Later That Day

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Logan decides to go by the Dragonfly and talk to Lorelai. He's not sure if she knows yet that Logan is in town, but figures he needs to talk to Lorelai either way if he wants everything to go according to plan. He has to make sure everything works out perfectly and the way he needs it too for Rory. He can't believe Ace still loves him after all these years. Logan is getting his Ace back after all this time. He can't wait to start his life with her all over again.

Logan pulls up to the Dragonfly and sees Lorelai's jeep already there. Good, he thinks, I can get her in on the plan to get Rory to agree to marry me this time.

Logan gets out of his car and walks up to the door to walk inside. As soon as he walks in, he sees Lorelai.

"Hey Lorelai," Logan says.

"Well if it isn't the youngest Huntzberger," Lorelai replies with a smirk. "What are you doing here, Logan?"

"Well Rory called and told me her news about the baby. I hopped on the first flight to see her and talk in person."

"Ok but that doesn't explain why you're here, at my inn."

"Well I could use a room to stay for a few days, for one. But I also need you're help with Rory."

"Sure Logan. Have you broken off your engagement yet with that stuffy French heiress?"

"That's next. I promise Lorelai. I'm not gonna risk losing your daughter again."

"Had a feeling you'd say that. What do you need?"

"Well I could use a few extra rooms. I'm gonna call the guys in. They'll be crazy if I don't let them in on this one. Than I need your help with Rory. I want to propose to her again, but I'm honestly terrified she'll say no, especially if I don't do this one right."

"Well I think including the guys is a great idea. But I think on the proposing part, it's a little early. Especially since you haven't broken up with that French heiress yet."

"I won't propose until after I break up with Odette. I just want your help with that one."

"Ok. I'll help. Get the guys here and we can plan everything from there, Logan."

"Thanks Lorelai." Logan says before he walks away to call the guys so they can get to the inn.


Logan has talked to the guys, and they will all be in town by the next morning. Time to get the guys all together with Rory again. Now to call Rory and make plans for a date for them.

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