End of the Day

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Rory and Logan finish their meal and decide to head back to the penthouse early to further celebrate their engagement with the guys. As the car pulls up to the building, Logan pulls Rory into yet another searing kiss.

"Ace, can we just go somewhere else and be alone?" Logan asks after he breaks the kiss.

"Logan, I'd love too but you know the guys will wanna celebrate this with us and my mother wants us to call her again as well. But I promise we will get plenty of time alone later. I love you."

"I love you too Ace," Logan replies as they get out of the car and head inside.

Logan and Rory head up in the elevator to the penthouse. The guys have no idea they're coming home earlier than planned, but when they walk in the guys are standing there surrounded by closed up boxes ready to be shipped back home.

"Wow guys. You got so much done! We were only gone a few hours," Logan says.

"Yea and you were supposed to be back later. Why are you guys back so early?" Robert asks.

"Well we wanted to come home and fill you guys in on something," Rory says as she lets go of Logan's hand and her ring is now visible to the guys.

Finn is the first to notice, "It's about damn time you two!!"

"It's about damn time for what, Finn?" Colin asks before he notices Rory's ring finger.

Logan answers as he holds up Rory's hand, "Well boys it's official. We're engaged!"

"Oh! Yea, it is about damn time! Congrats guys!" Robert and Colin both say at the same time.

"Thank you guys. Now we need to video chat with my mother, Logan, and tell her news as well." Rory says.

"Yes Ace. Sounds like a good idea now. Though she knew I had planned on proposing, she just didn't know when," Logan laughs.

"Of course you told my mother," Rory replies with an eye roll and a laugh.

"I just asked if she would give me her blessing ages ago. She said only if I had cancelled everything with Odette first would she give me her blessing," Logan tells her.

"Of course she did. Though knowing my mother, I'm sure mom didn't actually her name," Rory replies with a laugh.

"Yea that one's true too," Logan laughs back.

Rory is still laughing when she takes out her phone to call her mother. Lorelai answers right away.

"Hey kid. Good to see you!" Lorelai says.

"You too mom. Logan and the guys are all here as well."

"Hey Logan, guys. What's going on that made me worthy of a video call?"

"Well Lorelai, we have some news." Logan says.

"Which is?" Lorelai replies.

"Wait mom, where's Luke?"

"Right here Rory," Luke says from next to Lorelai.

"Perfect well we wanted to say hi and also tell you this," Rory starts before she holds up her hand and her mother screams.

"You're engaged!!!!" Lorelai yells. "Congrats kid!"

"Ow Lorelai. That was my ear!" Luke says then adds, "Congrats you two. That's exciting stuff there."

"Thanks mom and Luke." Rory says.

"Yes, thank you." Logan adds.

"And Luke, I have a favor to ask you," Rory says.

"Sure, what's up kiddo?" Luke says.

"I was wondering if you would be the one to give me away for the ceremony?" Rory asks.

"Oh wow. Of course, Rory, I would be honored to walk you down the aisle and give you away." Luke says, surprised.

"Thank you Luke. It means a lot," Rory says.

"Anytime Rory."

"Alright we'll let you guys go and see you soon." Rory says.

"Sounds good kid. Love you, talk to you soon." Lorelai and Luke say together.

"Love you too," she replies, then hangs up the phone.

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