chapter 17

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Laurens POV

When I pull up to the field I notice the Camila is asleep. " hey camz wale up we are here." I said while taking pur interlaced fingers and kissing her hand then forehead.

"Five more minutes please." She wined I sighed but gave her the 5 minutes because that gave me time to set up.

"Okay camz it's been 5 minutes." I say gently shaking her

"No it hasnt I will wake up when I say its been five minutes."

"Okay Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao i did not come here and plan this date with you for you to sleep the whole time I will drive you home." I said half angry and half joking, cause you know I got a temperament.

" okay okay I'm up I think it's actually sweet that you took the time to plan this and took the time to ask me out out of everyone else in the world." I smile a little just by the look on her face and seeing she was nothing but sincere about what she just said.

"Of course I'll choose you ive had a crush on you since I was 16 years old and now I'm turning twenty one on Tuesday. I know this is going to sound super cheesy and romantic but I'll always choose you, your always gonna be my choice." I'm starting to wonder if I should ask her the question Ive been dying to ask her. I don't know if shell say yes if shed doesn't I don't know if I can handle that rejection. I decided to hell with it and ask her yolo. "Hey camz I know this is our first date and this normally doesn't happen till like the third date but would you Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao do me the wonderful amazing very special honor of getting to call you my girlfriend?" I asked and got quieter with every word. When I didn't gwet an answer back after a couple minutes, I looked at Camila and she was frozen in shock. " you know what forget it never mind--" I was cut off " yes ,yes ,yes stupid your my only choice for a girlfriend. Wait that sounded wrong yes I'll be your girlfriend BC out of everyone id choose I would choose you anyway." After that we talked for hours and its getting pretty late so I drove back to my house and of course camz falla alseep yet again but who can blame her it was 1:47 am (it actually is rn while I'm writing this) so I carried her up to my bed and Tucked her in and gave her a goodnight kiss on her forehead and as I was getting up to go sleep in the guest room I felt a small tug on my arm. "No stay with me."

"Okay I will just let me go do my night time routine I'll be right back." She nodded an okay as I went into the en suit bathroom and washed my face and as I was brushing my teeth I smiled at my self I'm the mirror and thought About the day and how lucky i now was.


A/n: one thing I gotta ask is anyone write smut BC let's be honest I'm 14 I mean yeah I'm a very dirty minded person who talks about sex all the time but im not writing that shit down Camila was on Jimmy Fallon today and she killed the hashtag thing and slayed her performance and today was DINAH JANES 20TH BIRTHDAY (TECHNICALLY IT WAS yesterday BUT ITS 2:01 AM SO IDK)

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