Chapter 6

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Camila's pov

"look Camila the real reason I asked to hang out with you is because I missed you but I also wanted to tell you something." Was what Lauren said and I looked at her thinking what could she actually want to tell me something she used my name and not my nickname,so it must be important. "What is it laur?" Is all I could mutter out still getting my thoughts together.
"Can I come over and see sofi. I really miss the kid." I thought she was going to say something else how dumb am I she doesn't like you like that your so stupid. Is all I thought to myself.
Lauren's pov

"Can I come over and see sofi. I really miss the kid." What, what Lauren why did you say that, why did you freeze it's just Camila, this shouldn't be hard she's one of your best friends, why couldn't I just say it.

"Yeah sure I know how close you two are, and i know for a fact that she misses you too." Camila said with some hurt in her eye.

"Great I'll see you tomorrow I'll pick you two up at 11 and we'll go to the park or something." I said and we parted ways once I got back to my car I a smile on my face thinking that I get to spend time with her and sofi tomorrow.


So anyways I got really bored and wrote this it's not that great but hey. I currently have I found a girl by the vamps on repeat idk y I don't like them. I'm supposed to be studying for midterms that start on Thursday and end the 27th 2 weeks of big test fun. If your reading this I want to know why your wasting your time reading my story tell me. (That sounded so mean) but tell y did you decide to read this.

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