Chapter 10

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A/n: if you want to hear a funny story that happened to me read the A/n: at the bottom

Camila's pov

After we ate our lunch we decided to go back to my house. Lauren and I are now in my room just awkwardly looking at each other not knowing what to talk about.

"So who is this person you like?" Lauren asks i was just hoping that she would forget it or just drop the topic for the day. Deciding to be brave with a random spur of courage.

"You actually know her." I stated matter-of-factly .

"Its a girl! I never knew you liked girls." Lauren said shocked at my sudden reveal. "You said i know her, so who is she?"

"You're just gonna have to guess I'm not telling you." I said in a teasing tone .

"Can you give me a hint at least. I deserve a hint because you A) never told me you like girls, and B) never told me you like someone." She says pleading with me for a hint. While pouting with that cute little pout i cant resist.

"Fine I'll tell you." I say giving in to her pout, seeing  a smile form on her face. That smile does something to me, if only you knew your hold over me Lauren, if only you knew. "The hints I'm giving to you is, she has a beautiful smile that makes my heart beat faster, she also has beautiful brown hair, she has this laugh that makes my stomach flip every time I hear it. She has these piercing green eyes that are more like an emerald with some flecks of gold, and the way they brighten when she talks about something with passion just makes me wish she was mine." I finish describing Lauren to Lauren. I see jealousy in her eyes clearly she hasn't put two and two together yet and still thinks that its someone else not her.
Lauren's pov

When I heard Camila describe who she likes I got mad because the first person that came into my mind was Megan Fox. But then again Megan is like 30 and  I don't really know her. So then I thought Kristin Stewart. "Is it Kristin Stewart?" I asked and she just started laughing at me.

"I'll give you another hint, you know her very well. She did a song with Marian Hill, she's also in a girl group." I was still clueless who could she be talking about at this point give up and she obviously sees confusion written all over my face. " oh my god Lauren how stupid can you be it's YOU I LIKE YOU YOU'RE THE PERSON I LIKE!!" She yells at me. She gets off her bed frustrated and walks around her room, quietly pleading with me not to hate her. All my emotions rush over me I just stare at her in silence still trying to register what she just said in my brain.

"Camila I have to tell you something too." I say and she just looks up at me her eyes watery with tears threatening to fall. "Camila I like someone too." Tears falling from her eyes as she tries to wipe them away I walk over to her and hold her still making her look at me. "Camila it's..." just as I was about to say you my phone rings.
A/n: m  Who wants to hear a funny story. Anyway so I was in the car with my mom and I was blasting or nah in my earphones and it was dead silent at the red light and next thing I know is my mom slapped my arm to get my attention. Saying excuse me you flick the what on the where and I was like you can hear my music and she was like yeah you think. I was love u mom and it got mad awkward in the car after that. So that's my funny story.

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