Chapter 11

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Lauren's pov

I look at it and see its Normani calling. "Sorry it's Normani and she doesn't call me when I'm out with people unless its an emergency." She nods for me to answer it. "Hey mani whats up Im  with Camila."

"Lauren you need to get back here apparently came Chris home from college."

"I thought it was something important, I'm in the middle of something important."

"Yeah that's all and your mom said that there's gonna be a family dinner tonight now, because of Chris being home." With that I ended the call and turned my attention back to Camila. By the time I was done with the phone call she stopped crying.

"Anyway back to what i was saying before we got rudely interrupted." I exclaimed while she let out a small giggle. If only she knew what that giggle does to me. "Camila it's you, when I said I liked someone I was talking about you." After I said that I took Camila's face in between my hands cupping her cheeks and smashing her lips against mine and her lips were so soft and plump. After about a second she still hadn't kissed back so I started pulling away feeling rejected. But As I was pulling away she brought her hands to the back of my neck and pulled me into a soft passionate kiss that I quickly returned. At the same time we both breathed out "wow" while trying to catch our breaths. (Ca$h me outside how bout dat)

"Lauren Michelle Jauregui Morgado will you do me the honors and letting me take you out on a date at some point." She asks nervous with a blush creeping up
On her face.

"It would be my honor to accompany you on a date miss Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao." I said looking at her in the eyes for the first time since our kiss.
A/n: so first off its a double update bc I'm bored as hell at one in the morning and secondly YA GIRL IS PASSING HIGH SCHOOL AND IS PASSING ENOUGH TO PLAY SOFTBALL!!! Anyway I don't proof read this mess chapters or have any else read them b4 i publish them and if your still reading do you want me to continue this bc this is more like a pass the time thing for me and idk if its any good

Ps i dont pre write any of these chapters I make them up as I go.

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