Labor and Delivery

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Rory and Logan get to the hospital and check in with the nurse.

"Lorelai Leigh Huntzberger, checking in. I was scheduled for a c-section for my twins in a week, but my water broke at home while we were packing the bags for the hospital."

"Ok Mrs. Huntzberger, about how far apart are your contractions?" the nurse asks her.

Logan answers for Rory, "About five minutes in between, lasting about a minute each."

"Ok. Thank you Mr. Huntzberger. Let's get you up to your room and get you checked out by the doctor, Mrs. Huntzberger."

"Please call me Rory. And thank you. That would be great actually."

The nurse escorts Logan and Rory to the delivery room where she will be until the twins are born and let's the doctor know Rory has checked in. She hands Rory a hospital gown for her to change into.

"After you're done changing, we can get you hooked up to the monitors and check to see how the babies are doing with the contractions."

"Sounds good. Thank you," Rory says as she walks into the bathroom to change.

Rory finishes getting changed, comes back out of the bathroom and lays down on the hospital bed. The nurse hooks up the monitors to check on Richard and Victoria. Once Rory is all hooked up to the monitors, the nurse pages the doctor so they can further decide the best route to deliver the babies safely.

Fifteen minutes after the page, the doctor walks in, "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Huntzberger. Are we ready to have these babies?"

"Please call us Logan and Rory. Yes Doctor. We are ready. Her water broke about twenty minutes before we got here," Logan answers, "What are our options since she was originally supposed to have a c-section next week?"

"Well we can still do the c-section if you would like. Of course, we will definitely perform the c-section if Baby A is still breached," the doctor says while checking to see how dilated Rory is, and adding, "Well Rory, you're dilated to a three, so we have time to make choices. However, from the looks of these monitors, your daughter is still breached. So we can move ahead with the c-section as soon as the operating room is available. Would you rather do that?"

"Yes please. I just want them out safe," Rory answers before adding to Logan, "Hon, you've gotta call my mom and Luke. Let them know I'm in labor and that we will be having the c-section today instead of next week."

"Of course Ace. I'll call them now, ok?"

"I'll let you make your calls and I'll be back to check on all of you soon. Going to check the schedule now for the operating room," the doctor tells them as she heads to walk out of the room.

"Thank you doctor," Rory says, "and yes dear. Thank you for that."

The doctor leaves the room and Logan starts making the calls to tell everyone that Rory is in labor.


Logan made all of the calls and the waiting room is full of everyone waiting for the news that the twins are here. Logan has come out again to give them all an update.

"Hey everyone. So the doctor just said that the operating room is now available. Rory will head in for her c-section in about fifteen minutes and twins should be out within another thirty minutes to an hour after that. I'll be back out when they're here," Logan says.

"Can't wait to see their sweet little faces in person," Lorelai says.

"I know Lor, they'll be here soon," Luke tells her.

"Well I better get back in there. Sure my wife needs me at this point. See you all after I become a father officially," Logan says with a smile.


Rory's c-section went great and the twins are officially here. Victoria has the eyes of her mother and grandmother, already looking like a Gilmore girl. Richard is the perfect combination of his parents. With Rory in recovery now, Logan has brought everyone to the hospital's nursery so they can all see the twins.

"Oh Logan, they're beautiful," Honor says.

"Yes, they are just perfect. How's my daughter doing in there now?" Lorelai says.

"She's good. The doctor told me after it was done that she was great," Logan answers.

"Great. So how much did each weigh and how long were they?"

"Well Victoria is 19" long and weighs 7 lbs 8 oz. Richard is 20" and weighs 7 lbs 10 oz."

"Big babies for being born at 37 weeks."

"That's what the doctor said too. But she said they are very healthy."

"That's great. Can't wait to hold them and love on my sweet little grandchildren," Lorelai says.

"I know. Just wanna be sure Rory gets to feed them before everyone holds them though."

"Of course. Go check on her and let us know when she's up for visitors," Lorelai says as she hugs Logan, then shoos him off back to Rory.

When Logan gets back to the room, Rory is awake and the nurse has brought the twins to her so she can get used to breastfeeding both of them. She's trying to breastfeed one on each side and the nurse is helping Rory get Richard latched as Victoria is already proving that she really is related to those Gilmore girls she will call mommy and grandma.

"Hey there Ace. How are you feeling? Your mom wants me to let her and Luke know when you're up for visitors by the way."

"Little bit of pain but otherwise I'm fine Master and Commander. Just maybe hold off on visitors until tomorrow."

"Ok. I'll let her know. And you did amazing by the way Ace," Logan says as he watches her take to motherhood so perfectly just an hour after the birth of their twins.

"Thank you dear. I'm so happy that they are finally here."

Rory finishes feeding Victoria and Richard, so Logan puts them back in their little beds one at a time then goes back to Rory and kisses her.

"I love you Ace."

"As I love you Logan."

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