Finished and Planning

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Since the twins were born, Rory has only been writing chapters for her book when she could find time. Rory finally found time after they got back from their anniversary trip. With the book finished, she's sending out manuscripts now to different publishers and planning on publishing it under her maiden name.
"Logan, guess what?" Rory asked walking downstairs to the kitchen where Logan was making them dinner.
"What's up Ace?"
"I finished the book," Rory replies with a huge smile.
"Ace that's great!"
"Thanks honey. I'm really excited. I can't believe I'm done. Now just to get it published."
"It'll get published Ace. We can always go through HPG if you want."
"I love you for supporting me Logan, but I don't want it to seem like I'm using the family name for my book."
"Well Ace we already agreed that you were gonna publish it under your maiden name, so it's okay to go through HPG if you want."
"We'll see Logan. Maybe if there isn't a publishing place interested, I'll use HPG."
"Sounds good Ace. Up to you."
"Thanks honey. So what are you making for dinner?"
"Figured I'd make lobster and steak tonight with some potatoes. Did you want to start the salad for dinner?"
"Yea. I'll start the salad."
"Thanks Ace."
"So how's work been this week?" Rory asks him as she starts their salad.
"Busy. Meetings non-stop, feel like I've missed time with you and the twins this last week though."
"Oh honey, you've been busy. It's ok."
Logan pulls her towards him and kisses her, "Still don't like missing the time with you guys."
"I know honey. We miss you too when you're not here, but I know you work hard so I don't have to work much."
"That's for sure. But you refuse to listen and insist on working even though I tell you not too," Logan says teasingly.
"I know honey. But it's how I was raised with mom and you know that."
"I know Ace. I'm just teasing. I love that mom raised you like that cause I know you'll do the same with Victoria."
"Thanks honey. Yea I do plan on raising her the same way mom raised me. I just want her to know that she doesn't have to rely on anyone to take care of her and that she can do anything she sets her mind too."
"I want that too Ace. I just want both our kids to be happy and I don't want us to raise them privileged like I was raised."
Rory kisses him and smiles, knowing she doesn't have to say anything to him about agreeing cause Logan just gets it and knows how she feels without the words of agreement. They finish cooking dinner in silence and start to eat.
"You know Logan, I was thinking about it. The twins' first birthday is coming up in a few months. Do you think we should start planning their party?"
"Probably a good idea. Did you wanna do it the weekend after their birthday?"
"Yea. I think we should. I still can't believe they're almost a year. Feel like just yesterday we were in the hospital to deliver them."
"I know Ace. It's gone so fast. Wanna throw the party here at the house?"
"Yea that sounds like a good idea too.  Pretty much sets it up than, just have to get invitations out and we're set."
"Sounds great Ace. Just let me know what else we need for the party and we can set everything up from there."
They finish dinner and clean the kitchen together before heading upstairs to their room, where Logan pulls Rory to him as he closes their door and kisses her passionately. Rory moans as he breaks the kiss. Logan gives her his signature smirk, and Rory starts to unbutton his shirt and pushes it off his shoulders.
"I love you so much Ace."
"I love you too Logan."
They finish undressing each other and crash on the bed where they make love until they climax together and than fall asleep afterwards in each other's arms.

As promised, a second update tonight before bed. It was a long day and I have to work in the morning for 7 hours. I will update again if I can while I'm at work depending on how busy we are tomorrow. I know this chapter is a lot shorter than normal, but I really wanted to get the double update published before I went to bed tonight. Thank you again for the reads and votes.

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