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Lauren's pov

We were laying on my bed cuddled up "hey Camz how about that date you offered tonight." with a hopeful smile on my face.

"Sure what time should I pick you up." She asked getting off of me to look me in my face. But I grabbed her wrists and pulled her back down so her head was on my chest and her arms were wrapped around me.

"No, no need to pick me up.I'll pick you because I kind of already have a plan of what Our date is going to be."

"Okay. Hey laur what should I wear and what time should I get ready." She asked with a goofy innocent smile on her face. I lean in to her real close to her ear and whisper "you should wear nothing because I always have a second option for this date." And with that I started sucking on her ear.

"Laur, laur" she moaned out. I figured I should stop teasing her for today and pulled away from her with a smirk on my face. "You asshole!" She yelled with a completely red face.

"But in all seriousness you should wear something comfortable and I will pick you up at 7." She was going to get up off my bed but I pulled her down "stay a little longer your comfortable."
So I finally updated. Do I only got 8 more weeks of classes and 11 more weeks of school. I had my first softball game yesterday and we won 28-3 we won by mercy rule.

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