Chapter 21

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A/n: anyway Ik I'm such a shitty author and all but school started and I got rejected and my birthday all happened since the last chapter. So can't blame me for not posting rn. But since when did this shitty story get 4K reads Bc idk how the fuck that happened.

Lauren's pov

As I'm driving to Camila's house the more nervous I get. I just hope this all goes
Well, I pull up at her house and I swallow the lump in my throat. Knocking on her door my palms become sweaty.

"Hola mija karlita estaba en el dormitorio. Ella estará abajo pronto tú puedes Espere en la sala." Sinsu says to me when she answers the door.

" okay gracias no problema
siempre que esté lista estará enferma en la sala de estar le dirá que no se apresure."  While i waited for Camila I thought about what would happen if she said no, like what would happen to our friendship. Then I started thinking about how happy I would be if she says yes and before I knew it she was standing right in front me looking as perfect as ever even in pajamas.

" hey Lauren you ready to go because you spaced out for like 15 minutes."

"Yeah camz lets go." "Oh wait I forgot to tell your mom something." I go find sinsu and talk to her "¿está bien si camila se queda más que prometo que no habrá ningún negocio divertido si lo hace ... esperar que sonó mal no habrá ningún negocio divertido de cualquier manera?"

"Ella si que puede gracias por preguntar." After that I meet Camila in the car and drive her back to my house on the way there Hayley Kiyoko's girls like girls came on and Camila turned it up and started singing to it and oh my fucking god her voice is like heaven I can listen to it all day. After she sang her heart out logics 1-800-273-8255 came on (srry just been listening to that song on repeat all day) and we started singing to it, and before we knew it we were at my house.

"Okay camz put this on." I say handing her a bandanna to cover eyes.

"Lo do I have yo I've seen your house thousands of times is this necessary."

"Yes camz it's for the date now do you trust me because if you do then you will but on that bandanna and let me lead you to a pretty great date if I say so myself." I say in a serious tone an I hear a sigh of capitulation and she puts on the blindfold so I take that as my que to open the car door for her and carefully pick her up bridal style and carry her to the fort the girls made for our date. "Okay camz you can take off the blindfold now." She takes off the blindfold and her mouth drops open. "Close your mouth hun your going to catch flies or my tongue." I said with a smirk in my face.

"OH MY GOD LO YOU DID THIS ALL FOR ME?" She squealed full of excitement jumping up and down.

"Well the girls helped me but yeah all for you camzi." She jumped on me and wrapped her legs around me.(lowkey want that rn) she smiled that smile that makes me weak in the knees and make my heart melt at the sight of it.

"Oh my god lo thank you so much no one has ever done something like this for me, before I love it. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!" She yelled while hugging me. I tried really hard not to laugh at her childish act.

**skips majority of date Bc too lazy to write is and fuck love**

It's was getting late around like 10ish so I decided it was now or never (baby are you gonna love me now now now now now now now or never) "hey camz there's something I've been meaning to ask you for a while now and I think this is personally way over due and I don't know if your gonna like it. I just hope you gonna like it a—"

"Lauren what's up ur rambling that means ur nervous." I take out the necklace and bracelet. "Omg laur they are so fucking pretty did you buy them for me."

"Look Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao I've known you since you were 15, I've known that I love since I was 18. You are now 20 and I'm finally having the courage and chance to say this, camz will you be my girlfriend. Please?" She just sat there with her jaw dropped and eyes watery. She looked like a statue. After what seemed like an hour but was really five minutes. She started moving again.

"Lauren d-d-did you just say you've l-l-l-loved me s-si-since you w-w-were 18?" She asked stuttering out of shock. I thought about it for a minute.

"Huh I guess I did I just slipped out but it's true though I've loved since I was 18 and I'll love you for a thousand more."

"Laur there's something I gotta tell you... I've loved you since I was 17."

"Wait you love me too." She just nodded her head not trusting her voice at the moment. " so that means yes you'll be my girlfriend." She nodded her head furiously.

"Yes I'll be your girlfriend I love you." By now there's tears running down her face. I'm smiling like there's no tomorrow. I cup her cheek with my left hand and rest my right hand on her waist and pull her into me for a warm, loving, passionate kiss. It was slow not rushed it was a little messy because of our tears of joy streaming down our faces.

"I love you." I said once we finally broke away to catch our breath.

"I.(kiss) love.(kiss)you.(kiss)" we cuddled up for the rest of the night with her head on my chest and my arms wrapped protectively around her. We were watching the princess protection program when I noticed her breathing slowly and deeply, she fell asleep during the movie. I smiled contently as I thought about what happened today, I kissed my girlfriends head as I took a deep breath and finally let sleep take over as my eye lids grew heavy.

I feel like a shitty person Bc this was supposed to come out 2 months ago but let's just say shit happened (not just school starting) but anyway I won't have as much time to write Bc I don't feel inspired at the moment but when I had chapters coming out once a week I felt really inspired. But when I do update they will be this long or longer. Bc once I get inspired I don't stop till there's nothing left to write. Ik u prob didn't read this but it's okay

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