chapter 16

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Laurens POV

I decided to pick up flowers on my way to Camila's I got a 4 red and white roses for her, I got daffodils for sinu and of course I gotta get daisys for my little nugget. When I get to Camilas I nervously knock on the door and wait. Sinu opens the door "hola Lauren karla is upstairs getting ready, come in sweetie while you wait."

"Thank you Mrs cabello. Oh before I forget these are for you." I said handing her the daffodils. Just as she was about to say something I hear "LOLO!" and I see sofi running towards me. "Hi little nugget how are you this fine and lovely evening."

"I'm good kaki is in her room getting ready and she looks so pretty." She said jumping up and down in excitement.

"She always looks pretty though to me at least." I heard sinu say "awwwww" in the background. " my little nugget I got something for you." I said and she looked at me even more excited then before. I handed her the Daisy's and she had the biggest smile on the famous cabello smile. "Im gonna go get kaki right now." And with that she ran up the stairs into Camilla's room. I saw Alejandro walking up to me and I instantly got nervous.

" hey Lauren can I talk to you real quick before Camila comes down."

"Of course sir, I would be happy to." I say rubbing the dragonfly tattoo on the back of my neck while we walk out bout and sit on the patio.

"Now Lauren I've known you for almost five years now I know you are a nice girl that is sweet kind and caring, but I just want to know your intentions with my daughter?"

" well sir-" he cut me off " don't call me that how many times have you called me Alejandro, just because we are having this talk and you taking out my daughter means anything has to change." " okay Alejandro like I was saying I will treat your daughter with the respect love and care that she deserves I will cheer her up when she is sad I will help her overcome her insecurities, I will show her what love feels like I will try and not hurt her, but let's be real I'm human and humans make mistakes sometimes. I will be there for her whenever and if she doesn't want to go farther then just friends then I will sit with her and be in pain everyday because a life with her in it even as friends is a life better then one without her." I said and I meant every word of it. "Lauren where are you?" I heard coming from inside the house and it sounded like Camila. " I guess that's my cue until next to!me Alejandro. "

"Hey Lauren" he called for me


" she doesn't have to be home tonight she can stay at your house if it gets late."

"Okay I'll try into bring her home but thank you so much you have no idea his long I wanted to take her on a date." I walk into the house and see her standing there in her crop top sweater and jeans and my jaw drops." Wow you look...WOW." I said as I saw her start to blush. "T-th-these are for you." I said handoing her the roses stuttering god Lauren get it together.

"Aww laur you shouldn't have these are beautiful."

" not as beautiful as you though."

"Well aren't you quite the charmer tonight are you ready to go?"

"Yeah I am your dad said you didn't have a curfew tonight sop we can stay as long as you'd like." I said walking her to my dads truck and opening the door for her and helping her into the truck.

"Where are we going if we are taking your dads truck?" She asked when I got into the drivers seat and started to back out the driveway.

"Its a surprise I'm not going to tell you but I hope you like it." As I was driving I felt the need to hold Camilla's hand so I snuck my hand over to her hand that was resting on her thigh and carefully interlaced our fingers.


Okay so I know nobody is still reading this book and I'm okay with that but tmrw is my last day of school my last day as a freshman hopefully I still have regent for the next 2 weeks and I'm pissed BC there's only 3 states left in America that take regent and mine is one of them.👿👿👿 anyway so as u already know its story time. So I started to catch feelings for someone then they screwed me over so I'm kind of in the mood to cut everyone out of my life and start new. But one night I got bored and I decided I'm gonna redo my room so I knocked down a wall at one in the morn and them cleaned out my room so the only thing I have in my room still is a bed and my TV and my air conditioner. But anyway my cuz sweet sixteen is this weekend and I don't want to go ik that sounds mean but I really don't have the energy for it and it is the weekend before I have my final test and in that class I have a 58 out of 100 and I need atleast a 65 to pass for the year so but I don't have that class anymore so I'm taking half the year next year as long as I pass the test. I need to get my shit together there is literally 6 hours left of my freshman year in high school hopefully. I need to hand in work that was due like in April like deadass but what ever I can't sweat it at this point its too late.

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