's name my sister always loved Lauren more then the others.
A/n: 2 chapters in one day idk y I'm writing this like I'm excited bc no one reads this. Should I continue writing this?

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